
Is existence conscious of itself?

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7 minutes ago, Drake140 said:

lack of reasoning

Knowing limits of logic using logic doesn't seem like "lack of reasoning" to me?

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15 minutes ago, Drake140 said:

Most of the time it will be hard, but you can continue any model as long as you add in the fact that there is lack of reasoning, over time while keeping this pressure of not knowing it will become a feeling, and then there are ways of consuming the feeling after that you will see the missing logical gap, and the whole thing repeats itself.

I also think there is immense potential in expanding logical reasoning models. I think we have barely scratched the surface. Imagine what sophisticated AI will develop. 

As well, I think there are times in which “post-rational” may appear “post-rational” because it’s a new area of exploration. Something like intuition hasn’t been deeply explored mainstream. We just don’t have words and frameworks to discuss intuition. We say things like “Well intuition is sorta like this. . .Gosh it’s hard to explain in words because it’s post-rational”. . .  Now imagine all of humanity explores and investigates intuition as the number one human desire and goal for the next 100 years. Hundreds of new words and rational models would arise.We would discover and observe many aspects and mechanisms of intuition. Gaps in reason and logic would slowly get filled and connected. Humans would become comfortable discussing intuition reasonably. It would eventually be considered rational - no longer post-rational.

Is this along the lines of your model? Or am I off?

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Einstein and the other founding fathers of Quantum Mechanics knew that ultimately Materialism must collapse.  Some of them may have even been mystics.

Look at Einstein's Relativity theory.  Time dilation tells us that even Time itself is relative.  

And Light is both a wave and a particle.  That's logical right?

The founding fathers of Quantum Mechanics were visionary philosophers not just scientists.   They got it.  



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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8 minutes ago, Drake140 said:

you on the other had have limited ability to see and apply it.

Based on what you say this?

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2 minutes ago, Drake140 said:

In my model it is always a feeling that blocks your ability to see the next logical gap. I do agree with you opinion above it would truly be a benefit for all. For me personally when i learned that i can "consume/erase" emotions, it enabled me to view things more logically and gave me immense control of my mind in general and for every thing in my model there is a non contradicting logical reason.

When you say a feeling blocks the ability to see the next logical gap, are you referring to an intellectual / reasonable framework that gets filled in? Or can it be something “outside” of reason that suddenly makes sense reasonably?

For example, I have an interest in releasing feeling/energetic blocks. In particular, to recondition the mind. Yet it’s not like I have a logical theory and I am searching to fill the gaps to form an integrated/holistic theory. That would be super cool, yet not my primary motivation. My primary motivation is to just be able to do it. It could come through relaxed no thinking mind states, deep concentration and observation, psychedelics, neuroscience, logic, “post-logic”, spirit guides, crystals, flow stages, sensory deprivation tanks etc. I don’t care what tool is used, I just want to be able to do it. In your example, I’ve also had moments in which I erase or modify an emotion/memory. Sometimes it’s like “Oh my gosh! It’s so obvious! That totally makes sense!”. And it seems like a gap in reasoning is filled. Like two dots are now connected. Other times, the happening doesn’t make sense. This used to frustrate me and I would try to figure it out. Yet now I don’t feel the same desire to make sense of it. It’s like there is a different form of understanding. Perhaps with enough time and effort, I could make sense of it in a reasonable model, yet I’d much rather have the “understanding” in whatever form - and the ability to do it. 


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@Drake140 Thanks for that example. I think that type of logic can be very useful in identifying and releasing blocks. I know a psychologist that uses similar logic in her approach and it can be very effective. I’m really interested in identifying and releasing mental and bodily blocks so we can expand toward our potential and improve the health of the mind-body as it relates to the world. I appreciate your view. It’s a prompt of contemplation for me ? 

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10 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Serotoninluv You're a scientist correct?

Have you knowledge of Quantum Mechanics?

I don’t identify as a scientist, yet I’m professionally trained as a biologist with an emphasis in cell/development/genetics/neuroscience. I’d say I’m in the scientific/mystic hybrid genre like Deepak Chopra.

I have basic knowledge of QM, yet I have not extensively studied it.

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@Drake140 The major breakthru with Quantum Mechanics was that matter is not made of atoms..not made of molecules..not

When it comes down to it they found they arent made of atoms at all.   What they could find are fields of possibilities and these fields are directly impacted by the perceiver.  They are entangled in sort of a way.  

Also if you look at quantum entanglement it makes no logical sense.  This is when two particles become entangled such that their individual state cannot be deciphered independentl of the other ...doesn't matter if they are light years away from each other.

Particles at the subatomic level consist of qualities of both a wave and a particle.

Any of this sounding logical so far?

Guys this is what science found!


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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4 minutes ago, Drake140 said:

Thanks for the response it kind of made me like this community more.

Me as well. Ironically, our discussion of releasing blocks actually helped me to release one of my own blocks and connect a couple dots. ? ? 

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@Drake140 no it's not quarks..its not strings..its not anything..its what they concluded were fields of possibilities that depending on what possibility the perceiver was viewing collapsed that possibility into something...

They ultimately found the substance of matter is nothing..but called it fields.  Scientists today don't wanna recognize that.   It's too radical.  Its too much.

Do the studying on your own and you will see.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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14 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Drake140 no it's not quarks..its not strings..its not anything..its what they concluded were fields of possibilities that depending on what possibility the perceiver was viewing collapsed that possibility into something...

They ultimately found the substance of matter is nothing..but called it fields.  Scientists today don't wanna recognize that.   It's too radical.  Its too much.

Do the studying on your own and you will see.

14 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Drake140 no it's not quarks..its not strings..its not anything..its what they concluded were fields of possibilities that depending on what possibility the perceiver was viewing collapsed that possibility into something...

They ultimately found the substance of matter is nothing..but called it fields.  Scientists today don't wanna recognize that.   It's too radical.  Its too much.

Do the studying on your own and you will see.

Well you was that "nothing" is it really?

6 hours ago, Shin said:



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I'm pretty sure all of our perseptions and experiences are just our brain projecting and re-projecting different frequencies of existence. But remember don't believe this. Only shelve this knowledge and assume it's neither right now wrong (when secretly you know that you will eventually find it). Really the only thing you can do to help your own path is literally be quiet and silent....consistently. one aspect of my path that I find helps me grow quickly is the fact that, even when I find a concept that really makes sense and fits well as an answer to a question I've been asking...I never believe it. Even if it's right. Especially if it's right! I would seriously consider dropping heavy questions like the one you've posted until a later time. The way I do it is as follows;

With big existential questions i never ever search for the answer...I only search for me, the one who asks the question. This is why silence is truly the answer, because the answer is, the questioner does not exist. And of course this, for me, is still a concept. That I try not to believe. But then again "trying" to do or not do anything, is still just a distraction.


*Utter silence*

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Find yourself (in your direct experience) you are there aren't you? In your direct experience?

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@Aaron p stuff isn't happening inside your brain.  You can become directly conscious of this in your direct experience but it requires a mystical experience.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Right now they have discovered in another experiment that there's no objective reality.

"Physicists have long suspected that quantum mechanics allows two observers to experience different, conflicting realities. Now they’ve performed the first experiment that proves it."

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@zeroISinfinity Zero i don't understand what you are asking.

This "nothingness" term I think misleads people for sure mislead me on path. Yes it is Ephemeral but not in some dark nihilistic way people would think of. Even scientists approach it from conceptual point of view. God avaible to all yet they try to reach it with experiments and equipment lol. I myself was huge fan of quantum physics and science in general heck I studied to become mechanical engineer. 

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