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Can life chapters happen like fractals?

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By that I mean having the four phases within each phases.

I have observed that in my own life. I consider myself to be in the second phase where I know what I want and I am excited to work at it a lot to build momentum and get the ball rolling. It's been about 6 months since I entered the phase I think but what happened in that time period is that first I discovered where I wanted to go and then I started to engage in my Mastery as I saw that building my skills was just the most logical step forward.(1st and 2nd phase) I did enjoy practicing all my semester and I built a strong practice routine that enabled me to work consistently and not ask myself to many questions about it.(3rd phase) Eventually I got to a point where I couldn't keep up physically. I developed tendinitis in both arms an so now I am at the end phase of this cycle.(4th phase)

I still consider that all of that is within the second phase because my vision and my motivation hasn't changed. I still feel the momentum building towards it but I need time to heal and a new way of approaching things.

I recognize that it's still just concepts but I think it's useful to view this whole model of chapters in the way because it makes for more realistic exceptions. It connects with the idea that progress is not linear but a constant correction of trajectory.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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Yes, life is like a fractal.
You are a present state of an autopoietic, i.e. a self-preserving energetic structure that identifies itself as a "human being".

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