
Longevity Is In Your Gut - New Studies and Theory

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@Shin Great vids! I was telling my co-worker today about the benefits of intermittent fasting and she was like "Don't you get hungry?" I said, "No, and I also don't feel tired and sluggish either" 9_9 I actually get enough energy to go to the gym and sauna after work and it feels great.

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3 hours ago, Natasha said:

@Shin Great vids! I was telling my co-worker today about the benefits of intermittent fasting and she was like "Don't you get hungry?" I said, "No, and I also don't feel tired and sluggish either" 9_9 I actually get enough energy to go to the gym and sauna after work and it feels great.


They will say you're a liar, in the beginning the hunger is horrible


Edited by Shin

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6 hours ago, Shin said:


They will say you're a liar, in the beginning the hunger is horrible


Yes, it's a two steps forward, one step back process. People want instant gratification in everything anymore, even when it come to fasting. They would try something for a few days and then give up. When it might take a few weeks or maybe even months to retrain. More often than not it's  still 'Slower you go, faster you get there'.

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@Shin pretty good, if everything is done right could loss up to 0.3 to 0.5 pounds a day


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There is a term called 'Normal flora'. First thing to remember is that our body itself is 99% bacterium. Our entire body is covered with bacterium from head to toe though it may not seem like it. Likewise, our gut, also has bacterium, it is called gut flora. They are not just normal, but also essential for our body.

- They help in maintaining immunity.
- prevents other bacterium from colonization
- Helps in digestion of various products like milk (lactobacillus), on skin you have streptoccocus, staphyloccoccus epidermidis, in gut you have E.Coli.

One of the adverse effect of broad spectrum antibiotic like cephalosporin, Ibuprofen, tetracyclines, macrolides etc is that they change the normal flora constituents, which can cause furthur diseases. That is why such broad spectrum antibiotics are used with caution. It can turn these normal flora into oppurtunistic.

When our immune system goes down it can cause these bacterium to turn pathogenic and cause oppurtunistic infection, often seen in immunocomprised people like old people, patients in hospital , AIDS patients, patients on immuno-suppressants etc.

Sometimes when gut flora move out of site, like when E.coli moves from colon to urinary tract it can cause urinary tract infection. Similarly when bacterium like streptococcus which is otherwise harmless for reason goes into the lungs there might inflammation, pus formation, consolidation and finally pneumonia. 

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On 20/5/2019 at 11:04 AM, Michael569 said:

Gundry is a clown of the medical community. He blames legumes for causing autoimmune disease and suggests people to avoid any lectins-containing foods although these have been proven time and time again to prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, help lower cholesterol levels and balance blood sugars and promote longevity. He sells overpriced supplements to "block lectins" lol. 

There is definitely a lot to learn in his books and coming from SAD diet one can definitely become healthier but many of his claims are retarded and unscientific. In the end it feels like the one beenfiting the most is his bank account. 

Why lowering cholesterol would be a good thing?

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1 hour ago, Shiva said:

Because there is a negative relationship between level of cholesterol and life expectancy

thats the old narrative that actually has been proven wrong. 

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@Shiva Does cholesteroal not increase the probability for a heart diseases or attacks or is it not a root cause for it? 

I looked into that because I sometimes eat eggs after training to get some protein. 

Is there good and bad cholesteroal? Similar to simple and complex carbs? 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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That is unfortunate... is it possible to reduce that? 

I never checked smth. like this yet did a small  haemogram this year. They said I have iron deficency, so I am taking supplements. 

My family has some unfortunate cases with alzheimers diseas, fortunately meditation prevents that. So.. I am trying to convince my mom to do meditation, but she does a lot of sports. Biking, swimming, jogging. 

The classics basically. 

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4 hours ago, Shiva said:

It's actually quite easy to verify scientifically. You just need observational data of the age at which people die and their level of cholesterol. Then you can calculate the correlation and see if the impact of cholesterol on age of death is significant by means of a statistical test. If I remember correctly this has been done many times all across the world.

Given that the data is fairly easy to obtain and the required statistical tests are standard practice, I'd be surprised if it hadn't been done many times.

Please show me where and how it has been proven that cholesterol is an insignificant factor in life expectancy. 

Thats the wrong misinterpretation that lead the entire worlds fight against cholesterol. Cholesterols is a natural response of the body to inflammation.

What causes heart relatd deaths is chronic inflammation of the arteries and calcification of them, cholesterol is only there to patch and heal. 

Tday has been reported that the main factors of coronary diseases and hardening are certain lack of vitamins and malabsortion of them would lead to calcium in the walls of blood vessels instead of being absorved in the bones.

I recommend you to watch this explanation.

But more importan the wrong fight against cholesterol via statins have increased alzheimer and parkison diseases by 200%, just because ouir brain need lots of cholesterol to work properly.

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- Leo is also a culprit at promoting raw veganism, when in reality something closer to the carnivore diet where we eat the whole animal is what the body was designed to eat. 

- The only way to navigate this kind of domain where everyone has an opposing point of view all backed by "science" and "studies" is to experiment. 

- @Shiva Try carnivore diet for 3 months and see what happens... Try raw veganism for 3 months... and please ignore the ignorant doctors, the lab tests doctors do are useless. It is NOT genetic, thats not how anything works, everyone in your family likely eats the same and has similarly poor lifestyle habits.

- Stop putting your health into the hands of someone else (doctors) take control and responsibility for your health, learn, research and experiment. 

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2 hours ago, Shiva said:

Why is this the "wrong" interpretation and yours is the right one?

I think it's kind of hard to deny that cholesterol is related to heart disease if you can look at the data and see that people with high cholesterol die significantly sooner than those with low levels.

Also I don't think a Youtuber is a credible source of information. Anybody can post anything on YouTube and hence you can find videos supporting whatever convictions you may have. Have you checked if some guy has a video on why cholesterol is problematic, too?

Its sad that you are so close minded, but in the other hand trust blindly in your doctor that has been indoctrinated by the pharmafia.  Keep following the food pyramid eating your bread and grains, fats are the enemy!

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@Shiva Hmm well it seems everything i said was ignored and the focus was on the claims i made about doctors and the family. Based on the response and other comments the world view your currently in does not incorporate a few factors.

- Following intuition in a deeply counter intuitive world is unwise. The only dogma here is following intuition instead of learning, questioning beliefs and experimenting. Intuition is based entirely on cultural teaching. Its the direct gateway to dogma. Of course as all of this is uncovered vai hard work, the quality of intuition improves. 

- I didn't say to ignore his advice or to call him ignorant, i called him ignorant, i said to put real hard work into your beliefs. The reason is the education  doctors receive has been deeply corrupt by pharmaceutical companies. All of this becomes clear vai the pursuit of deeper understanding. This is also the case wthl all or most of our social systems. The foundation of our society is capitalism not human needs.

- This healthy cholesterol "range" is a fabrication. Based on "science" that we established above is all corrupt or misled by intuitive correlations.  The human body is an incredibly inteligente complex system. The main reason this field of study is in the soft sciences. 

- Who i am is irrelevant, the person is irrelevant, to go about learning by finding people who you trust because they have credentials is a logical fallacy. This method made sense when we were in hunter gatherer tribes. But now with the internet and the agenda of greedy businessmen, to trust anyone but yourself is a mistake.  Learn from as many sources as possible. Rule nothing out. Then narrow down. 

- The very different diets likely have overlapping patterns/similarities. To say if they ate like your GF and they still have high cholesterol is a mistake. On this note the "new" science on the block is cholesterol is good for you and if cholesterol is high its because it NEEDS to be high. The body is a adaptive machine, it ONLY adapts to things. if blood pressure or cholesterol is high its because the body determined it needs to be high to keep you alive. Low cholesterol on the other hand is usually comes with a high carb diet. All talked about in this video. 

- It seems learning from videos is not your thing. Going to take a leap and say your probably not learning from any source besides doctors. A questionable learning method. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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12 minutes ago, Shiva said:

But seriously, how do you know I trust him blindly and didn't question the hell out of him? How do you know he has been indoctrinated? How do you know my doctor doesn't know something that you don't?


There are many doctors that are advising/endorsing the exact opposite beliefs as your doctor. Who is to say who is right? The doctors who have real success helping there patients. The doctors that cure the root cause of the patients issues not mask symptoms with medications. These doctors are in the vast minority, less then 1% and they had a career full of  learning. 


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7 hours ago, Shiva said:

That's what my doctor told me. He was worried for me because my LDL cholesterol, which is the bad kind, is a bit too high for my age.


This comment, is what ive been going on. 

What is you and your doctors view on cholesterol?  Who is your doctor send me there credentials/website. 

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1 minute ago, Shiva said:

This is starting to get ridiculous. Sorry...

What is the reason? How am i supposed to verify your doctors abilities. You made claims that im putting words in your mouth and your doctor. Im trying to verify. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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1 hour ago, integral said:

What is the reason? How am i supposed to verify your doctors abilities. You made claims that im putting words in your mouth and your doctor. Im trying to verify. 

If Leo and his forum admins are so misinformed about nutrition im scared to put my spiritual development in their hands :o

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@Shiva Why did you not clarify what you believe at any point?

There are no supported claims in the health world, any conclusions formed by statistical correlations are meaningless when the subject (human biology) is deeply counter intuitive. Its to complex to play the battle of proofs. People pitting intuition against intuition, disguised as science. 

From observing people who have followed specific diets, it seems people who do high carb vegan long term have dried out skin, look prematurely aged in general. Fruterians look like the walking dead. Mediterranean blue zone live the longest... 

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I don't want to spam the forum by creating a post just for this so

What is the thing about sleeping just after working out ?
Is it good or should I wait 3/4 hours after a workout to go to sleep ?
I see conflicting opinions on websites/forums about that

Thank you very much :D

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