
Longevity Is In Your Gut - New Studies and Theory

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Interesting interview with Dr. Gundry discussing new scientific findings on how gut health contributes to one's overall well-being and longevity, and debunking myths like what causes heart decease, dementia, etc. Also mentions the benefits of intermittent fasting towards the end of the vid


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Let's see if he lives for that long, I sincerely hope he does. :) 

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Gundry is a clown of the medical community. He blames legumes for causing autoimmune disease and suggests people to avoid any lectins-containing foods although these have been proven time and time again to prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, help lower cholesterol levels and balance blood sugars and promote longevity. He sells overpriced supplements to "block lectins" lol. 

There is definitely a lot to learn in his books and coming from SAD diet one can definitely become healthier but many of his claims are retarded and unscientific. In the end it feels like the one beenfiting the most is his bank account. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Hail Satan!

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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I have not watched this video but I bought the Plant Paradox Book over a year ago. It was most interesting reading for a non-expert. Some BS? Maybe... As I was suffering from all sorts of physical symptoms the general medics did not want to deal with, probably rooted psychologically, my wife and I decided reluctantly to actually try his diet. All I can say is the following:

It takes preparation, research and expense (we did NOT buy supplements. Probably a bad idea)

It sucks, it is pretty hard core and as we are foodies to some degree, it was most challenging. We stuck with it for about 6 months and still follow some of the advice.

Especially the cleanse was hard core!

Now the positives: Essentially all what the good doctor (and I agree, he is some sort of a lovable clown in his videos) said has actually manifested in reality. I am  not overweight, nearly underweight but have lost 3.5 kg i next to no time. Almost all of my medical symptoms have disappeared. One big issue I was plagued with for years within 10 days - just gone!

The cleanse was about the worst part, as he predicted, the tiredness was excruciating and took much longer than advertised. How I survived in my job was a mystery. Tells you how much *** we eat and we don't eat so called bad food, really.

I cannot comment on cancer but I suppose stuff can be achieved. There sure are many success cases. Don't dismiss it, if you have serious issues try it and then judge. All I can say it worked for both of us.

Now we are considering going back on it, as it simply worked and essentially most of what we commonly feed ourselves is really not food. Our culture's paradigms are really screwed. I think the doctor (and many other loved/hated ones) is on to something, sure he will not have it all figured out but he's put some work in it. It takes year to do research and will be ever be sure about anything in life and in the human body? It is a too complex system. Yes, he is great in marketing, but why not? In the end his diet has truly helped many, and this way the message does get out there. Yes, he earns well surely. But he is providing value, something that most of us just don't - in the larger scale of things.

But what I believe in the end, any curing diet is also a symptom fix. This diet seems to really remove the actual stimulus for the disease manifestations. If you don't fix the underlying problem (most likely psychological and behavioural) then your back to square one and that's where I find myself now!

Systems thinking applied, it is holistic issue.

Good luck!

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@Edelweiss Thank you for giving your take on it and for sharing your experience.

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Yes. Only saturated fat and cholesterol heals the gut, along with bacteria.

Being the reason yogis fast do much. To bring the body in ketosis, but in the long run the body gets depleted.

A easier way is animal saturated fat and cholesterol. 

But combining this with plants hardens the arteries. So cut on plants to a minimum or go hard work, full vegan to a painful and stresfull life snd cravings.

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@Natasha I can vouch for the plant paradox. I had debilitating health problems, autoimmune, adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, all solved with this diet. People with autoimmune issues are lucky in the sense that there body is telling them violently what foods are garbage and should not be consumed. For the average person eating foods the body was not designed to consume yields no obvious immediate symptoms. Unfortunately that does not mean there are no side effects. In this case the effects of poor eating is accelerated aging. This includes sudo healthy foods life fruits, Its just sugar.

Only people who come from the bottom, who had to work there way back up understand anything about nutrition, the rest are to healthy to figure it out. There bodies are to resilient, harder to hear it complain. 

On a side note the way we view aging is flawed, our hair is not supposed to fall out, our skin is not supposed to wrinkle... just because its common does not make it "normal". Sleep, eat, think and exercise the way the body was designed to and aging stops. This is integral health. 

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@integral 100 % agree. I did too come from the bottom health wise and I can confirm from personal experience that it's possible to grow younger even as our physical age goes up. The conventional approach to ageing is so off the mark indeed.

For the past 5-6 years now I've been studying and implementing integral ways to health. And that's how one knows what they're doing works - they feel better than ever before, have abundance of energy and vitality, and look years younger than their birth certificate says. I see these amazing undeniable results in my life too.

Thank you for contributing to this discussion :)

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And then there is people who eat shit and looks 10 years younger ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, Shin said:

And then there is people who eat shit and looks 10 years younger ?

Not for ever. Body cells can't be fooled for long.

Don't tell me you had pizza and coke again :o

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3 minutes ago, Natasha said:

Not for ever. Body cells can't be fooled for long.

Don't tell me you had pizza and coke again :o


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin Careful or I'll bite that finger off ;)

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Just now, Natasha said:

@Shin Careful or I'll bite your finger off ;)

You're a bit far for that ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Being playful and not taking life too seriously also makes you live longer :D

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On 26/05/2019 at 7:03 PM, Shin said:

And then there is people who eat shit and looks 10 years younger

Give them 20 more years for the accumulated damage to start penetrating their antioxidant defences ;) young body can take a lot. I've known lots of people like that, these days they look like shit. Aged 20 years in 5. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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14 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Give them 20 more years for the accumulated damage to start penetrating their antioxidant defences ;) young body can take a lot. I've known lots of people like that, these days they look like shit. Aged 20 years in 5. 

Yes, very true. I work with some girls in their early 30s who already look 10 yrs older their age. What they eat for lunch and snacks are pure junk. They always complain about how tired they are esp after lunch when you should have a surge of energy if consume healthy food. They constantly distract themselves with coffee breaks too. Our manager is hiring 11th person to help do the job of what a team of 7-8 people could easily do if everyone stayed sharp and focused throughout their work day.  

Edited by Natasha

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Already lost 2 pounds in one week.

It works, stop being lazy ?



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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