
Holy Shit! Hologram revealed! Time frozen! Crystallization! And more.

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@ivankiss Was what you "experienced" total absence of everything. Simular like you are aware of inside of blackhole. There was Just nothing. I had same experience while meditating 6 months ago and fell asleep I think when this happened. I remember that I was extremly sad and said pls God let there be anything.I Just was so sad. Then I waken up and it felt for few seconds absolutely all invested energy towards anything in my life was lifted, felt enormous freedom but few seconds later everything returned back to normal. Could literally Feel how ego gets formed. 


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@zeroISinfinity Nope. Can relate, but this wasn't it. No possibility for sadness to occur. Or anything else. No space and no time for it. Literally. 

I am speaking of actuality here, only.

Imagine throwing a ball into the air and taking a picture of it before it falls down. That picture right there is what I've become. Now imagine an infinite amount of those pictures - each slightly different... That's what the hologram is. 

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@ivankiss I think I can see what are you trying to say. There were zero sense of self you become all perceptions itself. Yes ofcourse they are hologram like because they are Ephemeral. I get it. 

Ok look at your coffetable for example it is made out of These perceptions inside. But your coffetable is complete whole how is that possible? 

This stuff is indeed mindfucking and scary I know but there are deeper answers. So do not stop. It is Just so worth it. 

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@zeroISinfinity It is possible because awareness of it is. When you touch your coffee table; are you touching it or is it touching you? Or was the touch there since forever, and awareness only became aware of it? 

Could not stop even if I wanted to xDNot looking for answers tho. 

Being. Both the question and the answer.


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Appearance of that Body of yours prevents awareness to go through all "perceived" objects. 

But as I said enlightenment stuff is not about awareness, yeah it is cool but seeming awareness is Just one of the infinite facets of God. But awareness Will lead you to source of Being. No problem with it ?


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@ivankiss Have you become conscious of Infinite Will yet? How Will creates all of physical reality?

Have you become conscious that you designed your physical body using your own Will? Can you look at your hands and see that you are designing them right this very moment?

Will and Being are one. Try to get a hit on that.

Have you got a hit on Infinite Intelligence? What is intelligence in its purest form? Notice that Infinite Intelligence is materializing every physical object.

By what method does God create? By what method are you creating this world?

Make sure that you take FULL OWNERSHIP of yourself as God! You are doing it all! Do not offload that responsibility elsewhere! This is very important! You must realize yourself as THE CREATOR. You are not merely a nobody. You are THE CREATOR!

The world is your creation. There is nothing and no one outside of you who is creating it. Because ONENESS.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@ivankiss Have you become conscious of Infinite Will yet? How Will creates all of physical reality?

*Still no ?

Have you become conscious that you designed your physical body using your own Will? Can you look at your hands and see that you are designing them right this very moment?

*Still no ?

Will and Being are one. Try to get a hit on that.

*Hope one day I Will get this ?

Have you got a hit on Infinite Intelligence? What is intelligence in its purest form? Notice that Infinite Intelligence is materializing every physical object.

*Yep it is Infinite Love and yes everything is that Infinite Love. 

By what method does God create? By what method are you creating this world?

*With Love 

@Leo Gura Thanks I know you asked Ivan but some of These things I still haven't realized so I answered in hope for how to become aware of those. 

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@Charlotte Thank you so much. Love and bless :x

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@ivankiss Have you become conscious of Infinite Will yet? How Will creates all of physical reality?

Yes. Not sure about being able to explain it though. At least not from this current standpoint. I am, however, demonstrating it constantly - to myself and all.

Have you become conscious that you designed your physical body using your own Will? Can you look at your hands and see that you are designing them right this very moment?

Only if I take a step back, so to speak. Be the projectionist instead the projection. For that a deeper breath is required. A radical shift.

Will and Being are one. Try to get a hit on that.

I am because I am willing to be. It is my intent. Only death leads to this realization. Again; hard to put it through.

Have you got a hit on Infinite all Intelligence? What is intelligence in its purest form? Notice that Infinite Intelligence is materializing every physical object.

It does. Continuously. Infinite intelligence is pure unlimited potential. 

By what method does God create? By what method are you creating this world?

Frequency. Projection. Love.

Make sure that you take FULL OWNERSHIP of yourself as God! You are doing it all! Do not offload that responsibility elsewhere! This is very important! You must realize yourself as THE CREATOR. You are not merely a nobody. You are THE CREATOR!

Nobody is the creator. I hear that as an affirmation - not negation.

The world is your creation. There is nothing and no one outside of you who is creating it. Because ONENESS.

Well, that's what this game is all about, isn't it? :) 


Edited by ivankiss

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@Flatworld Crusades Do not have much knowledge on auras. I can link them only to radiation. Reflection. 

Would not say the Aura is causing the hologram. It is appearing within it. As a byproduct. As well as the one who seems to be perceiving or reflecting it.


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@ivankiss hey, not sure if you saw, I did reply to you on the last page. 

Also curious what you've been doing since this experience. (oops not experience, but whatevs you want to call it) Backlash vs integration... Although are those mutually exclusive? 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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34 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Flatworld Crusades Do not have much knowledge on auras. I can link them only to radiation. Reflection. 

Would not say the Aura is causing the hologram. It is appearing within it. As a byproduct. As well as the one who seems to be perceiving or reflecting it.


Thanks for your response.  

So if the hologram is over and above your aura it may mean that another entity is involved in producing a different energetic form, the hologram. 

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@seeking_brilliance Did see. Wanted to take some time with my response. LD brings up questions that are taking me in a different direction, if you know what I mean. Will get back at it asap :) 

Not exclusive. All-inclusive.

My original post in this thread may be viewed as a backlash haha. Was experiencing more of it the following day/night. Focused on gaining conceptual understanding of crystalline consciousness and putting together the pieces of my shattered reality lol. Being is integrating. 


@Flatworld Crusades Yes and no.

Something, but definitely not some thing. And not an entity.

Formlessness. Nothingness.


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11 minutes ago, ivankiss said:


@Flatworld Crusades Yes and no.

Something, but definitely not some thing. And not an entity.

Formlessness. Nothingness.


I understand this. Something like creation?

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On 5/17/2019 at 5:45 PM, ivankiss said:

@Soul-lover 2020 Not into beliefs. Or stories that are over 2000 years old. Chewed and spat out by mankind's filthy mouth.

Direct experience is my God. Only NOW. Nothing else.

Got me laughing tho. Thanks!

Needed it.

I wasn't joking.  The jokes on you I'm afraid

I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

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