Isn't it Intuition just a Feeling?

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I want to be more intuitive but i struggle to do so because i can't distinguish it.

Is intuition a feeling?

How do you distinguish intuition from your regular feelings?

Edited by SQAAD

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I have heard about a second brain which is the "gut" brain. 

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@SQAAD its a fundamental part of intelligence.  Intelligence is a fundamental facet of the Absolute.  Hence we have Infinite Intelligence.  Your intuition is finite but it is guiding you.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Intuition is not backed by reason or logic. It is not something you think out, but it is something you just gravitate towards.

The subconscious is processing more than you'll ever be consciously aware of.

The result of that results in 'feelings' guiding you towards certain paths.

Edited by Shadowraix

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Intuition is like GPS. It's always there broadcasting its signal, but unless you have the device switched on it's not going to work. 

To switch on the device, you must switch off the analytical mind. That means you can't distinguish intuition from anything else, because to 'distinguish it' you must use your analytical mind. I hope you see the problem?

So the answer to improving your intuition, is to learn to stop analysing, and instead trust what arises instead. This is easier said than done, but regular meditation helps. Or engage in activities that don't require too much thought.

Also, like friendships, you can't 'force' intuition. It happens of it's own accord, in it's own time, in it's own way. But to be able to act on it when it happens, you must be 'tuned in'. The sensation could be something like, 'this feels like the right thing to do', or it could be a thought like 'that's ridiculous but I need to do it', or 'wow that's scary, but I'm doing it anyway'. It's often the first sensation you have when making a big decision or entering a new situation.

What is intuition? IMHO it is infinite intelligence working through You. But that's a bit out there.

Edited by LastThursday

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Intuition is not a thought, not a feeling and not a sensation.
Its domain is gluing together of thoughts, feelings and sensations into experience.
It is the interface between the conscious and subconscious mind and it works through meaningful coincidences.
It is knowledge without the possibility to explain its origin.

In order to develop your intuition - stop treating thoughts or feelings as your compass and go with the flow of life and see where it guides you.

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@SQAAD Intuition is not some sort of emotion. Emotion often times distorts your reality and decisions in a highly emotional state are mostly impulsive and short-term. Emotions shine a certain light on reality and it shows life from one certain feeling. Intuition is something beyond a high arousal state. Intuition is more of a sixth sense, it can be described as a hint or a whiff to go some kind of direction or explore a certain idea or energy. 

Intuition is a sense of doing "the right thing", its the subconsciousness awareness that you have about all of your problems. Its the subconsciousness faculty which deeply knows that "youre gonna have to face that in order to grow", "this is the thing that is holding me back", "you know that you are running away from this", "you know that it is the right thing to meditate right now". 

Ultimate truth is deeply connected to every soul and therefore intuition is just the part of you that knows. That knows you are fooling yourself


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I’d say the subjective human experience of intuition is much closer to a feeling than thoughts. For me, relaxing the thinking mind and Being can allow for awareness of a sense, of an appearance. It’s inter-connected with feelings and I woildn’t say it is a feeling or it is not a feeling. In turn, it’s also inter-connected to thoughts. Yet immersion into thoughts can become static noise (as can immersion into feelings). There is no word I can think of to describe. What appears in my mind is “spontaneous wisdom, spontaneous knowing”. This captures some of the essence, yet it’s not quite right, because it’s not jus a “knowledge” thing. It’s more holistic and expansive. 

It’s an element of Beingness that I’m also exploring, observing and developing. ? 

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3 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

I’d say the subjective human experience of intuition is much closer to a feeling than thoughts. For me, relaxing the thinking mind and Being can allow for awareness of a sense, of an appearance. It’s inter-connected with feelings and I woildn’t say it is a feeling or it is not a feeling. In turn, it’s also inter-connected to thoughts. Yet immersion into thoughts can become static noise (as can immersion into feelings). There is no word I can think of to describe. What appears in my mind is “spontaneous wisdom, spontaneous knowing”. This captures some of the essence, yet it’s not quite right, because it’s not jus a “knowledge” thing. It’s more holistic and expansive. 

It’s an element of Beingness that I’m also exploring, observing and developing. ? 

I want my intuition to help me win the lottery. :D^_^

Edited by SQAAD

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Intuition is your HIGHEST feeling. It is the voice of your soul/spirit.

And don't discount feelings either! Feelings are faithful indicators of how things really are for you. Listen to your feelings more, not less. The problem is that you repress and judge your feelings too much. This is what gets you into trouble.

Feel your feelings without reacting to them or overthinking them. Just feel for the sake of feeling, not as a means to some end.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

On 17/5/2019 at 2:12 AM, Leo Gura said:

Intuition is your HIGHEST feeling. It is the voice of your soul/spirit.

And don't discount feelings either! Feelings are faithful indicators of how things really are for you. Listen to your feelings more, not less. The problem is that you repress and judge your feelings too much. This is what gets you into trouble.

Feel your feelings without reacting to them or overthinking them. Just feel for the sake of feeling, not as a means to some end.

Many times i feel like my feelings are deluding me big time. It's difficult to trust my feelings...

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@SQAAD It's very easy actually. Trust your HIGHEST feeling. Those are God.

Any feeling that is fear-based you should not trust.

The problem isn't feelings themselves, it's what the ego-mind does with them.

A pure feeling uninterpreted by ego-mind is never bad.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@SQAAD It's very easy actually. Trust your HIGHEST feeling. Those are God.

Any feeling that is fear-based you should not trust at all.

say you're working at mcdonalds and have a fearful feeling when you reflect on your future and the path you're going down, would you trust that feeling?

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5 minutes ago, Pernani said:

say you're working at mcdonalds and have a fearful feeling when you reflect on your future and the path you're going down, would you trust that feeling?

Of course not. Rather you generate a loving vision of your future. You imagine your highest future and feel that feeling. Then you go build it.

You can't escape McDonalds by feeling shitty. You escape McDonalds by feeling inspiring about what you will create next.

Use positive feeling as your launch fuel. Negative feeling is the devil sucking out your soul.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course not. Rather you generate a loving vision of your future. You imagine your highest future and feel that feeling. Then you go build it.

You can't escape McDonalds by feeling shitty. You escape McDonalds by feeling inspiring about what you will create next.

Use positive feeling as your launch fuel. Negative feeling is the devil sucking out your soul.

With all respect Leo, I don't agree that feelings are the same as intuition if you mean them from emotions point of view. In my opinion feelings are emotions, that link to all the sadness, happiness, anger, etc. Intuition is as you said, the voice of the soul, the one that knows your purpose here and knows the way. The one that we tend to be far away from when we get involved in our emotions that make us unconscious.  Intuition comes from the center of everything, gut feelings, logic, male, female, all the spiral colors, etc. From the source of all beings. Those intuitive decisions that some of us have made that felt so right that became the best decisions we made. 

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24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course not. Rather you generate a loving vision of your future. You imagine your highest future and feel that feeling. Then you go build it.

You can't escape McDonalds by feeling shitty. You escape McDonalds by feeling inspiring about what you will create next.

Use positive feeling as your launch fuel. Negative feeling is the devil sucking out your soul.

Or better still, you can become conscious that McDonald’s is equal to any life purpose you can aspire to. Saves a lot of time.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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I will paraphrase what was said in another thread about intuition.

Intuition is your inner wisdom. It is the accumulation of your lifetime of knowledge and experience. Hence, it is usually right (unless you have had no life experience). This is usually expressed through your body as more of a feeling rather than a thought, that's how you know its intuition and not just conscious thinking.

Edited by Knock

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26 minutes ago, Knock said:

I will paraphrase what was said in another thread about intuition.

Intuition is your inner wisdom. It is the accumulation of your lifetime of knowledge and experience. Hence, it is usually right (unless you have had no life experience). This is usually expressed through your body as more of a feeling rather than a thought, that's how you know its intuition and not just conscious thinking.

If you listen closely, you'd notice it is not a thought, and not a emotion or a feeling, it is something else. More like a voice or a leading force. Maybe the force of evolution that Leo mentioned in one of his videos. 

I don't agree that it comes from your knowledge level and the experiences that you have had. The direction or the point of it comes relative to the situation you are in and where you are kinda supposed to go to get closer to the place you'd grow or have evolution best in.

I may be wrong, but it's the best I've got at this point :) 

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8 minutes ago, frnsh said:

I don't agree that it comes from your knowledge level and the experiences that you have had. The direction or the point of it comes relative to the situation you are in and where you are kinda supposed to go to get closer to the place you'd grow or have evolution best in.

I may be wrong, but it's the best I've got at this point :) 

I may be wrong too, but I have had a different experience with intuition. :)
When I tried to intuitively cook for the first time, I failed miserably.
When I tried to intuitively have sex for the first time, it was comical.
When I was new to salsa dancing and left my dancing skills up to intuition, I couldn't even pull 2 moves together. 

We have instinct carried from DNA, but not intuition. When we have no knowledge or experience, our intuition fails. However our knowledge and experience is vast and carries over to many aspects of our lives, many we are not even conscious of. 

The direction you feel compelled to go is based off prior experience or knowledge. A child has no intuition of being a computer programming, until they are presented the idea of a computer or what a program is.

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