Alex bAlex

How original are you?

9 posts in this topic

Hey "actualizers", 

We are keep taught to be original if we want to be successful and to create authentic products, or, more simplistically, "JUST BE YOURSELF". 


If you're reading and consume personal development content for a while, you might notice that some patterns keep repeating themselves and if you do a bit of analysis, you'll find out that everyone form Wallace D Wattles, to Napoleon Hill to Tony Robbin, say pretty much the same shit (useful shit), only a bit polished, to shine. 

And I am thinking of myself as well, that in order to be authentic, I have to be inspired by someone or some material. So I will get this inspiration material, paraphrase it, publish it and call it original. 

So the question is: is it,out there anything original or just refurbished stuff? 

I can also think that a musician may create a good piece of melody but himself must have some initial sting of music to pull from. 


I guess I can answer my question by saying that there is no such a thing as 100% original ®©™️©️??

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It's a paradox! A beautiful one indeed.

In a sense, we're just copycating and repackaging the work that is done by others before us.

And in another sense, we're all unique and special and everything we say, think, or do is always fresh and new.

It's like DNA, it's derived from other DNAs, but at the same time, it has its own unique characteristics.

However, being authentic or original means accepting our uniqueness, instead of trying to stay conservatives, and accepting that we're always learning and evolving.


Edited by Truth Addict

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I think the point the people you are quoting may be trying to make is that when creating a product you should stay original to yourself.  Introspect a bit, figure out what you are really care about and let your passion be your muse. It’s not likely they are asking you to think up something that nobody has ever thought about before (That would be horrible advise, they might as well tell you… Just don’t be poor anymore) more likely they are subconsciously letting you know that you already have all the answers J. You see the patterns because they are in our face almost like recipes.

There is nothing wrong with patterns, everyone is just trying to make a living and not everyone may be as blessed as you.


If inspiration is what you need try the observation technique

Sincerely tu amigo

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It's both!!!

It exists at the same time within the same 'thing' you're talking about.

Think of the episode where Leo discussed sameness and difference. In one way, nothing is original because it is sourced from somewhere else, in another way it is absolutely original in its expression in the moment.




Edited by SgtPepper

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As a writer it infuriates me to work so hard only to see that everything I produce is derivative, even if only in very nuanced ways. 

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


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9 hours ago, Alex bAlex said:

So the question is: is it,out there anything original or just refurbished stuff? 

Fish don't invent water and humans don't create understanding.
You are exactly as original as the present moment.

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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I like your observation! Yes many things are refurbished. But there is also original stuff evolving. Emerging from infinite intelligence.


Words, music, ideas, pictures. They are all tools. Tools to express yourself and mostly to manipulate (can be good).

Now if you dont fit these to our current culture, to our era, to a person, to YOU etc. To make them appealing. Then your tool doesnt work. No matter how original or new it is. At which point you could just stop with it.

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On 16/05/2019 at 6:04 AM, OrpheusNovum said:

As a writer it infuriates me to work so hard only to see that everything I produce is derivative, even if only in very nuanced ways. 

I am not a writer but I feel the same when I am thinking of something "original" life to create a youtube content or business. When I get an idea I am thinking that it's already done by someone else and the market is either saturated or not interested in. 

And when do you start to give (or not to give) credits? In a graduate thesis, for example. your originals are just the order of fulfilling and linking words. 


On 16/05/2019 at 1:54 AM, Truth Addict said:

It's a paradox! A beautiful one indeed.

It pisses me off and it's sending me into analysis-paralysis mode! 


On 16/05/2019 at 5:51 AM, SgtPepper said:

It's both!!!

It exists at the same time within the same 'thing' you're talking about.

Yeah but I can go to jail for copyright (rights?-cannot get the grammar here).


On 16/05/2019 at 9:31 AM, tsuki said:

Fish don't invent water and humans don't create understanding.
You are exactly as original as the present moment.

This one requires some deep meditations :)


On 17/05/2019 at 1:02 AM, universe said:
On 17/05/2019 at 1:02 AM, universe said:

if you don't fit these to our current culture,...Then your tool doesn't work. No matter how original or new it is

That's why you need to try and fail and fail and fail. GOT IT ;)

On 16/05/2019 at 1:57 AM, Myegolikestacos said:

If inspiration is what you need try the observation technique




Edited by Alex bAlex

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Oh my gosh so, my take-- it is not so much that it's all the same (I get what you're saying of course) but it IS WHY it's IMPORTANT to YOU and your own experience--

You know the one that will NEVER happen exactly the same again in the way you are experiencing these principles/ truths.

THIS is also part of why you are drawn to this sameness, or even have the desire to create a "product" and why it all makes sense to you in this way.


YOU are what is different in this sameness.

There will never be and never has been another "you" / perspective on reality identical to yours.

Your decision to be THIS and stay true to your own nature takes courage and will ultimately be the thing that makes your creation unique/ authentic.


I have found that sometimes you just have to start doing some things in order to distill down your sweet spot-- whatever it is for you. I think of it like a stroke on one big canvas painting or like a degree on a massive circle.

Consider if Leo hadn't contributed his unique perspective or even if James Cameron (he seems to be inspired by him) hadn't gone for it... Because they had similar thoughts.

Ultimately what truly inspires you IS unique and will inspire people who identify with you the way in which we identify with Leo or whoever your person is.

I guess we are all inspired by the big bang lol.

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