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Breatharianism Journal

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Mooji described in the video I posted earlier how we can observe both the ego and what the ego is involved in. I came to think that what happens when we think about our own personal finances for example, our conscious attention becomes totally sucked into our own mental images about our own money and the future etc. Our consciousness loses touch with the wholeness!

Eckhart Tolle said that the now is all there is. That sounds simple but it is a useful description. Our ego and our ideas about money and so on are all parts of the now, not separate from it as the ego believes.

The practice, then, is to take a step back from what we are thinking about and into the wholeness of the now moment. And from that wholeness perspective we can move in and out of our own ideas, such as thinking about money and personal relationships and all that mess. The main difference is that the ego lacks the wholeness perspective and becomes identified with the mental thoughts themselves and is stuck there!

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Even breatharianism as it is often described is a part of the global ego. That's the case when breatharianism is explained with fragmented perspectives, such as living on air or on prana. A better description in my opinion is Nassim Haramein's mentioning of the cosmic breath which is the vacuum energy that drives the entire universe.

Even better is to think of life as a wholeness. What does life need to sustain itself? The answer is that life is already sustained! The whole process of life would have to split itself to be sustained by something else, and that's a false duality. So the cosmic breath can be equated with the tree of life when that refers to life as a whole process that includes everything.

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I feel a lack of inner peace in me today, but I came to think about how that can be used for spiritual practice. The unpleasant feelings and the numbness inside are pointers indicating ego contraction. I can practice putting my attention on how I feel instead of what I think about. The idea is that my subconscious needs to be reconditioned instead of continuing in its usual ego habits which go together with a lack of inner peace.

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Aha! Excellent. I still feel unpleasant feelings instead of peace today, but I got a key insight about how the ego is fueled by agitating emotions and that it seeks to ESCAPE inner peace. How nasty. I need to FIRST seek inner peace and then deal with other things. A shift from focusing on the ego to focusing on a direct feeling of inner peace in the moment. To wait for inner peace. The ego HATES waiting, haha. So that's a potential practicing tool, to consciously wait for inner peace instead of being dragged back into ego thinking.

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Actually, inner peace will likely produce chemicals in the body such as opiods and oxytocin. The ego seeks that through external means in its hunt for pleasure.

When the mind understands intellectually that the ego is a false sense of separation which prevents a natural feeling of inner peace, then the mind will be inclined to do the spiritual practice. The ego is huge! The ego is an immense accumulation of biological and psychological experience, not only through one's lifetime, but inherited epigenetically through millions of years of biological evolution and socially through thousands of years of human history in the form of a global ego.

Still, mentally the ego is just a bunch of mental patterns, not one's whole sense of self. So I think that in theory it's possible for the human mind to recondition itself from an ego identification to a recognition of life as a process of wholeness leading to inner peace.

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A nondual breatharian lives on the cosmic breath as the wholeness of life. Well, I just invented the new age sounding term nondual breatharian, but it sums up my findings. The ego is a separate entity striving to control other things. The ego is a false sense of separation.

"He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." - Revelation 21:6-8

A nondual breatharian is the victorious one nourished by the everlasting spring of the water of life. The ego is a sinful sinner, born in sin, a liar that will burn in hell forever and ever!!! :D Well, of course the Pope was correct about hell not being an actual place. As I see it hell is a state of being in sin forever. That can't happen, since sin means missing the mark, meaning the ego belief in separation, which is a false state, a lie, and one cannot delude oneself forever.

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Although the human ego has become an immense monster it is founded on the simple principle of the belief in being separate. It is this belief, a false view, which is the root cause of the confusion out of which the ego is constructed as a hardened monument of fear.

For the ego, fear is not only necessary as a protection mechanism; fear is what the ego is made of.

The acronym FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real, is accurate. Life as a wholeness being afraid of itself is a psychological disorder. Thus fear is a psychological disorder.

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Since fear is a false construct, when the ego seeks more protection it cements the fear which in turn produces more confusion leading to more fear and more perceived need for protection. It's a vicious circle feeding itself. In this way the ego becomes more and more an armor of protection and more and more isolated and with the result that fits of anger and other nasty conditions sprout repeatedly as unconscious desperate attempts to to break out of the false protected confinement of the ego. Meanwhile the need for protection continues resulting in the person's body gradually being strangled to death by the ego's ever more rigid body armor.

The way out of the horrible ego trap is to reduce protection instead of continue to seek more protection. When fear comes up, recognize it as a false construct and seek other solutions.

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Problems are ego creations. Even things like physical diseases and accidents, even natural disasters, are a result of the global ego.

Therefore reject all problems. Feel how the problems feel, and if they feel unpleasant then that's reality telling us that we need to move in another direction. Negative emotions are warning signals pointing towards dangerous directions and therefore we must learn how to listen to our emotions and interpret their meaning correctly. What the ego does is to take the warning signals as a sign to move in that direction, which of course leads to disaster for the ego itself and for other egos.

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Traditional breatharianism might be useful as a method for catalyzing a transformation of the ego. Some claims breatharians have made are that they feel good and with lots of energy without food and even without water, and also that they can eat food sometimes in social situations or for pleasure. And judging by what alternative researchers such as Nassim Haramein and Dr. Jubb have said, those claims are actually valid!

Food and water are huge survival issues for the ego. Being able to transcend the need for food and water surely will transform the subconscious a lot. Another claim I have heard is that food is a strong addiction. The trick for me then is how to move from food addiction to breatharianism without causing a lot of extra suffering in the beginning.

I think I will try a method of gradually reducing food and water intake instead of jumping straight into dry fasting which is quite extreme and leads to suffering in my experience.

Edited by Anderz

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Our biology is actually ALSO a part of the global ego. The human body is a first order holon, and that's more natural than for example an iPhone which is a second order holon since it's a manufactured artifact and not like a living organism that is a direct result of nature.

Even though the human body is a first order natural holon, nature itself here on earth in my theory is also a part of the global ego. Our whole planet is and has been for millions of years a deliberately limited physical state for the purpose of unique growth and creativity.

So even the human body is an artificial limitation and the same with all biology on earth. And breatharianism is one way of proving that the limitation of the biology of the human body as it is still believed in mainstream science is an artificially imposed restriction that can be transcended.

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The breatharians are probably correct that food is an addiction. But I just came to think of other addictions, not only things like video games and using the internet, but the need of the ego to be busy all the time with all kinds of things and schedules, plans and projects.

And the correct approach to addictions is probably to transcend and include them in an integral way. In addition to moving towards breatharianism I will reduce my other addictions too with the goal that in the future I will still eat and have plans and projects.

I think Leo has a video about addiction and I will take a look at that.

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Leo said that even thinking can be an addiction in this video: Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction -

Pretty interesting. Leo also mentioned fear of emptiness as a root cause of addiction. Could very well be true! I have to ponder that for a while.

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Leo seems to believe that death is inevitable. I myself am uncertain about death. That's a more rational position in my opinion. We cannot just extrapolate the past into the future and expect it to be the same, especially now when evolution is speeding up a lot due to technological and information sharing progress.

The fear of emptiness Leo mentioned might be valid. The ego believes itself to be a separate entity so the ego IS disconnected from the world and empty in that sense. That's basically the same as the confusion at the root of the ego that I mentioned earlier.

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Spiritual teachers who claim to be enlightened are still trapped in the global ego! Why? Because their bodies are evidently still of the global ego. What do the enlightened people plan to do? Do they plan to go to heaven? If, so is heaven a separate place? Isn't that duality? Do they plan to become disembodies spirits? Isn't that the same as a ghost? Do they plan to reincarnate? Isn't that a stupid plan if they are in contact with infinite intelligence?

So there is a severe state of schizophrenia among enlightened people today. Their minds may be enlightened, but what good is that if their bodies are still ego bodies? That's still duality!

Full enlightenment must as I see it be to become the full intelligence of the universe, and to continue to grow old and die seems more like infinite stupidity to me.

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The ego trying to improve itself will only make the error of separation even larger. Take physical exercise for example, where even mainstream science I think has proved that it doesn't reduce the weight of the person. And it's completely retarded to have to repeat physical exercise again and again and again, or else the body deteriorates. That's ego delusion of separation struggling against its own error and only making the error bigger. The body is trying to tell the person identified with his or her ego that physical exercise is the wrong way, yet many people force their body through it anyway in some kind of self-torture. Insanity.

And even worse perhaps is the ego's social engagements such as personal relationships which the ego has to struggle with to maintain and it's a nightmarish situation with the ego having the belief of inevitable death where at best all those social relationships can be maintained perhaps in some afterlife after death. It's a completely schizophrenic situation for the ego.

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If physical exercise is retarded, which I maintain it is, then what about overeating? That makes the body produce pleasure, so isn't that nature indicating that eating more and more is the right way? No, that kind of pleasure is probably produced by bacteria in the body that have been hijacked by the food industry to produce pleasure so that consumers buy more and more of their food products. The food industry is a part of the global ego and is therefore deadly orgone.

The way out of the ego nightmarish situation is through neutral and positive orgone produced automatically within oneself and not through the ego trying to find it through external means. The ego itself is deadly orgone which has to be removed.

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With all the immense amounts of information on the internet, then why is there so little genuinely true information on the internet? And even the tiny bit of true information on the internet there is seems to be disguised more or less. That's because the internet too is a part of the global ego! That means that the internet is deadly orgone. There is value in the global ego, but it's like a tiny little baby in an ocean of dirty bathwater.

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Oh crap, I just realized that improving the information on the internet will only make the global ego bigger and expand the error. So it's actually a good thing that the information on the internet is crap, to prevent the global ego, the "caterpillar" to continue to grow until it explodes. The internet instead serves as a cocoon forming around the caterpillar. This also means that we need to move away from the internet if we want to become a butterfly.

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Wow, the body can feel bigger than the ego body. I don't mean like a more bloated body, lol, but that the experience of the body expands to include what previously was experienced as an external world. And that is a more logical perspective. The human body is actually NOT separate from the external environment but a part of it. It's one whole unit.

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