
Weird non-dual surrender while sleeping

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So I was sleeping tonight and I woke up slightly, being like 50/50 wake/sleep state. Then I just felt something really weird, I started to shake as hell, felt like something is ressisting something for some reason, actualy it felt like a somewhat of a mystical experience, so being half asleep I though that surrendering is the best option (which previously I wasnt capable of doing so in normal states). Thought that if I would die now then let it be my death. And I just completely shifted from a shivering state to total calmness, my body became so relaxed when I surrendered to the experience, actualy it felt like I died then, the body relaxation was seen as a death of some sort. The next thing was that I was observing this and thinking in my mind and then an insight occured that my thoughts are also me, the nonduality was so total there (not only in material sence) that I just laid in bed with such an empty mind being total calm and just accepting everything that I actualy am. Then I just fell asleep and woke up all happy with energy. Maybe someone had this kind of experiences?


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Experiences like those are crazy.... I've had one a few weeks ago that was slightly similar: 


I've had two strange sleep experiences, and I was in that 50/50-ish wake/sleep state when those occured. I think there's something about being on the brink of falling asleep, and the waking state.

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."

- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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I had similar experiences when I went through an awakening a few weeks ago. I woke up with insights, intense energy and needed to write them out. As I wrote they kept coming. I went for days without sleeping more two hour stretches. Yours sound much more peaceful. Some of them were peaceful and I could sleep after the insight without the intense energy and need to write. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@iTommy wow what an interesting post. Maybe that was some kind of an energy release idk. I will have to investigate this


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@Mikael89 Oh wow, this sound disturbing to have.


I remember everytime I smoked weed I always shaked as if my body had been exposed to alot of cold, I just couldn't understand why that was. I heard that the kundalini energy becomes more active when high on canabis.


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@inFlow i can tell you that during my Awakening period i had at least two mystical states in which i woke up in the middle night and boom..there i was in non-duality.  Its beautiful. Especially when you become conscious of a facet of the Absolute or all of its facets.

Cannot be described in words.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 It's true, you just wanna bask in the calmness of that state which the realisation brought to you


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You are not alone in this, I on occasions have become awake while the body is still asleep, and Yes it would seem there is more access in those states. 

Most times its happened fear comes & the body has to start moving to try & ground itself again. But its getting better the last time it happened there was no movement to escape. I have realised that this is not a choice it is simply the force of self survival.

It is impossible to describe, & I soon forget most of it after its happened. The only way I can describe it is this..

I become a infinite singular vibration, and its almost like the dial gets turn up & up & up, its seems to come in ever increasing waves. 

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