
Stop The Battle

10 posts in this topic

against the "ego", which seems to become a kind of winged word here in the community, in order to express a bad part of ourself that we have to get rid of..

Maybe I've misunderstood a lot of posts ?

I think it's easy to fall in this trap because, after remarking that we aren't the victim of other people (which are no enemy, but a kind of mirror) there's a sort of lack what needs to be filled and so the same patter arises and one becomes a victim of his ego instead of the others, the economy or what ever..

So the ego is no enemy either, it's just a part of everyone what needs to be used in a right way.. that's all.. It's like a tool.. and it can be a real good tool if one use it in an effective way. Who would begin a fight against a hammer?

But it's good to get aware of the fact that there is something above the "normal" half sleepy, half automatic state, but the ego isn't guilty. We have to nourish our consciousness with awareness instead of trying to fight what ever..

.. I just needed to write it.. Don't know really why..






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19 hours ago, MartineF said:

So the ego is no enemy either, it's just a part of everyone what needs to be used in a right way.. that's all.. It's like a tool.. and it can be a real good tool if one use it in an effective way. Who would begin a fight against a hammer?

@MartineF I tend to see it this way. Maybe you'll agree:

If all you know is fighting, then the only tool you have is fighting. So paradoxically, you have to fight your way out of fighting. You have to use fighting against itself.

Or maybe the paradox is unsolvable. I don't know. At least it seems like some fights against my ego where really worthwhile and really helped me in becoming less of a fighter overall.

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@MartineF Thank you.. maybe I'll let the thoughts express themselves ... but than I realize I'm not the thoughts than I go blank but I'm feeling a lot of resistance not thinking? it feels fucking weird.. maybe do nothing would work

I just realized I'm really fucking disoriented =(

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@Philip A good part of my life I've been trying to control my thoughts because "I" didn't want to think about filthy things.. but.. I'm not my thoughts .. a thought is a thought and I'm not any of my thoughts.. "I" am that nothingness .. but "I" still get paranoid off filthy thoughts.. like ... uhh.. having an attraction towards my mother in laws personality... shhhh.. lmao

And I get paranoid like my wife knows wtf I'm doing... I'm not out of the woods yet.. I like fucking.. got one foot in the door and the other back in the "I" state ... I'm going to attempt to let my thoughts flow and see wtf happens.


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2 hours ago, Philip said:


If all you know is fighting, then the only tool you have is fighting

if it's the only tool you have you can't use another one.. It's logical, I can understand i, even if I think it's a little sad..

2 hours ago, Philip said:

So paradoxically, you have to fight your way out of fighting. You have to use fighting against itself.

Perhaps I underwent the process too, allthough I didn't really realized it..? You mean something like an inner "cold war" that leads you possibly to the insight that it makes no sense, so you can finally drop it?



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You're welcome :)

2 hours ago, DizIzMikey said:

I just realized I'm really fucking disoriented =(

Maybe this is much much better as "to know", if you can relaxe, it opens lots of new opportunities, doens't it?

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@MartineF Fighting the ego is an impossible job.

Attention to the spiritual work, the good, the true and the beautiful, human values, serving others, loving others. The life will improve and become joyful. The ego will slowly dissolve. Do not fight it, you`ll fight an illusion.

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On 4/25/2016 at 4:48 AM, MartineF said:

against the "ego", which seems to become a kind of winged word here in the community, in order to express a bad part of ourself that we have to get rid of..

Maybe I've misunderstood a lot of posts ?

I think it's easy to fall in this trap because, after remarking that we aren't the victim of other people (which are no enemy, but a kind of mirror) there's a sort of lack what needs to be filled and so the same patter arises and one becomes a victim of his ego instead of the others, the economy or what ever..

So the ego is no enemy either, it's just a part of everyone what needs to be used in a right way.. that's all.. It's like a tool.. and it can be a real good tool if one use it in an effective way. Who would begin a fight against a hammer?

But it's good to get aware of the fact that there is something above the "normal" half sleepy, half automatic state, but the ego isn't guilty. We have to nourish our consciousness with awareness instead of trying to fight what ever..

.. I just needed to write it.. Don't know really why..






it isnt the ego that is the issue, its the fictitious identity, that your consciousness has become lost in, it may begin to awaken to that at some point and if the awakening continues it will bring some change to the way the identity functions.

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@Henri lolol right? .. but if I don't make myself aware that I'm in an illusion of the "self" "I" ... I get lost in it.. like... I say in my head  Individual thoughts .... than .... to know that each thought stands by itself... but  .. It's like going back and forth from realizing I don't exist to THINKING I exist.. suggestions?

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26 minutes ago, DizIzMikey said:

@Henri lolol right? .. but if I don't make myself aware that I'm in an illusion of the "self" "I" ... I get lost in it.. like... I say in my head  Individual thoughts .... than .... to know that each thought stands by itself... but  .. It's like going back and forth from realizing I don't exist to THINKING I exist.. suggestions?

Why would you think you don't exist?

The source of your existence may be non-existencial, but telling yourself, when you look at your hand, that there is no existence or that you yourself do not exist... well... 

Can you simultaneously know that what you actually are is something that you can't grasp at this very moment and at the same moment enjoy your existence and your creation?

You won't make it by self-denial. Learn who YOU ARE and what you are capable of and while you are doing it, learn to discern that which you are not.

You have a unique field of experience. This is your existence. That's what you're looking at in your own unique way. When you read it (this post), I am part of your existence. You exist as part of my experiencial field, too.  

The more you learn about your experiencial field, what you do with it, which identities you use to move it, the more you will recognise that who you are is actually beyond this field, operating this field and choosing what to express or create and how to react to experiences. 

You can of course listen to others who are bullshitting themselves that they do not exist. It's your experience. But if you really wanna make it, embrace your creation. Follow your dreams and visions. Love. Improve your vibration.

The time will come where you recognise and peel away all of that which you are not. But it will not work if you deny and don't own your life and existence.

Kind regards, 


Edited by Isle of View

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