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After 3 weeks of taking Armodafinil, things started to change quickly

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I took half a pill every day for 3 weeks, and my total understanding of the universe is starting to break very quickly. Before I couldn't meditate for 5 min straight. Now I can meditate while doing anything for 30 mins sometimes. What shook me after some time of doing this, is that I started seeing meaning in somethings that I used to see as bullshit. Seeing and hearing synchronicities almost everyday, and for the most part that synchronicity is related to what I'm thinking at that moment. I used to think that coincidences are 'just' coincidences, but now I wonder at how such an alignment can happen. I think I'm loosing it guys, this is very overwhelming.

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1 hour ago, Zeus said:

. Seeing and hearing synchronicities almost everyday, and for the most part that synchronicity is related to what I'm thinking at that moment. I used to think that coincidences are 'just' coincidences, but now I wonder at how such an alignment can happen. 

This happens to me about every day. I'll be thinking something or reading something and immediately the word I'm thinking or reading will be said alloud on TV or by someone in the room.  So trippy. It's been happening for years

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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3 hours ago, Zeus said:

Seeing and hearing synchronicities almost everyday, and for the most part that synchronicity is related to what I'm thinking at that moment. I used to think that coincidences are 'just' coincidences, but now I wonder at how such an alignment can happen.

Everything is always in synchronicity. 

I was at a retreat in South America, the shaman said with absolute knowing in his beeing "coincidence doesn't exist, everything happens for a reason".

And in higher states of consciousness this has been proved to me dozens of times. 

I had another Ayahuasca cermemony just a day ago. The connectedness was overwhelming. One of the most beautiful things I ever experienced

Edited by ThinAir

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