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INFLECTION: Who are we?

2 posts in this topic

Standing in the mirror this morning I had a thought.

Experience is something and reality is nothing. The brain is a type of reflecting machine that turns nothing into something.

For example, a mirror is nothing before brilliance illuminates it's reflection. The mind is nothing until a brain manifests the environment to create an experience. The mind is almost an identical metaphor of a mirror, only just the ultimate metaphysical mirror.

The bathroom mirror has material that reflects photons and exists as a symmetrical copy of light, which we then perceive in our mind as reflection. The mirrors reflection is absorbed through the eyes and recreated within your brain. Just like how a mirror holds an intrinsic copy of light, your mind is a unique copy of the universe.


Yes, I'm saying we're all the same nothing, but can become something with a brain and environment communicating. We are the brain as much as the whole environment, but it's clearly part of our game to pretend to be free existing agents separate from the environment. Damn clever trickery.

Everyone is a youniverse.


What are your thoughts on mind and environment, nothing and something?

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Hi Hoel, I'd like to add some of my own insight to your thoughts about our mirror.

I find it humorous how we all see our reflection and immediately place our own egotistical judgements about what we see. Our society has placed such high regard into our outer appearance that it has become far more important than anything else we may have to offer.

Each morning when we wake up we immediately view ourselves with sustain and our ego tells us, I can't go out like this, I can't let them see me like this. I need to shave or I need to apply my makeup. I need a haircut. I need to lose weight. I need to tone my body. Some of us can't even look at ourselves without our ego telling us we're ugly and undesirable. How disillusioned is that? How shallow of a world do we live in that we are all judged based on this outer shell? A false image that in the real scheme of things means little if nothing at all.

Think about the confidence we'd all have if we didn't know what we looked like compared to others. Think about what this world would be like if we didn't place judgements on others because of this meaningless outer vessel we call the body. Only mind and spirit. Without sight, that is exactly what we'd do. Problem is, it'd be tough to get around. So much for stop signs.


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