Gabriel Antonio

The Myth of "We Create Our Own Reality"

8 posts in this topic

Eu estava tendo uma pequena discussão no seguinte diário: 

Porque eu não quero spam grande fio pessoal do @ Iiris, decidi abrir a discussão com o resto de vocês todos.

Então, aqui está o que um usuário escreveu: 

“as mudanças vêm depois de aceitarmos que somos criadores de nossa ansiedade e, portanto, temos o poder de mudar a forma como percebemos e reagimos a determinadas circunstâncias. Aceitação não significa que assumimos a culpa, apenas significa que não mais sentimos que é útil apontar o dedo para fora e, em vez disso, refletir internamente. O mundo exterior sempre refletirá o interior ... isso é o que significa "nós criamos nossa própria realidade" '


Então, aqui estão meus pensamentos para cada um dos seus pontos: 

5 horas atrás, DrewNows disse:

As mudanças vêm depois de aceitarmos que somos criadores de nossa ansiedade e, portanto, temos o poder de mudar a forma como percebemos e reagimos a determinadas circunstâncias.

Em primeiro lugar, de acordo com a ciência, a ansiedade generalizada e a depressão clínica não são causadas pelas nossas mentes, mas pela nossa química cerebral. 

Mas vamos falar sobre ansiedade "regular". Digamos que a pessoa mais espiritualmente iluminada que já andou na Terra recebeu a tarefa de criar sozinha dez crianças. Não se sentiria estressado ou ansioso?

Claro, nossa reação à ansiedade pode realmente ampliar seu poder. Mas dizer que "nós criamos a ansiedade" é um grande salto. Eu adoraria que @ DrewNows  apresentaria algumas evidências de que este é o caso. Afinal, como disse Carl Sagan, "reivindicações extraordinárias exigem evidências extraordinárias". 

5 horas atrás, DrewNows disse:

Aceitação não significa que assumimos a culpa, apenas significa que não mais sentimos que é útil apontar o dedo para fora e, em vez disso, refletir internamente.

Eu concordo com este ponto. Nós mesmos devemos agir para mudar o que não gostamos em nossas vidas. 

5 horas atrás, DrewNows disse:

O mundo exterior sempre espelhará o interior ... isto é o que significa "nós criamos nossa própria realidade" 


Então o mundo exterior  sempre  refletirá o interior? Me dá um tempo! O fato de os bebês estarem famintos na África é apenas um reflexo do mundo interior deles? 

Você não apoiou sua primeira afirmação, ou é um axioma que somente pessoas desenvolvidas espirituais podem entender? (também conhecido como non sequitur)


Ótima leitura sobre este tópico:

Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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Under the same circumstances:

1) An ordinary person will get disturbed at first, and then the chain will go on.

Disturbance ==> Worrying ==> Distress ==> Anxiety ==> Depression ==> Disturbance ==> Repeat ?

2) An enlightened master, however, will get disturbed at first, but they are aware and are masters of their emotions and they know how the reactions will play out, so they stop the chain at disturbance, and might even be able to get back to peace

Edited by Truth Addict

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@Gabriel Antonio Why are you posting in another language? This is against Forum Guidelines.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura   this comment 

One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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I will try to explain it to you, giving  proof would to be much of a  time consuming  effort that would take months, or years with right techniques prepared and  enough people to make a point.

Just to explain it to you 

People do not understand much about how their psychology  (emotions, though, etc.) work,  that is why they are blindly following their patterns, that means their free will is very limited.

None is saying that brain chemistry is not a thing, but there are allot of things that produces this brain chemistry and there are things you  can  do to change it on your own, without using drugs. 

Edited by purerogue

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Be careful about the brain chemistry vs mind duality. Your mind is your brain chemistry and everytime your mind changes, it is reflected by brain chemistry. We have an amazing ability to reprogram ourselves. 

By becoming aware of your behaviors and mechanisms you gain access to methods of being able to manipulate yourself into getting desired behavioral patterns. These methods are even used for therapy. Look into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. 

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I shall translate the above comment:

I was having a little discussion in the following diary:

Because I do not want to spam big personal thread @ Iiris, I decided to open the discussion with the rest of you all.

So here's what a user wrote:

"Changes come after we accept that we are creators of our anxiety and therefore have the power to change the way we perceive and react to certain circumstances. Acceptance does not mean that we take the blame, it just means that we no longer feel it useful to point the finger out and instead reflect internally. The outer world will always reflect the interior ... that is what it means "we create our own reality"


So, here are my thoughts for each of your points:

”The changes come after we accept that we are creators of our anxiety and therefore have the power to change the way we perceive and react to certain circumstances.”

First, according to science, generalized anxiety and clinical depression are not caused by our minds, but by our brain chemistry.

But let's talk about "regular" anxiety. Let's say that the most spiritually enlightened person who ever walked the earth was given the task of raising ten children by themselves. Would not you feel stressed or anxious?

Of course, our reaction to anxiety can actually amplify its power. But to say that "we create anxiety" is a big leap. I would love it @ DrewNows would present some evidence that this is the case. After all, as Carl Sagan said, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

“Acceptance does not mean that we take the blame, it just means that we no longer feel it useful to point the finger out and instead reflect internally.”

I agree with this point. We ourselves must act to change what we do not like in our lives.

“The outer world will always mirror the interior ... this is what it means "we create our own reality"

So will the outside world always reflect the interior? Give me some time! Is the fact that babies are hungry in Africa just a reflection of their inner world?

Did not you support your first statement, or is it an axiom only developed spiritual people can understand? (also known as non sequitur)


Great reading on this topic:


"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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Omg, I am so sorry! I was using my friend's computer, and he has a google translator feature that translates automatically, so it translated what I posted, and I didn't notice it! I

I will do my best to translate this topic by the end of the day! 

Goddamn it!! :(

Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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