
Let's be real, Leo Gura has no clue... or does He?

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As much as we appreciate good vibes, good source knowledge, Leo is just building and praising Ego, and he is making you noobs think he got something in his meditations.

Is not to blame the cover, nor the individual, not even the good knowledge and insights Leo is selling.

∆∆∆∆The real problem is deep, are the real teaching beyond ego, beyond astral plain, beyond tripping, beyond awareness and knowledge.∆∆∆∆

As a phylosopher Leo says something, but maybe he is struggeling with energy. Being in the focus is very difficult, is more difficult than you noobs out there think. All that dormant energy, relying on a human being can destroy one in the process if he\she is not awakened.

So, we like to brag in this forum, we like to be humble, we like to be critics and lovers of the infinite when is convenient and we have a good day. Or we simply get angry when true insights are called lies or vice versa.

Learn from Leo people, not necesarilly the cover, nor insights.



Namaste Leo Gura and all the acolytes around. 9_9


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@Joseph Maynor Just like it says in Ecclesiastes, there is a time for everything too. I feel that there is a need for big picture thinking right now. When you go from being a self to being a whole your thinking naturally becomes very big picture, in an all encompassing love sort of way. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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23 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I feel like Leo is white-knuckle clinging to his own big-picture metaphysical beliefs about truth and reality.  There are pros and cons to this.  There are pros and cons to everything.  I never see Leo's beliefs change either.  So, I think Leo is clinging to belief in a way where he's creating this cathedral of beliefs not unlike the Egyptians building one of the great pyramids, one brick at a time.  So, Leo needs this cathedral of beliefs.  He doesn't want to destroy this beautiful cathedral of beliefs that he's building.  Something about this cathedral of unchanging beliefs gives Leo great comfort.  Instead of letting his beliefs go, Leo is hammering them in deeper and building on them not unlike one builds a beautiful cathedral over time.  And the cathedral is designed to be there forever too -- forever unchanging.  There are pros and cons to this though because now you gotta protect and maintain this cathedral of beliefs in order to not lose your heart and your mind.  It keeps you stuck at Stage Coral basically.  You'll top out at Stage Coral with this clinging to metaphysics and to truth.

Many truths you saying here. 

But let's be real i've been there too, some years ago. It is a very blocked Akasha, meaning throat goes into the bee hive, plexus. And one cannot escape this only the Samson way, braking the Lion jawe with the left side of the heart.

The beehive createe a finite loop btw the head, plexus and the right side of the body. Here is where ancient Yoga will help only. The new consumerism yoga is built on the ego, the right side, the light, the nervious system, but lacks the instinct, wich is forced to align with a cancer head.

Being the reason i pointed out in this forum, that if one does not know how to sing from all the chakras, has no clue what so ever what is talking about. Because singing can be little trained, is something we discover with awakening.

So yeah, this matter is complex and without muscles at first.


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But true Masters will go the wrong way and learn from own mistakes, come back and expose that to oneself and those around


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26 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Yeah, I agree.  The Path is long.

Sometimes, "The longest way around is the surest way home." :x


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Joseph Maynor He's building something together along with us. What part of what he is building exactly do you feel needs to be taken apart and put back together? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Joseph Maynor I know, I was right with you when I first came here. 

What is more important is the feeling of disconnect, rather than the reasons for it. Our own path is really unique so sometimes we feel less than when he describes his own. For example i haven't done many hard core techniques or experimented with any psychedelics. So when I first came here, I felt judged and estranged because of that. He isn't wrong, he is talking about his individual path and we all fall into making assumptions and traps of judgement when it comes to our own path. Our own path is part of our ego until it becomes OUR path.

The problem lies in your focus upon the differences, not the similarities. As he said, go back to the video time and again. Watch his eyes, watch his face. Don't think about what he is saying. Is he telling the truth? I know what I'm suggesting sounds like brainwashing, but it's a type of meditation to tap into a connection and understanding with someone. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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I could write my mind theory about reality. 

Leo is a contextual talker for all I see. You cannot read him in words really. Could be true that he believe in a solid méta belief. But this cannot be understand without an experience in the bones for yourself

We can only project that he has a metaphysical story behind him.

His words can guide at great values. You all need to stop to believe word all that pragmaticaly.

From my point of view. Words are mostly meaningless. And all posts needs a tons of context/story to upload a very real concept in your mind.

Don't study his words if you want to know. 

It could aswell be litteraly true. Who knows

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Youre using Leos forum to talk shit about Leo. Lol

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1 hour ago, Hellspeed said:

you noobs

1 hour ago, Hellspeed said:

we like to brag in this forum

yes, we do! xD

i don't understand what you're saying. maybe it's because i'm a dormant noob xD

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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2 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I feel like Leo is white-knuckle clinging to his own big-picture metaphysical beliefs about truth and reality.

Do you have different ideas about god?

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59 minutes ago, Shiva said:

If you feel offended by Leo's direct ways, it doesn't mean that Leo's got an ego problem. It means that you do.

He warned us didn't he? If you don't start doing the practises, you will get left behind and what he's saying will sound crazy and absurd to you, that's what he said a while ago, anticipating reactions like this.

I don't feel ofended. 

I feel the mummies, so i pointed it out, nothing wrong with it. In apparent conflict will reach a true conclusion. Otherwise praising any noob who meditates will bring this forum and society in general to death. 

Better say what it is, even if we offend. We will sort it out in the long run, and the truth will always prevail. But the truth cannot succeed in the first shot, this is how it is.

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no clue about what? everything? nothing? you can‘t say that! do you have a clue about it? 

it doesn’t mean he has a clue about everything that’s yet to come, as it does not exist yet. would you have any clue without him? ingratitude is not very enlightened - people here tend to integrate the good stuff and critique about the shadow sides, while not getting their ass to start progressing on their own. a lot of people here focus more on others than on themselves, me included. it’s so easy to fingerpoint towards the own black hole.

bitching and moaning about the food after it’s eaten.


the thing is learning to cook is completely different to just eating what’s on the plate.

Edited by now is forever

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12 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Leo the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.  It's funny in the tone to which people come to Leo's defense around here.  It's so predictable.  I wish people would deify me too.  This is exactly how cults form, followers form underneath the leader.  Is it the leader manipulating the followers or the followers manipulating the leader?  Who needs who more?  Leo is just another dude.

yeah and it’s exactly this argument that gives you the right to shit on a plate. just make a life performance of it.

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Oh yes, @Joseph Maynor  said it.

I prefer to offend people and not be followed by the flock, only by those who are not getting offended 9_9

Edited by Hellspeed

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At last count I think there are 3 similar threads about Leo all near the top of the list in terms of activity.

He will just make an appearance soon and say "it's not about me". I think he would be right. This is about us. Not him. These are all our issues to bear and work through.

What difference does it make about his intentions and beliefs. He is making suggestions. He is inviting people to believe his beliefs. An invitation, that's all it is.

He is the result of his own programme and his own mind. Just one human among 7 billion. 




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It's inevitable in some way that with so many sources and people practicing different techniques and having different world views and value structures, that they are going to clash in some way. I find it amazing that there is a place where people can exchange these aspects, while not burning down the whole place. 

This is what a positive discussion is good for. 

It's already quite cult free since people can't meet up in real life and many people tend to build their own "philosophy" about their spirituality, with so many approaches presented.

Yet, this is what I find this place good for, that different viewpoint and techniques can be discussed also to see how different people use them and see what they achieve, or what effects they have. Also, the metaphysical aspects and the general no bullshit approach and how everything connects back to some source. 

When reading different maps and post from forum members, and the forum not being based on likes anymore. I find it personally a bit easier to distinguish between people who legit make progress and others who are just talking crap. 

That Leo mentions that people "should" follow their own path and craft their unique own path and to not blindly follow his advice, already seems to provoke more skeptical people to be more skeptic about Leo's and their own approach and criticize it while others seem to ride on the vibe. This alone solely prevents dogma since you have contrast, especially people with a larger knowledge base and people practicing different approaches. 

I've been quite good to call out bs, so mostly I observe.... which does not mean I am very far advanced on any path talked about here and in general PD. 

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@Joseph Maynor It's inevitable when language is used in a religious way that certain people are attracted to it. Who are more blue for instance. Also, being neutral or relative all the time is for me an absolutist thing, or way or thinking.

Seeing Leo's earlier videos and being a lurker it felt heavily orange or secular. 

Now it feels greener with people choosing their "enlightened" one besides Leo to reference to and give credit to and seek advice. People being about love and sending hearts etc.

I don't think there is anything apprehensive about the forum with so many active moods and Leo being active.

For me, it feels more like an upgrade that the forum is not so strongly based on likes etc. Since people have to actually read the post and take the time to figure out which advice is legit. Sure, this is also a disadvantage that there is no immediate reinforcement or feedback to post and having feedback from likes to see if the advice or post provided value, is legit or people like it. (Like StackOverflow or Quora etc.) 

So, it is more for the forum participation itself and the content shared. I mean people from all over the world chime in, it is clear that at one point some cult-like behavior is going to erupt. When the teaching changes. Yet, for me, it shows more a misunderstanding of how people can't perceive of how interconnected all of this is then, cult-like behavior. 


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