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How To Make Yourself Sexually Attracted To More People?

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Is there a way for women to become sexually attracted to more guys than usually?
Apart from making yourself meet more new people, cause I think there's more into it, and it's related to our ways of thinking.
My current pattern is that I'm sexually attracted to only one guy a year. As you can guess such statistics sucks. If you were a salesman and there was only one potential client a year and then you add to it conversion, which means the majority of potential clients is to reject you, you just end up fuckin' poor :D
I don't want to have scarcity mindset, yet whatever I do to make people attracted to me won't still give me abundance mindset, cause the people I'm looking for are scarce. 

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Matthew Hussey's videos would help. Complete channel dedicated to your question.

For me it is somewhat different. I like girls who are not attached to outcome, have a complementary expression where I can have a good laugh with. It would be a bonus if she is somewhat involved in spirituality. Phone addiction, attachment to status, scared of being alone, addiction to series would be a big nope. At the moment, having a girlfriend is not really something that really matters.

The ultimate way is spirituality that clears all those patterns. I watch Matt kahn, but it is for the ones who really are involved in spirituality for a while. Ofcourse you may try it out.

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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