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Evolution & life spans

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Different species reach sexual maturity at different points. For humans most will agree we should wait for adulthood. To use a reference since the year 1 AC none of our family trees will include more the 130 generations of humans, while if you look at the falily tree of a mouse it would include thousands of generations in the same time span.


It's my feeling that animals have evolved, adapted so much to their enviornments (Highly evolved) beyond humans comprehension that we lost the ability to sympathize with them and see that we are all one.


My question is, have you ever envied an animal for one of their trades?


Note: I am not using facts here just a calculator and a keyboard

Tu amigo 

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@Myegolikestacos if you’re talking about mastery, then we can do that as well. Takes a lot of work though.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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Imagine if you didn't have to try, and your natural behavior was what was needed to provide for yourself, thats how it is for an animal.  So yeah, I envy a bird who just naturally wants to fly around and swoop down at things it see moving around on the ground.  It doesn't have an inner conflict over what to do, it doesn't have a desire that contradicts what needs to be done, and thus has to force himself to do things.  It just naturally does what makes sense at the time.  An animals mind is automatically in the moment, if it's not in pain right now, its fine.  How often do you think it will be in pain? maybe a few times in it's life, the rest of the time all is well.  

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13 hours ago, How to be wise said:

Myegolikestacos if you’re talking about mastery, then we can do that as well. Takes a lot of work though.

Thank you, but I am talking more about how the Caterpillar is born with knowledge of how to build a cocoon and become a butterfly.


Tu amigo 

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12 hours ago, Mulky said:

So yeah, I envy a bird who just naturally wants to fly around and swoop down at things it see moving around on the ground.

@Mulky  Oh man this is great thank you, now you made me question something else. I have to wonder if the bird wanted to fly before it adapted to fly ... Would be a good pro argument for manifestation :)



Tu amigo 

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@Mulky @Myegolikestacos haha I work with dogs and I envy them too.  Interesting though because they can have some severe psychological disorders sometimes that ruins their natural happy go lucky state.  It appears they have evolved enough to start overthinking. 


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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