"Leo, but what if you're deluded?"

Truth Addict
By Truth Addict in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
I'm really disappointed after watching "What Is The Point Of Life?" episode. I didn't really expect to find real tangible answers in there, but unfortunately, it felt pretty much like stage Blue brainwashing. Usually the objections part is the most interesting to me, this time it was just a waste of my time. You know what, Leo? If I wanted a belief system, I would have found one already or had created one on my own. How do you expect me to take your teachings when you're the one who taught me how to detect beliefs? You're talking about the point of the whole fucking life, and then when you fail to prove that what you suggest is true, you just say: "well, what's your alternative?" Really?!! Is that how it works? Really?!! "So, the way you can test whether what I'm saying is deluded is: try it for yourself, live your life as a creator, as though you were God, and see if that doesn't improve your life dramatically". What about the truth, Leo? What about the truth? Since when "improving" our lives has become THE criterion for Truth? Are you aware that this explanation is just your beliefs and that you're projecting them onto everyone else? Because if you're not, then I'll be even more disappointed. At least the original founders of religions were honest that their teachings are merely beliefs. Do you really believe that you're above beliefs? Or are you playing tricks on us? This direction Leo is heading with his content is not Turquoise, but rather a regression to Blue, at least from my point of view. Not that Blue is bad or anything, but that Leo is projecting and is not being honest with us/himself. If you want Blue Leo, go ahead, I support you. Just be honest with me. Turquoise is not about manipulating beliefs and/or tricking others into believing them, but rather about being honest about what is, which is that these teachings are merely Leo's beliefs, not the truth. If you think it's Turquoise, then here's my answer in advance: Osho failed to build a real life Turquoise community, and you think you can build an online one? I fail to see how you're going to guarantee that even 1% of your followers will ever get there. So, just to conclude and clearly state my objections: Leo telling us to verify what he says does not justify him considering it The one true absolute perspective. He's either not aware, or lying to us. And I don't like both options. My alternative is to honestly admit that we don't know, and that all we can do is guessing and believing. I'm not saying beliefs are bad or wrong or anything like that, I myself am a believer, the problem though comes when we're not honest about that, and then try to cover our beliefs up with statements like: "God told me". ..... I'm done here. This thread might seem like a rant, but it's merely an expression of my disappointment, and it's my honest opinion. I still love Leo and his videos, I just don't want Actualized.org to go in that direction, because we already have plenty of Blue. Sure, it's leo's work and organisation, but also this is my feedback. I want more Yellow; more nuanced, more thoughtful content. And I don't think it's possible to build a Turquoise community through the internet, at least not right now. I'd also like to hear other opinions, because I don't want to be missing something and just blindly criticising. ..... Either all that, or everything I said is wrong and I am deluded and I don't know.
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