
Becoming a doctor. (or not)

11 posts in this topic

Since 2 years, I have the drive to become a doctor. my motivation is coming from the fact that I see myself enjoying the work of a doctor, more than of any 

other profession I can currently think of. Also the fact that I will feel important because I realised 'big things' in the eye of society. In this journey, I realised that having a certain goal in order to complete that emptiness of not feeling important is not an authentic motivation. Is the first one a good motivation? I don't know. I dont think it's my life purpose tho. But I'm 18, and need to make a choice. Going to college or go work. Sitting at home waiting till I magically find my life purpose isn't an option for me. 

What else could be my life purpose? I like to have fun. to be social. to pick up girls. I have an interest in subcommunication, and how it relates to how you are being preceived. Public-speaking sounds really fun. 

or playing music instruments. I like to create. 

I would want to buy the course. But don't have any money, and currently not in a position to be able to get a job.

anyone got a good perspective on my situation?

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I am in the same situation as you except for the fact that I am 15 years old.

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3 hours ago, Yahya said:

I am in the same situation as you except for the fact that I am 15 years old.

On 25/05/2019 at 0:12 PM, Yahya said:


I don't have money for life purpose course because I am a student at grade 7. Can anyone over here please help me to purchase the life purpose course. I really need serious help.

Please don't be dishonest here.

On 22/05/2019 at 7:06 AM, JonasVE12 said:

Since 2 years, I have the drive to become a doctor. my motivation is coming from the fact that I see myself enjoying the work of a doctor, more than of any other profession I can currently think of.

My best advice would be to get in touch of what the reality of being a doctor is like. Talk to doctors or students studying to be a doctor about what the reality of it is like. If you have to make a decision right now, you can choose to go to college for a semester to see if it resonates with you. I'm not sure how it is in Belgium, but here in Australia you can choose to drop out in the first 4 weeks without any financial cost or penalty. Just make sure you utilise those 4 weeks wisely and really pick the brains of your lecturers and tutors.

Best of luck with your decision

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^ what this guy said

Adjust your perspective that your life purpose is going to hit you like a truck, it is a process. 




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17 hours ago, Shiva said:

You don't have to have it all figured out at 18. The best way to find your purpose at your age is to just try stuff out.

@JonasVE12 You should try working alongside the kind of doctors you want to become in order to really decide whether becoming such a doctor is a good life purpose. Ask yourself, "Would you enjoy living as such a doctor?" while you are working with them.

Just working as an errand boy for doctors for a few months could give a lot of insights into your life purpose.

Edited by CreamCat

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Your career goals will probably change 5 more times by the time you graduate and get to college, if you are genuinely exploring all of the options that are available to you. If you are just trying to be a doctor because Mommy and Daddy expect that of you, and you think that society won't respect you if you don't become one, you will probably succeed if you're able. However, you might hate your work and find yourself buried in six figures worth of debt, no free time, and very high stress levels with no way to pursue another career, but at least you have respect... Right?

I have some eastern Asian and Indian colleagues who were under this kind of pressure growing up. Bottom line: Do what YOU want to do because you think it will be fulfilling and provide you with a lifestyle that you want. End of story.

Edited by ZZZZ

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agreed with zzzz. 

i am a medical student in canada. i will be graduating next year. 

when i applied to medical school, i definitely had similar intentions of "accomplishing big things" in society, the desire to get that status and power as a doctor. but also the desire to help people and treat diseases. i dont think thats a bad reason. in fact it motivated me so much that i worked really hard and got what i want. now 4 years later, i realized that having that title of a doctor doesnt make me happy forever. i was over the moon, proud, happy, even arrogant for being in medical school for so many years, but eventually that feeling wore off and i am back at the beginning: is this my life purpose? is this the career i really wanted? i started to consider factors that i never thought of before.. 

so my advice to you for now is to keep that door open. meaning: try to do well in school, so that you have the grades to get in medical school if that ends up being what you want. meanwhile outside of school, try to shadow doctors, do volunteers works in hospitals, get some experience in healthcare settings, get involved in research, so that you can have a bit of an idea whether this is what you imagined it to be or not at all. just explore the profession, email people, get in contact with people, and you will get a lot real life experiences that will be helpful in making up your mind. 

the most important thing for sure is then to explore and get to know YOURSELF. why do you want to become a doctor? what is your life purpose? what do you want to do? of course those questions cant be answered overnight which is why while you look for the answer, you gotta play society's game and make sure you do well academically to have that doctor route as a possibility. 

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I think you may find reading "so good they can't ignore you" helpful :)

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Go to collage I was in the same situation, I  went to college to become electrical engineer, I dont really enjoyed it but right now iam exposed to many more opportunities and meanwhile i have found my life purpose. Go to college

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