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Contemplation is Changing my Life

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The last week i built a habit of going outside everyday in Nature with a pen and a journal. I sit somewhere alone and i contemplate about my psychological issues. Questions like "Why do i care about peoples opinion?" - "Why do i overeat?"  and other stuff that bothers me.

I was very much surprised to end up with unexpected answers that i didn't even think/imagine before. A lot of it stems from my childhood and culture programming. Things that i didn't even consider/realise ever before in my life!!

Anyways the potential of contemplation is  HUGE. This week alone i got more clarity about myself than i did the last year alone. Stuff that bothered me for years now suddenly doesn't. I am mind-blown. I guess this is what psychotherapy does.

Just knowing a bunch of concepts does not help you. Most people nowadays know a bunch of stuff & still they are underdeveloped and dysfunctional.

 You gotta DO THE WORK otherwise your DON'T CHANGE. 1% THEORY 99% WORK.  Theory alone DOES not change you.

Edited by SQAAD

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watch out for the ego backlash where you stop the habit because it is too painfull to keep poking your belief system (;

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter .                    Restful Cube 

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@SQAAD Nice work on the contemplations. Just a suggestion: when you are out in Nature journaling, try pausing and just be in Nature for a bit. Feel it. Absorb the energy of Nature. It nourishes the mind and body like vitamins. 

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@Recursoinominado @dinone @mmKay @Serotoninluv

Thank you! 

I wish people were nicer to each other, encouraging each other more in our daily  "real word" lifes. Too much unconsciousness and egotism (at least where i live).

This forum is a very good place.


Edited by SQAAD

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@Serotoninluv Certainly will do that. Already doing it to a smaller degree though.

Edited by SQAAD

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@SQAAD Totally agree with you, man!  The conditioning or programing the society in which we live has done to our mind, literally dictates our whole life and how we see reality. 

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Good to hear man! I also started contemplating (with a journal) a few days ago. I really need to make it a habit!

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