
Is it normal in this path to start feeling the presence of beings and talk to them?

34 posts in this topic

  On 5/17/2019 at 3:18 AM, Leo Gura said:


There isn't a difference!

Whatever you hold as real becomes real for you. That is Creation! You. Are. Creating. Reality!

It can become really powerful. I was doing some deep yin yoga the other night and was transforming pain sensations through imagination. The creation of warm energy, flairs of radiant energy, pulsating energy. Then I realized I had no idea how deep I was stretching and I could be seriously injuring myself. Yet I didn't care. . . I ended up straining several muscles/joints and could barely walk for two days. Yet the lesson of imagination and creation was totally worth it. . . So much imagination/reality to explore. . . 

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  On 5/17/2019 at 3:30 AM, Annoynymous said:

so you are saying that i am creating pathologies and neurosis, depression and anxiety, pain and suffering, and if i stop creating them, they will become unreal?

Ime, the standard idea of “me” isn’t deep enough. I’ve had to go much deeper to see the manifestation. I’ve gone right into a neurosis that appeared and it stopped. I was like “that can’t happen. That’s impossible”. . . But it just happened, do apparently it is possible. Then I’m like “did I make that happen”? I don’t know the mechanism, yet I’m exploring it. In particular, reconditioning the mind. I’ve gone into my psyche and changed network patterns as if I’m installing a software update. 

As a side note, when the mind is free from the nonstop story of self and chasing self needs, A LOT of time and space is opened up to explore this type stuff. 

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  On 5/17/2019 at 3:23 AM, Zeus said:

@Serotoninluv In my second lsd trip with my friend, we experienced what you just said now. And confirmed it with tests we've done while tripping.

We swapped bodies a couple of times, and we talked for hours by telepathy, It was a surreal experience for me. I never thought that would be possible, we didn't try doing it before taking the tabs. In moments of high consciousness anything can happen, literally anything.

That’s the type of stuff I’d love to explore. I just haven’t connected with the right person yet. I connect with faceless energies. At times I wish it was a “teal” person I can call and ask “Duuude. . . Did that just happen to you to?”

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@Serotoninluv It can be quite a marvelous thing to explore. Just keep doing consciousness work and it will show itself to you. Whenever I used to force myself to meditate for a goal I couldn't do it for a whole week straight. When I accepted the fact that I can't become enlightened (at least in this life), all weird stuff started happening. Work hard and continuously, but not by forcing yourself to do it.

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  On 5/17/2019 at 3:30 AM, Annoynymous said:

@Leo Gura so you are saying that i am creating pathologies and neurosis, depression and anxiety, pain and suffering, and if i stop creating them, they will become unreal?

You are creating all of reality and your so-called physical body. But you are not aware of how.

The more aware you become, the more stuff about yourself you will be able to change. Certainly you can change all the stuff you listed. Growing a third arm might be out of your human capacities. But you as God are imagining both your arms into being. There are just certain limits to being in our present human forms. Something has to stay constant to ground this life of yours until death. After death the limits drop away.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yes, the entities\egregores are quite many. To not get crazy go a step further, dissolve the ego you created in the right hemisphere, with the help of the Spleen and heart space. As you will notice that the vast majority of thoughta that arises in a day are not yours. So is a matter of attemtion, focusing on the head will bring oll sorts of anomalies.

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When I was in Peru, the shaman said the ancient's would communicate by telepathy. I can't remember the details unfortunately. Fascinating stuff eh.

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I'm living that my favorite books from my childhood are real in so many ways. The magic I so wanted to believe in is very real. I didn't write those books, or did I? There's an element of surprise, and element of a story unfolding that makes life so delicious. It's the limitations and the unknown that make it possible. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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  On 5/17/2019 at 3:17 AM, Serotoninluv said:

Yes, the line between real/not real gets blurry. Sometimes there is no difference l. It all just is.

I also want to explore these realms as well. Sometimes it gets a bit whacky though. Like I had a weird connection with some guy in Asia I’ve never met. We were both meditating and experience each others minds and bodies. I don’t know if it was “real”, yet the experience sure felt real. It never happened again and nothing came out of it. Just a bizarre mystical experience. 

@Zeus @Serotoninluv

  On 5/17/2019 at 3:23 AM, Zeus said:

In my second lsd trip with my friend, we experienced what you just said now. And confirmed it with tests we've done while tripping.

We swapped bodies a couple of times, and we talked for hours by telepathy, It was a surreal experience for me. I never thought that would be possible, we didn't try doing it before taking the tabs. In moments of high consciousness anything can happen, literally anything.



I had a similar experience using LSD(both posts), I wanted to test the perceived "telepathy" at that moment with my friend, yet he was a bit paranoid and thought that we are playing games. So I could not test this with him, because I felt that we were thinking similar things, the patterns even made sense of how everything unfolded but, in the end, we just had "intellectual discussions" and were being in awe of mystical experiences more or less. I felt I became conscious of his thought process solely, internally I was hallucinating like described here https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Internal_hallucination.

The unity perception was quite real not as intense as described here but https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Unity_and_interconnectedness more in terms as described:

"A sense of unity between other human beings and the objects they are currently interacting with."

Yet, only human I kept thinking about sam harris's LSD experience saying he loved his friend that seemed quite real for me at that moment, but not to the deepest level or a deeper one. (Not considering breadth, also in consideration of depth) 

I also felt I was processing his girlfriends' dream, which was not that fun since it felt like a bad dream and I had to clean it...

After the trip, I asked him if he felt that "oneness" and he told me no he felt we were total opposites, which shocked me a bit and left me baffled trusting my own intuition so much. https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Perception_of_interdependent_opposites

I still want my experience of self-design :( 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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  On 5/16/2019 at 10:39 PM, Zeus said:

As the title said, i started having conversations with other beings. I can feel their guidance and presence, a lot of times without me wanting to. I just switch on, and here I am feeling the touch, and talking to the angels. I'm I deluding myself?. Please share with me your opinions and experiences. 

Sounds like you have some natural psychic abilities and your perception is opening up on the astral plane.

They are always there but you are just seeing them now...I would guess because your meditation is deepening.

There are energy cleansing rituals you can do if any voices start feeling negative. 

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I don't want to sound like the classic materialist, but.... isn't this just suggestion and hallucination in the brain because of meditative practices?

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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@Leo Gura Is it possible to become a licensed shaman for instance in the U.S or another country in the EU? To try this legally?

What kind of experiences are worth shooting for with only LSD? 

I will definitely sit again for a couple of hours in meditation, depending on how well I can deal with the dose. Yet, since 150/200mcg etc, are not very effective for my brain-body. I want to take higher doses from 450-600mcg or even 700 depending on the substance.

Or am I better of reading reports on Erowid? etc. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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