
You are....

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Not my words.... Although I guess it depends on who you ask :P


You are everything including the appearance of the void...but you are not the void...what you are is indescribable and never a thing and even the void is a thing.  But that is how limitless you are that you even appear as the void. The mind needs some way of defining YOU and the only concept it can behold is the idea of a void where everything appears...but even the void is an appearance.

So, there is the awareness of absence which thought calls a void...but that is impossible as you are appearing as the void...therefore you can never be absent.
So the void is like any other appearance but thought says there is no thing there because there are no other appearances… but the void is the appearance which thought also labels as deep sleep or lack of consciousness/awareness.

The realisation that the void is just another appearance in/as THIS hit me like a ton of bricks. I am never empty as I am the appearance of everything! There is no dark empty void!  There is no thing I am not and yet I am none of those things...including the thing called a void. I am contained by nothing and no descriptions can contain me. 

See there is nowhere to return to or go. There is nothing to become. And no matter what you appear as, you always know yourself. What can I return to, when I am it all! Where can I go? Even to have that thought is now ludicrous.  So to fear death is just as ludicrous. To be concerned at what you appear as is the joke of a lifetime.

What would "everything" be one with when it is the appearance of every thing! You can't be one with yourself, there has never been anything but you, no matter if you appear as a billion separate things!

You're not an appearance - seeing as you are all that is. What would you appear in, what would you appear to, and what would you be an appearance of?  Consciousness is also a concept, as is awareness. I simply AM.

~ source unknown

Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@seeking_brilliance woah

that was amazing

the void itself being an appearance

at the same time it is very simple as zero and 1 as well.

what is "the void" but a concept an appearance after all


very simply, the absolute is the totality. it is the 0 and the 1. 

1 being manifest and 0 being un-manifest. together as ONE ABSOLUTE.


granted the realization you posted above is still deep. i felt that too when reading it :)

it's like, what the absolute is (what we/I are/am) is the ABSOLUTE ROCK BOTTOM to everything. 

Love Is The Answer

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@Nahm @Serotoninluv @SoonHei  Sorry guys.... this was a beautiful message, but I after I posted it I was asked not to share it because the person that I got it from can't remember the source..... please remove. Hope ya'll still got something out of it though

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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Tell me you grew a second limb or something :$

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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18 minutes ago, Hellspeed said:


Tell me you grew a second limb or something :$

How about a tulpa

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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2 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Nahm @Serotoninluv @SoonHei  Sorry guys.... this was a beautiful message, but I after I posted it I was asked not to share it because the person that I got it from can't remember the source..... please remove. Hope ya'll still got something out of it though

There is a “hide” option users can use.

It’s a beautiful expression of some wokeness. Is it possible to state “source unknown” and let it ride?

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@Serotoninluv haha I guess I'll take my chances...  It already has unknown at the bottom but I'll do what you said...  Surely  someone who has had such a realization wouldn't care about being cited right lol

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@seeking_brilliance can you please clarify

1.Are you equating void to deep sleep ?

2.If void is just an appearance and is experienced then something knowing that void is prior to that.This is clear.But how come awareness or conciousness is a concept ?

Please explain.Thanks.


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5 minutes ago, Jkris said:

@seeking_brilliance can you please clarify

1.Are you equating void to deep sleep ?

2.If void is just an appearance and is experienced then something knowing that void is prior to that.This is clear.But how come awareness or conciousness is a concept ?

Please explain.Thanks.


Hi, sorry I didn't write this. I will update the post to make that clearer. 

But here's my answers:

1.  Not really sure about this one

2. Awareness and consciousness is a concept because these are just labels by thought to try and understand THIS.  

Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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5 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

No. Awareness/Consciousness is prior to concepts and labels. It is the substratum. It is what gives life and existence to concepts, labels, and everything else.

Awareness/Consciousness remains without concepts and labels. But concepts and labels 

I don't know what THIS is ?

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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 Pointing to the pointless using a concept is unavoidable....




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23 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

"THIS" is Awareness/Consciousness. You just switched its name to "THIS", for whatever reason.

?‍♂️ I feel what you are saying but I've decided that I won't claim to know. I like using THIS because it still has an inquisitive tone to it, whereas calling it awareness /Consciousness seems too definitive. Same with calling it a dream, or illusion, or a simulation. Whatever... Those words can be used to describe THIS, but even the word THIS is a misnomer, as there is no-thing to be this or that. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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1 hour ago, seeking_brilliance said:

whereas calling it awareness /Consciousness seems too definitive.

Are you aware and conscious? 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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44 minutes ago, Anna1 said:
44 minutes ago, Anna1 said:

Are you aware and conscious? 


I'm whatever THIS is... aware and conscious seem to be a good way to describe it

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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On 5/25/2019 at 1:22 AM, seeking_brilliance said:

@Nahm @Serotoninluv @SoonHei  Sorry guys.... this was a beautiful message, but I after I posted it I was asked not to share it because the person that I got it from can't remember the source..... please remove. Hope ya'll still got something out of it though

What sort of sick joke is this?

The author destroys everything including the void, and now he/she is concerned with some sharing protocol? Lol

Btw any idea about Consciousness/Awareness is automatically false and limited. Strictly speaking, for the sake of political correctness,  The Absolute is NOT Consciousness/Awareness. These labels inevitably breed more dogma and a false impression like there is some actual 'thing' called consciousness floating somewhere which can be found through some elaborate, mystical wild goose chase.

The 'Absolute' is undefinable. Anything said about it, is not it. Then whats the point of Consciousness/awareness? They are just fairly direct, accurate and skillful teaching pointers and provide a context to talk about that which cant be talked about.

How do you do the impossible job of trying to talk about that which cant be talked about? By skillful pointers which almost come as close as to the real deal.

Thats why the infallible scriptures skillfully proclaim that the Absolute/Reality is of the 'nature' of Consciousness. It's sort of like trying to talk about a mystical, absolute, unknown honey by skillfully juxtaposing it with something known like sugar; because they kinda share the same quality of sweetness. But that doesn't necessarily imply that the mystical honey IS sugar.

That would be the fallacy of reducing the absolute honey to a mere concept of sugar

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Preetom haha like I said later, they probably aren't too concerned about being cited.   Just didn't want to upset the one who couldn't remember the author so they said it was probably best not to share it. It's all good though

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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On 5/25/2019 at 2:30 AM, Hellspeed said:


Tell me you grew a second limb or something :$

You and your deluded fantasies.

I guess it was wabbits  like you who came up with those countless hindu gods with multiple limbs and heads or whatever 

Mawr limbs=Mawr power ?

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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