By Juan Cruz Giusto
in Personal Development -- [Main],
“The strength of man’s position in the world depends on his degree of adequacy of his perception of the world and reality. The less adequate, the more insecure he is and, hence, he is in need of idols to lean on and find security. The more adequate it is, the more he can stand on his own feet and has his center within himself.”
Deficiency Cognition/Perception vs Being Cognition/Perception
Self-actualized people have B-Cognition!
Maslow’s Definition for B-Cognition: A self-actualizing person is more able to perceive the world as if it were independent, not only of him, but also of human beings in general. Therefore, he can look upon nature as if it were there in itself and for itself and not as a human playground put there for human purposes. He can more easily refrain from projecting human purposes onto it and in a word, he can see it is there in its own being rather than a something to be used or something to be afraid of or something to be reacted to in some other human way. A section of cancer seen through a microscope, if only we can forget it is a cancer, can be seen as a beautiful and inspiring organization. A mosquito is a wonderful object if seen as an end by itself.”
It is the ability to look at things holistically, as they actually are in a very attentive way, without judging or classifying these thing. It is a egoless and self-agenda-less form of perception; it is unmotivated, impersonal, desireless, unselfish, not needing and detached.
It is the ability to perceive an object for itself, not the way it is for you. Your desires and fears and emotions don’t get reflected into the object (physical, living object, institutions, etc.). How you perceive an object is very important since it dictates how you will react to it. If you perceive an object for itself you get the most accurate representation of it. If you perceive an object as it is for you, you get a distorted view of it. You don’t project yourself and your desires into the things you are perceiving.
“Self-actualizing people take a non-valuing, non-judging, not-condemning attitude towards others. A desireless-ness and a choiceless awareness; this understanding permits a more clear and insightful perception about what is actually there.”
“Concrete perceiving of the whole of the object implies also that it is seen with care; the care that a mother would give to his infant, or the lover at his beloved. This will surely produce a more complete perception than the usual and casual one.”
It is the difference between looking at something and seeing it as it is vs what we normally call perception.
D-Cognition: Ordinary perception; partial and incomplete form of experience. It is a deficient and anxiety based way of perceiving the world. It is driven by the ego and your self-agenda. The degree in which you have deficiencies and need safety (money, girls, etc), that is the degree to which you are gonna evaluate the things you look at to see if they can give you something that you need. Your mind is very brilliant to filter what it is relevant and what it is not relevant. You perceive things in regard of what you need and want, not what it is in reality. You are constantly judging reality! The D-Perception is anthropocentric, it is the way humans look at the world; It is rigidly rational and abstract (you create your personal model of reality to fit into your self-agenda and ego). You confuse abstractions with perception itself.
People cannot stand paradox in d-cognition. It also is ideological and pragmatic.
“In ordinary cognition, the object is it is seen not so much per say, but as a member of a class, as an instance of a larger category. This kind of perception is described as classifying and, again, what you need to realize is that this is not a full perception of the object as it is a kind of classifying and labeling. It implies comparing and contrasting.”
“Abstractions, to the extent that they are useful, are also false. In a word, to perceive an object abstractly means not to perceive some aspects of it; it clearly implies selection of some attributes, discarding some others and creation and distortion of some others.”
“In order to perceive reality fully you need to suspend judgments and classifying, to need and to use. The moment we classify reality we cut the possibility to see it as a beautiful thing.”
“Fully disinterested and holistic perception of another human being becomes possible when nothing is needed from him.”
“Self-actualizing people can abstract without giving up concreteness and vice versa.”
Your own egoic deficiencies distorts reality. The very interaction of you and reality is compromised by your lack of mental health and the accuracy of your perceptions depends on your emotional and mental maturity (the distortion is huge, even though you don’t realize it) and many of the issues you have in your life are created by this distortions. THE PROBLEMS THAT YOU HAVE ARE CREATED BY YOUR PERCEPTIONS.
You need to start to notice how your mind distorts and judge reality. You mind creates a model of reality and then tries to fit actual reality in it rather than seeing it as it really is.
You are living in an augmented reality. We are the only organism that live in an augmented reality distorted by our concepts, fantasies and ideas (we don’t realize of this augmentation). The ego creates a kind of smog that doesn’t let us see reality as it is.
“Thoughts is always doing a great deal, but it tends to say that it hasn’t done anything, that it is telling you the way things really are but it distorts everything. What thoughts takes to be perception it’s actually highly affected by it. Thought can produce experiences without us being aware that they were produces by thoughts. It is this deceptive feature of thought that we have to look for. You need to see that thought is actually participating in perception.”
You need to realize that this is a systemic problem and the mind is biased by itself.
What can you do? Create awareness around this topic and realize that you perceive life from your own deficiencies. YOU NEED TO LOOK FOR YOURSELF AND REALIZE HOW YOU REFLECT YOUR OWN AGENDA INTO REALITY, PEOPLE AND SITUATIONS. You need to start looking at objects and people for themselves as they actually are, not how they are for you.
Projections of your mind that are not features of reality itself:
- Labels and names that we give to objects
- Categories and hierarchies
- Meanings, judgements, values, usefulness and purpose
- Emotional Triggers (every time you get emotionally triggered by situations, are also creations of your mind)
- Relationships between objects: In reality, everything in the universe is extremely related to everything else in the universe; relationships are infinite. Everything is more complex than you can imagine.
- Separations and boundaries: Objects themselves are creations of your mind. If you look upon reality with complete lucidity you will see that there is no single object and boundary in it.
- Problems: Problems are creations of the mind, reality has no problems.
How to change how you perceive? It requires practice (10,000 hours). Select an object or person that you either hate or love and then see it for itself as it actually is. See it independent of your and its values. Look at the object as God was looking at it. Look at it not even as an object (since it is just an abstraction of your mind).
Enlightenment is the dissolution of the ego smog; same thing for meditation and mindfulness.
You cannot self-actualize if you don’t improve your cognition. You cannot self-actualize if you maintain your ego (enlightenment). You can improve your life without enlightenment but you will not get to that part of life that it is really juicy and satisfying. You need to make the following choice:
- Are you gonna stay faithful to your self-agenda or to reality?
Self-agenda is the distortion of reality. “The monster and the little boy metaphor”.
If you are wise enough to see the greater good, you will create an extraordinary life!