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Crazy "sober" Hallucination/Dream before waking Up. Not sure what it was.

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Yesterday´s night I woke up at 2.00am after having some kind of strange experience (in the "dream state" or wherever I was) which lasted about 5 seconds.

This experience was similar to sometimes "hipnogonic hallucinations" which commonly include a "ringing sound"  for some seconds which sometimes I had experience (I have experienced them maybe 4,5 times, they are quite common).

Well, I don´t give much importance to it, apparently its something similar to sleep paralysis and so on. Can be uncomfortable, can be weird, but during the time it passes one has a sense of "I".

But yesterday it was different. I remember during the first second or two I became consciouss of being the "Observer" and there wasn´t anything else there. There was fear but since it wasn´t anything more than that, I had to let go of fighting what was happening. What preceeded was an incrementing shining light (im not kidding) and then for some seconds just pure emptyness of being. When I woke up I felt like I had been somewhere else.

I wanted to know if this could be related with Spiritual Development, since I have been doing important progress lately, or it could just be another sleep disorder/hallucination to not give much importance to. 

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This is definitely related to spiritual work and I wouldn't give much importance to it. 

It could only be more effective if you were more aware of Your awareness.

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@Javfly33 absolutely it could be.  And give it the utmost importance and stay conscious that it was Actual.   Because your ego will attempt to hand wave it off as falsehood.

Even the slightest of glimpses are massive gains in this work.

Even non-glimpses are but that's hard to be conscious of from your vantage point.  Just doing the work to begin with is a massive gain.

So Continue to do your meditation and spiritual work.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I mean fear. Really contamplate it, feel it, look at it, work on it, tame it. Then You'll see effects.

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