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Breatharianism Journal

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I just realized that it's possible to think of one's past memories and future in a my lighter and leaner way than with the usual and extremely heavy and clunky clinging to personal memories that the ego does.

I also found that it's sort of possible to live without thinking when the personal memories become lighter. Especially with the idea that my personal memories may have false emotional content attached to them because of the belief in separation. Actually ALL my memories have false separation content in them.

"Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland." - Isaiah 43:18-19

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Wow. Sadhguru described the individual soul of a person basically exactly the same as in my theory. From about 13 minutes into the video: "It [the soul of a person] is as small as it can be, as anything can be":

I defined each eternal individual soul as a unique point, and Sadhguru said as small as anything can be. That's a point! Essentially. And probably the same as The Point of Existence by A. H. Almaas that Zigzag posted earlier.

And Sadhguru made an excellent description of what the person is (I think he meant ego) as a mass of accumulation. That's the actor, and if the actor has the limitations of the person, the act will also be limited, he said. "Is there any one place where we can locate this person?" Sadhguru asked. And he said: "There is no such person anywhere." and later: "You are already totally confused about your existence."

Amazing, confusion is what I called the core of the ego. Of course it can be wrong to completely rely on external authorities, but when they describe things that match my own ideas I see that as a strength as they become aligned with the existing spiritual knowledge. Actually, what I call "my" ideas are most likely things I have picked up here and there from others, but anyway.

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Is resurrection of dead people possible? In my view, yes. The past is timeless information in the now. So for example Michael Jackson exists as information now, but he is also an eternal soul which is simply a unique reference point, and in the future that soul may experience itself as a new body here on earth. That is similar to reincarnation, but resurrection happens without the need for biological birth.

Actually, my theory allows, in theory, us to get resurrection (glorified) bodies right now! And it's just the habit of the global ego that prevents that from happening and forcing our bodies to age and die. My theory dismisses the (very commonly held belief even among spiritual teachers) idea that aging and death are inevitable.

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Personal relationships are easy to manage. In theory. It's just ONE relationship from the individual point to the rest of existence. That means a relationship to everything in one's experience. And all parts are equally important. One's relationship with a blade of grass is as significant as the relationship with one's significant other. How can that be? A fricken blade of grass? Yes. Consider the amount of time and attention you spend on the blade of grass compared to your significant other. It's a huge difference! So even though your relationship to the grass is equal there is much more attention given to other relationships. In that sense they are not equal. And that's fine. Problems arise when the ego sorts out certain relationships as being more important than others in an ultimate sense. Then things get screwed up.

Edited by Anderz

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Every choice we make is the correct choice. Even our evil choices and deeds? Yes. See it from the bigger cosmic perspective. It's a wholeness evolving. Without the nasty choices, the whole would be screwed up, to the point of existence collapsing. Can't happen. So think of your bad choices as actually being good and necessary choices. Because they are.

Still, there is as I see it a clear distinction between good and evil in the sense that evolution is a move towards more good.

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Our memories are precious. The mistake however the ego makes is to believe in its sense of separation and therefore all our memories become contaminated by a false view.

And our thoughts are related to our memories, even the sense of "me". In traditional mindfulness the practice is to observe one's thoughts nonjudgmentally. It's possible to take mindfulness one step further by recognizing that all thoughts from the ego are contaminated. And the goal of the more advanced practice is therefore to judge all our thoughts as a disease basically. And let the whole stream of thinking dissolve so that the mind can be healed.

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If thoughts are a disease then why have we humans developed thinking? A more correct explanation is that we need to take an evolutionary leap into a higher level of thinking. During the development of the ego, thinking is useful and necessary. But when we are about to break out of the ego into a higher level of development, thinking becomes a disease. Like a chick having grown fully inside its egg and remains inside the egg! Horrible.

The practice I'm testing at the moment is to shift my attention from thinking into feeling. Even nasty emotions are valuable since they are warning signals. The goal of my practice is to move into more pleasant feelings which is a sign of a higher intelligence.

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7

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If thinking needs to be replaced by a higher state of being, why haven't spiritual teachers said that? Well, they have done so I believe, in indirect ways. They can't just tell the audience that all their thinking must be replaced. First of all, the thinking still needs to be there until the ego is fully developed. And secondly, if the spiritual teacher would say that ALL thinking must be removed, then people would say: "No thinking at all?! That's phucking crazy!"

So the spiritual teachers can only hint at it, and actually both Eckhart Tolle and Sadhguru have said that they can be aware without thinking. And Eckhart Tolle talked about first going into a state of presence without thinking and after that the thinking will be much more clear and constructive. That's a hint perhaps at a higher level of thinking.

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If the spiritual teachers are correct, and it seems to me that logically they are correct about the fundamental claims. This means that the global ego is definitely real! The global ego can be defined as the whole world in an ego state, and since basically all of us are still (at least on the surface) running around with separate egos, the global ego is evidently something real.

And in turn it means that there very likely is an evolutionary leap coming for the entire earth into a new level of being that transcends the global ego. Because the global ego is, just like our individual egos, a false state, necessary for development but only as a stage to reach higher levels. When will the evolutionary leap for the world happen? I stick with my prediction of iirc within two decades from now. Some individuals are already liberated, and some will be liberated soon in the next few years and others later.

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I came to think of how Bruce Lipton is probably correct about the internet being the "nervous system" for next evolutionary level of humanity. But the World Wide Web on the other hand, that's the cocoon of the global ego! Even the name "Web" indicates an ensnaring structure, like a cocoon.

The World Wide Web is an invention ON TOP of internet. So in theory, in principle, it's easy to remove the World Wide Web and replace it with another layer on top of internet. And the valuable information on the World Wide Web can quickly and easily be copied into the new layer, so that the "baby", the valuable information of our civilization, is preserved and only the bathwater, the World Wide Web, is thrown away.


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Why the need for a World Wide Web as a cocoon? And why the need to replace it? The reason is that the global ego is a structure, like all egos, based on a false foundation of separation. This means that the information in the world is tainted by immense amounts of manipulation, spin and lies. So the purpose of the World Wide Web is to capture most of the information of the global ego. But to try to sort out the false information from the true and valuable information can only be done from a higher level than the global ego, and that's why a new layer is necessary on top of the internet, that will gradually replace the World Wide Web over the span of a decade or so.

I predict that we will see the start of the new layer on top of the internet within a year from today.

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Another way to look at it is that the World Wide Web is a caterpillar which is growing bigger and bigger. And then the caterpillar reaches a point where it has grown big enough, and the growth stops, and a web starts to form around it forming a cocoon. So the World Wide Web isn't a cocoon yet! Because it's still growing.

And the new structure on top of the internet that will replace the World Wide Web is the equivalent of the butterfly embryo. With this analogy, once the new structure appears it will start to grow bigger and bigger, forming the butterfly, while the caterpillar then, the World Wide Web, will get smaller and smaller.

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Interestingly Bitcoin is in the spirit of the new layer on top of the internet. Not necessarily because the new layer will need cryptocurrencies but in the sense that Bitcoin is a trustless system that doesn't need centralized authorities such as banks. The word trustless might sound pessimistic but in the case of Bitcoin it means that instead of centralized authorities ruling and dominating, the system is decentralized with automatic control, hence removal of the need for trust in authorities.

And a trustless system is necessary for the butterfly or the caterpillar authorities will take over and control the new layer.

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If reality is timeless and changeless infinite information that is indestructible and forever just is, then what about the Buddhist concept of impermanence? My answer is that impermanence is a result of change in the moment, and instead of reality changing it is our perception that moves through the changeless information.

As a simple illustration, consider the Mandelbrot set which is infinite timeless and indestructible information. The appearance of impermanence is achieved by a zooming in (or out) of the Mandelbrot set, like in this short video:


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And actually, the Mandelbrot set is also a good analogy for time in my view. Here is the original depiction of the entire Mandelbrot set from 1978:


Zooming out from the whole Mandelbrot set will not change the shape of the picture, only make it smaller. So one can think of the start of time as the whole Mandelbrot set and the future is generated by zooming into the Mandelbrot set forever. With this analogy time has a beginning but not an end.

In this video it appears as if there is an end but that's just because the zooming in stopped, and in reality it's possible to continue to zoom in forever:


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There is only one intelligence in the universe. The belief that the individual has a separate intelligence is an illusion. Jesus Christ saying "Not my will but Thy will be done" was not a surrender but a statement of what is.

I will contemplate this for a while to see if this can be realized in practice.

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I mentioned somewhere that the extreme form of nonduality techings such as that of Tony Parsons might seem nihilistic, but that I find it useful when combined with the idea that evolution leads to more and more progress.

Evolution is a move towards more good. And good can be defined as something working in harmony. A holon is simultaneously a whole and a part, and evolution leads to the formation of larger and larger holons, such as from atoms to molecules to single cells to multicellular organisms and to planets as whole organisms and so on.

Tony said in the video that the separate individual is duality. I think it still can be useful to do mindfulness practice, in the sense of:

"Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.

Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future." -

My idea is that mindfulness practice can be made compatible with Tony Parson's explanation by adding the possibility that the individual doing the practice will dissolve after a while. That's the opposite of detachment which is the depersonalization disorder described in an earlier post.

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I came to think that when the individual dissolves then it's just the ego that is removed and we break into the higher evolutionary stage that Bruce Lipton described, which is oneness as humanity, not oneness with the entire universe. Earth as a whole being is just one holon level. The next holon is our galaxy the Milky Way as a oneness.

I will do some research (watching YouTube videos :D) about mindfulness.

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After some not so extensive research it appears to me that there is a lot of mindfulness experience and knowledge, even mainstream research, yet it's still within the global ego! I believe that the complete goal is much more ambitious than that, such as described in the Bible:

"I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality." - 1 Corinthians 15:50-53

So doing mindfulness practice from one's limited beliefs within the global ego will not cut it is my guess. The One intelligence must also be realized and that in my opinion requires going beyond mere mindfulness practice and expect not only some mental liberation but also a transformation of our biology.

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