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Breatharianism Journal

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Williamson seems genuine enough and that will be really important during the campaign. People have, due to the massive amounts of social interactions on the internet, become very skilled at sensing truth directly. They don't even need to listen to the words. And when manipulative people realize that a rapidly growing number of people can see through them directly by feeling their content, they will become scared shitless. The same with the other presidential candidates. Those candidates who are puppets of the establishment will start falling like dominoes.

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Very good start of integral spirituality! Marianne Williamson said when talking to Bill Maher on his show that students from all religions come to A Course in Miracles, even atheists.


Edited by Anderz

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Wait a minute, here is what it says about A Course in Miracles:

"A Course in Miracles was “scribed” by Dr. Helen Schucman through a process of inner dictation that she identified as coming from Jesus. " -

Isn't that legit in Christianity? Isn't it valid to have a personal conversation with Christ? If so, then Williamson's spirituality might actually be accepted by Christians.

"Father Garrigou-LaGrange recommends that we switch this inner dialogue to a conversation with God." -

Bible verse quoted in the article:

“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells within you.” (1 Cor. 3:16)

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A Course in Miracles (ACIM) has a real chance of achieving integral spirituality. Was ACIM really channeled through Jesus Christ? Well, yes! We have to understand what Christ represents: the way and the truth and the life. It applies to all religions and all spiritual traditions. Even hardcore nonduality teacher Roger Castillo has talked about ACIM. So has Eckhart Tolle and Neale Donald Walsch.

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My definition of love as wholeness in harmony, does it really apply to for example ego love? Yes. A Course in Miracles talks about special relationships, and although that might sound like something special and grand, it means in ACIM ego relationships.

Ego relationships in my view are limited between the separate sense of self and others. There is still a smaller wholeness between the ego and another person. If that wholeness is in conflict, then there are things like fear and hate. When that wholeness is in harmony, there is love! So my definition applies also to ego love.

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Being selfish in a narrow way is bad, most people probably agree on that, at least when there is a disregard of others.

I have written about how even being selfless is bad. That's different than the popular view today. Being selfless is more often than not promoted as something to strive for, something honorable. So how can I claim that being selfless is bad?

The reason for why being selfless is bad is because it's a disregard of the self. That directly breaks the definition I have for love. The self and the other together form a wholeness. When one side of that wholeness is disregarded there is a lack of harmony, which means that there is a lack of love. Being selfless is disharmony.

If you feel joy and pleasure by being selfless, then that's not really selflessness since you yourself are included, so that's love when it's in harmony with the others.

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Oftentimes people are selfless as a form of strategy, That's even worse than being only selfless, which is bad enough.

People are pretending to be selfless in order to try to get approvement or appreciation, or even as a form of future debt that they expect the other person to pay back. Like a business deal that they want to force on the other.

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There is public front in politics, a dog an pony show as Marianne Williamson called it, and then there is the real politics.

My guess is that there will be no war with Iran? Why? Because China and/or Russia are probably already helping Iran with fracking etc needed to extract oil from their depleted oil wells. The Iraq war was about the same thing, even one mainstream expert said that. There maybe even wasn't any Iraq war! Just a war game as a front for the big oil corporations moving in and helping Iraq with their depleting oil wells.

The same with Venezuela. The conflicting situation in Venezuela is I guess just a fabricated smokescreen to allow Sinopec and/or other big oil corporations to move in and help Venezuela with their depleting oil reserves.

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Williamson and Trump are a good cop bad cop routine. But it's more than just a show for the masses. Even the dog and pony show politics has important purpose. Does this mean that Williamson is disingenuous? No, not about the things that matter, and the show matters too, not least to get people's attention and interest. And she even called it a dog a pony show! So she is sincere even about that. 

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Why not just make politics honest and transparent? That's impossible according to my model which says that politics is a part of the global ego. And the global ego is built on deception and manipulation.

So I don't expect Williamson to be able suddenly just make all politics honest and transparent. And that would be catastrophic! Because society today is an extremely complex and interconnected system. And that system needs to be protected from being taken advantage of by corrupt forces.

But isn't the system already corrupt? Yes, but not in a way that turns society into a Mad Max world. So the corruption needs to be removed while lack of transparency and even manipulation continue in politics.

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@Anderz if corruption makes up the system then how can it be removed without completely destroying the system? 

Good cop bad cop, love it xD

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@DrewNows If Williamson becomes President, I know that's highly speculative, but as a thought experiment, I don't think she will attack corruption and try to remove it. Instead what she will do is to allow honest management to start to flow into the political structure and in that way replace corruption.

Edited by Anderz

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I wonder what Trump means by draining the swamp. My idea has been that corruption will be removed through a Spygate scandal. But if Trump is attacking corruption, that makes it doubtful on a second thought. Williamson's approach is safer and more efficient I think.

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@Anderz yes her power would be limited but will it ever be possible to break through the polarity?  

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@DrewNows To use New Age language, will Williamson turn the system into love and light? In my opinion, not directly. She will make the system stable by introducing more social safety. And then that becomes a platform for peace. Intense polarity will remain for many years. I don't expect Rush Limbaugh to sing praises about Williamson. But overall it will be a more stable system is my guess.

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Instead of draining the swamp, and have to deal with all the swamp creatures at the bottom, Williamson will switch on the light and the corrupt creatures will scurry away by themselves.

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29 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

@Anderz yes her power would be limited but will it ever be possible to break through the polarity?  

Hmm well what do I mean by polarity? Left and the right views, different world views, belief systems, right and wrong, all of which make up society as a whole, perpetuated by politics today. (Sorry I’m thinking out loud haven’t watched all the conscious politics videos and I haven’t dove into much politics in general)

@Anderz I’m curious what do you mean by more social safety? I like to think more power to the individual is going to benefit 

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@DrewNows Yes, I meant left vs right. I have an idea that society needs to have a clear duality like that. In physics there is the so-called three-body problem. Even with only three objects in a system it's impossible in general to find an analytical mathematical solution.

So my idea is that a trinity is impossible to manage. And a unity in politics, that's called totalitarianism or dictatorship. Not good, lol.

By social safety I mean things like guaranteed support even for poor people, even a universal basic income which I believe will become a necessary temporary solution when automation, such as robotics and artificial intelligence starts taking over more and more jobs. Even many white collar jobs will be replaced by computers.

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Bruce Lipton said that the cells in our bodies are like amoebas. And amoebas live forever! They divide and divide for millions of years without degrading. So in principle our bodies should be able to live forever too.

It's the ego I believe that makes the body age and die. But we are not meant to remain in biological bodies, nor in tech bodies. Instead our biology will be immensely upgraded by the intelligence in the vacuum energy waking up inside us.

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Cosmic breatharianism as I call it is to live on the intelligent vacuum energy. Mainstream science acknowledges that vacuum energy is real, but to say that it is intelligent that's surely still considered woo woo. But how are proteins folded inside the cells if not by the vacuum energy with intelligence?

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