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Leo, why money is a toxic factor for life purpose?

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I deeply want to become a musician. I have found great online resources to learn electric guitar, but my main dream killer is the money issue. I study dentistry, but it is not my passion. I can try hard and become a dentist, then i will not have money issues. I guess a life without money problems will be so much easier. But if i choose to become a musician, even if i become a great artist, i can be broke. I know some people with great musical talent, but have no money to pay the bills. So, i can not underestimate the money factor. 

Edited by hikmatshiraliyev

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Being a successful musician is not just about musical skills. You also need marketing and business skills.

It may be necessary to keep your dentistry gig for now. But eventually if dentistry is not your passion but music is, you want to transition to place where your music can support you. That might take some years and some clever business scheming. You'd need to build a brand of some kind.

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