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My previous post seems a bit too complicated and vague even to myself I must admit. Is there a simpler way of looking at it? Yes, the idea that the future is already determined means that for me to do a practice is itself ego activity.

A simpler way is to realize that suffering is a result of the ego and that the future will automatically remove both the ego and the suffering. That's my simplified "practice" which is about just having that intellectual idea and see what happens.

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To summarize my simplified method, it's about contemplating:

Suffering is removed by understanding that both past and future are changeless.

From there it's possible to elaborate by defining what suffering is and other explanations but I find it helpful to start with a simple idea like that.

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Now I came up with a definition of suffering. I may change it later but I want to post it while I have it in mind.

Definition: Suffering is friction caused by misunderstanding.

As an example take a person getting a broken leg in a car accident. Clearly that whole incident is suffering. So how can that event be friction? It's friction caused by the global ego, which is a partial order and therefore causes accidents. And the whole society as a part of the global ego operates on a principle of misunderstanding which is the belief that struggle is necessary in order to control and create the future.

Another example is boredom. That's suffering for the individual. And the boredom is friction caused by the individual's ego unable to function without friction due to the belief that the individual needs to create his or her own happiness or through external factors, which is a misunderstanding.

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Interestingly, there is a psychological term called flow:

"In positive psychology, a flow state, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity." -

The psychological state of flow sounds very much like absence of friction and absence of a separate ego trying to control events and instead it's a motion of the totality, the cosmic breath. It seems to require frantic activity though and is only a temporary state where the separate ego comes back after the flow, with all its friction and suffering.

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To give a more detailed description of what I mean by global ego, here is Leo talking about the collective ego: Collective Ego - Understanding The Egoic Dynamics Of Social Systems -

I have used a slightly different definition of ego than Leo used in the video, but it's essentially the same. My definition is that the ego is a totally separate sense of self.

The global ego is simply all of the world, our entire planet, including nature and our civilization, as a single collective ego. And Leo talked about how the ego struggles for survival against the environment and the external world. That's a good description I think, so how does that relate to the global ego? My answer is that the global ego struggles against its own belief in separation! It's a valid belief and actual experience, but only needed as a development tool for our planet and civilization. So the entire global ego will dissolve as I see it, when it has served its purpose and we have become developed enough as a planet.

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Leo said in the video about the collective ego that the ego will erode itself and also that our whole planet is a collective ego. That fits exactly with my idea and Bruce Lipton said something similar that our planet is in its sixth mass extinction, this time caused by our civilization. Lipton even said that it's a good thing from a fractal evolution perspective because it indicates that the world is about to transform from a caterpillar state to a butterfly state, metaphorically speaking.


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If we think of the global ego as a caterpillar state, then it means that we as individuals will become the equivalent of so-called imaginal cells:

"The caterpillars new cells are called 'imaginal cells.' They resonate at a different frequency. They are so totally different from the caterpillar cells that his immune system thinks they are enemies...and gobbles them up--Chomp! Gulp! But these new imaginal cells continue to appear. More and more of them! Pretty soon, the caterpillar's immune system cannot destroy them fast enough. More and more of the imaginal cells survive. And then an amazing thing happens! The little tiny lonely imaginal cells start to clump together, into friendly little groups. They all resonate together at the same frequency, passing information from one to another." -

But I don't think it will be as messy as for a real caterpillar, because the world is a much bigger and smarter holon. Still, it does mean that the ego will be destroyed for more and more people. And the liberated people will start to clump together, maybe over the internet and/or through some other means.

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Another observation is of how the liberated people will form new groups and communities. Who will be the leaders? Who will determine what kind of organization and strategies to use? Who will determine what rules to follow and what laws to implement? Who will determine and own things like the money system and land properties? The answer is: nobody!

There may well be hierarchical structures formed, and rules and other things like that in the "butterfly" community, but that's determined by the Self as in the liberated state, not by our separate egos which will have been removed anyway. Also, there will be heavy use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics I think.

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The global ego is very much like the Matrix, not in a science fiction sense but in the way the global ego survives by using us humans as "batteries". The liberated Self will switch that around, so that we as individuals become the "system" that survives.

This means that when we get rid of our egos and interact with other people who are still run by their egos, they will experience us as harmless, because the liberated people are only a threat to the global ego as a whole, not to the individual egos. This should create a synergetic effect where people with egos will experience it easier and easier to get rid of their own ego the more people get liberated.

And the liberated people will actually not even be a threat to the global ego as a whole, if we use rational thinking, since the global ego has served its purpose so we understand its function and then there will be a peaceful process of transformation. Still, there will probably be structures within the global ego who will experience as being threatened if they don't understand the process and try to cling onto the old order of things.

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An illustration that came to my mind is that when basically all people on earth have separate egos the caterpillar, the global ego, will walk around with great vigor. And the caterpillar grows bigger and bigger. Then as more and more people become liberated the caterpillar slows down, then stops and then turns into a cocoon!

For us individuals the opposite will happen; the more people get liberated the more activity there will be building the butterfly. So I imagine that when we start running around without egos we will experience people who are still trapped in their egos becoming more and more a part of the cocoon and motionless in comparison to the activity of the liberated Self.

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Oh my! I just realized that the liberated people will be separated from the people still stuck in our egos. Just like what Jesus said that the goats will be separated from the sheep. The goats are the caterpillar cells and the sheep are the imaginal cells that will build the butterfly. There is no interaction between the caterpillar cells and the imaginal cells! And my take is that the liberated people will have eternal lives and the people stuck in their egos will grow old and die. Let the dead bury the dead, Jesus said.

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Then what about people who claim that the Bible and other religious texts are just fairy tales? What if they are correct? I think the truth is both/and. The ego is very skillful in manipulating others. Imagine what kind of manipulation skills some collective egos have, some with thousands of years of collective experience and knowledge. Jordan Maxwell said that the Bible is the greatest story ever told. It's a STORY, there never was any actual Jesus or Moses, he said. I think Jordan is onto something.

Still, I do believe religious texts such as the Bible, even though metaphorical stories, describe profound truths. Jordan also said: "Nothing in this world works the way you think it does." That's also consistent with the global ego having a tremendous capacity for manipulation. But there is always a top core of truth that must be maintained I think, even among the big collective egos in the world, such as the Vatican. Or else society would have fallen apart a long time ago.

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With the global ego's colossal capacity for manipulation, is everything in the world today a lie? No, because we of course have true knowledge, such as 2 + 2 = 4 which is an absolute and timeless truth. But other than that, yeah, probably basically everything is a lie on some level. Even our technology today is likely just toys compared to what exists behind the public scene.

At the same time the global ego contains the value of our civilization in terms of the uniqueness and creativity it has produced. So somehow the baby needs to be preserved while the dirty bathwater is thrown out. Maybe the process of transforming the global ego has already started but isn't visible yet on the public radar.

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How can nature be a part of the global ego? Isn't nature natural and our human civilization artificial? After all, there is a clear difference between a human artifact such as an iPhone and a living natural thing like a flower. The reason for why nature is also a part of the global ego is because even nature today is only partial order. Hence all conflicts in the world, even in the natural kingdom.

Take a disease caused by bacteria for example. That's a conflict between the human body and a colony of bacteria. In a holon with full order there is no disease. And our next evolutionary step is for the whole earth to form a fully ordered holon. That's why there are seemingly incredible passages in the Bible, such as:

"The cow will feed with the bear,
  their young will lie down together,
  and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
  The infant will play near the cobra’s den,
  and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.
  They will neither harm nor destroy
  on all my holy mountain,
  for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord
  as the waters cover the sea." - Isaiah 11:7-9

Bible verses like that only seem incredible from our current myopic and undeveloped perspective.

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I have a new practice (again :)) which is to expect inner peace and then it should be possible to become completely lazy because life will activate me when needed. The idea is that the laziness and the peace will go together, and that in my ego identification I never experience inner peace because the ego is filled with fear, confusion and a state of constant need for protection.

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I haven't experienced inner peace yet because I can still feel fear in the heart area. If my theory is correct it should be possible to melt away that fear since without ego the future will be safe. In theory, that is, and if it's true. So still uncertainty but worth examining with further practice I think.

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To remove the ego, that's sort of like saying "not ego" and we are back into negation again, which is problematic as I described in an earlier post. Instead another explanation is that there is vast intelligence in nature, but hidden. And also in humans and even in inanimate objects. And the peace in the heart and mind is a result of connecting to that deeper intelligence.

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My idea of vast intelligence hidden in nature might sound like New Age woo woo. A scientific explanation is that Leonard Susskind, a leading physicist, said that entropy is hidden information. And entropy means disorder, deterioration and destruction (falling apart). So when we connect to the previously hidden information in nature with our consciousness, the information is no longer hidden, and no longer entropy!

When the deeper information in nature is hidden, our minds have to struggle against life and the heart remains blocked. And when we connect to the deeper information we become one with life and automatically protected so that we experience peace in heart and mind.

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To see how entropy can turn into intelligent control, consider a computer simulation of a glass of wine. When the wine is still that's fairly easy to simulate, while if the glass is shattered and wine splashing, that's huge entropy yet that's a much more advanced, computationally intensive and clever computer simulation.

So what looks like a mess, disorder and entropy is revealed as intelligent control when discovering the hidden information. Therefore, it's at least a possibility that something similar is going on in the real world, that what we call entropy becomes intelligent control when we discover the deeper layer of reality.

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I find it very useful to have an intellectual understanding or at least a hypothesis, so that my mind can relax into that when doing the practice of making it become a real experience. My current view is this:

Our world is a layer of limitations on top of a deeper and more intelligent reality. And we GROW out of that limitation one might say, so it serves a necessary purpose. ALL our memories and even our biology are a result of that limitation. The limitation causes a steady onslaught of increased entropy (disorder) in the world, and therefore we have to constantly struggle to keep the entropy low. This results in tensions in body and mind and those tensions are the ego.

Therefore clinging onto memories will only keep us trapped in the limitation. In order to break through into the deeper intelligence, our tensions, including our attachments to all our memories, have to dissolve.

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