
100 mg of bufo alvarius secrtetion. (5-Meo-DMT)

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Hi there, glad to salute everyone in this forum.

I was searching on internet about 5-Meo-DMT, and i found out that in my country the substance is not illegal, so I have a bit of a chance to get some bufo alvarius secretion 100 mg.

The question is: ¿how am I supossed to consume this?, I've watched various Leo's videos about this molecule but I'm not sure about if he consume the secretion directly or if he process it first and then consume it.

Hope and have an answer.

Love you all.

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If you have the secretion, my understanding is that you need to vaporize it, you should not snort or plug it. I can't actually remember right now if this is because A) there are some toxins in the secretion that become cleaned off by vapourizing, or if it's because B) the form that's found in the secretion doesn't absorb well by those other ROAs. I think it's A)

I'm not an expert on vaping technique. You have to be careful to not burn it, the idea is to make it evaporate and inhale those vapours.

Personally, I would vouch for synthetic 5-MeO-DMT because it doesn't hassle any toads and is more pure, but pretty cool to have that opportunity anyways. Are you in Mexico?

I hope someone else can contribute more definite information for you.

Good luck!

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100mg is not really enough to work with. That's like equivalent to 1-2 doses, but you will probably waste a few doses just testing and perfecting your vape method.

You'll need more substance to do this properly, with multiple ramped up doses. It would be foolish to vape 100mg straight up. You'll want to build up to that gradually.

It must be vaped.


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@outlandish  yea, im from mexico, and thanks for the information.

@Leo Gura how much are we talking about to have the proper amount in order to have at least enough doses to perfecting my method?, or at least 20 to 30 doses.

350 mg, 500mg, 1g, a half an ounce?

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500mg is a good starting amount. That's like 5 full doses.

30 doses is A LOT!

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@Leo Gura  OK Leo, I'll do more research about how to properly vape it.

Thanks a lot.

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