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Friends get angry when i show them SDI because

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@hariseldon74 Our personalities and career choices change with time as we grow. :x I'm experiencing some growing pains with that as I adjust right now too. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Leo Gura tell those people the "how to transcend blue/orange" that you have said at the end of the videos, can be helpful to open them a little bit (When doing it softly and not pushy)? And thank you for the in depth answer.

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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@ValiantSalvatore what does it mean "to process unfold"? The new book will tell me how to help people move up the spiral?

I read only the introducation (the only pages which available in the internet) and it doesnt look very convincing. It seems the book only reffers the macro (organizations, states and etc) but i want more knowledge about how to make people move up the spiral by one-on-one conversations and things i can say to them to make them want the next stage.

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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@Nivsch It will not be easy to convince people if they are not open, because they are not in an open state, but in an arrested or closed state. Meaning they are not capeable of changing because of living conditions or adjusting to their conditions and, not being open for a big change in their vantage point, viewpoint etc. 

Because they are not willing to be open and to have their belives challenged. 

It would be smart to find people who are already open instead of convincing a couple of friends. 

What I meant is that in the new book don beck mentions a couple of people and organizations and what they did in israel to use spiral dynamics to change people there. Also, showing a map where the various vMemes (color codes exist) from red to green. 


So, you cold potentially join a organization and search for a specfific organizstion or person who has used spiral dynamics and write them a mail. Or go to a meeting. 

Reading the book(s) could give you a larger picture of how change happens, which phases people go through etc. 


Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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@ValiantSalvatore and yes, in my country ~45% are orange-green. I know that just because the election results and values of that sector (gender equality, LGBTQ rights etc) As you said POTENTIALLY ? because nobody knows this model exist! 

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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@Nivsch I mostly have my opinions from Ken Wilber on how to go up on stage. 

Otherwise I did not find anything in the spiral dynamic book, on how that occures or I missed that part. I recently bought the old version. I have the audiobook version, also and can't recall. Besides what Ken Wilber said on how to grow up/in stages. 

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@Nivsch There are a couple it is already mapped out. 

Which parts of israel are green/orange blue red etc.

+ a few names etc. + organizations are mentioned so you could join an organization or check the sites of people who used spiral dynamics in Israel. 


Don beck describes in the book spiryal dynamics in action how he implemented sd in israel. 

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Just buy 20-30 bucks lol, I bought a used version. 


The informarion on the net is good but not as detailed as in the book. 

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