
What is real worth? Does it even exist?

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I keep asking this question to myself and I cant get an answer. What is worth, especially worth in people? Can u give and take worth?  How can u see the worth in someone? Is worth relative? Does it even exist?

When people say: know your worth. How should i understand that if i don't even know what worth is. 

Any thoughts would be appreciated! :)

Edited by Sidi

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I think that being worthy does not require logical explaination and it does not need to take other people into equation.

The feeling of being worthy can only come if you are completely alignet with your true self.

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@Sidi there is no fundamental answer. it's a relative value. the question is: are you brave enough to commit to a set of values that you've built for yourself?

again: these can't be built for you by someone else. luckily, that's your job and yours only.

unborn Truth

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You are the creator. You define what worth is. Whatever you say it is, it is for you.

If you say nothing about it, it does not exist because you did not create it.

Ta-da! ;)

In the absolute sense, all being has zero worth. Which is identical to it having infinite worth.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If you're in a dream, make it a great dream with the best of your abilities. You got the tools already to make this happen. One day, your real self may show you that this is a beautiful dream afterall to congratulate you on your efforts. Life is a school that you can graduate from.

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There is precisely one thing that is worth, it is utterly obvious. The only thing that is valuable is value. The only thing that is worth it is worth. Just as much as the only thing to be red is redness, there can be no other thing that could possibly be red but redness. It would be absurd to claim otherwise.


Look at how delusional you are. You and everyone else. You keep pointing your fingers at A and you keep saying that it is B. How could anything but value be valuable? How could anything but pain be painful? How could anything but joy be joyful? How could anything but beauty be beautiful? How could anything but anything be anything?

You are utterly confused, if you were to be less confused, you would see the impossible. It is happening all the time, right in front of your eyes. No, even better, right within your eyeness.



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@Scholar Yeah man show them!

Show them what real value is! Like a real man!

Just joking. Thanks for the intervention tho.

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If you truly see worthness for what it is, you will see that it is literally fucking impossible. Reality is literally impossible, everything about it is literally impossible. It is utterly and completely absurd.

It's so funny that it is not even funny anymore. For worth to exist it took literally the impossible. Worthness is Divine beyond all comprehension. Just look at it, there is no doubt. To create worthness it took something so powerful, it had to exceed all limitations of power. It took something so intelligent, it had to exceed all limitations of intelligence. It took something so magical, it had to exceed all limitations of magic. 

And not just worthness, but everything else too. Just looking at it might have you crumble in terror at the Might of that which is Creation. It might just scare you so much that there is nothing else to do but laugh.


If worth did not exist we could not be talking about it.

Edited by Scholar

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Why don't you give your definition of worthiness and give an advice without having to put it in such a large context 

and criticising everybody. @Scholar

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1 minute ago, arlin said:

Why don't you give your definition of worthiness and give an advice without having to put it in such a large context 

and criticising everybody. @Scholar

There is no definition of worthness, there can only be worthness. The definition of worthiness is the definition of worthiness, not worthiness itself. You keep confusing two things for being the same. Absurdly delusional, yet it is how all of us view reality. Isn't that funny?

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So you mean you can't help but being worthy?

You believe that worthyness can't be objectfied?

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2 minutes ago, arlin said:

So you mean you can't help but being worthy?

You believe that worthyness can't be objectfied?

Nothing I said had anything to do with what you said.

I am saying that only redness is red. No thing is red, but redness. The same is true for everything. It is utterly absurd, just look at it.


Trying to make sense out of it will lead to more delusional, as what we speak of is non-sensical, literally. It is literally impossible. JUST LOOK AT IT! xD

Edited by Scholar

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Im just trying to understand you. Im from italy, can't phrase complicated questions.

You want to make everything so complicated and everybody is shit compared to you, at least this is my impression.


Edited by arlin

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5 minutes ago, arlin said:

Im just trying to understand you. Im from italy, can't phrase complicated questions.

You want to make everything so complicated and everybody is shit compared to you, at least this is my impression.


Nobody is shit, only shit is shit. :D

And also, nobody is delusional but delusion itself. Nothing is absurd but absurdity itself. Nothing is impossible but impossibility itself.

Everything is connected, literally. But only connection itself is connected. Just look at it, how absurd it is.

Edited by Scholar

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Are you joking? Or are you gonna say that only joking is joking now

Edited by arlin

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Oh @Scholar i saw your edited post. Yes maybe i got what you mean.

But hey nothing can be meant but meaning? 

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As Leo said there is only Being.  The dualities you wish to create are up to you.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I think you're asking the question from a stage orange perspective.

I'd say that you were born in specific circumstances, and people viewed/view/will view you accordingly.

When people say: "know your worth", they usually mean know your place in life, and your value to others.

However, since all values are made up, then you're free to make anything you want worthy.

To me, in terms of value, less = more.

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