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Overly Anxious about Scientific Findings regarding OCD

23 posts in this topic

@SQAAD don't give that too much weight at all.

OCD is an "anxiety disorder" due to lack of certainty.  That nagging inner feeling  that something aint quite right.

But what if you look at it as also your intuition telling you this, and that maybe, just maybe, there IS something not right!  There's something VERY not right about what we think is going on here with life!

Thats why the pursuit of Truth through spirituality can bring you so much peace and relief from OCD.

Don't underestimate the power of your true nature.    


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I know it sounds scary but it's not how it sounds. you're absolutely in control because it's your perspective and self doubt that's causing this. I suggest working on ways to repair your relationship with yourself so your ego isn't working against but with you. you have a power struggle going on inside you that's tearing you apart from inside out.

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