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Beautiful recitation of the Quran

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Omar Hisham Al Arabi is just great and this is just beautiful to listen to. It's with translation. 

I don't identify myself with any religion but I just love this one and Omar's voice. 

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I just started fasting today

And I just finished reciting the first 5 pages of the Quran. Both in Arabic & in my language.






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9 minutes ago, Angelite said:


I just started fasting today

And I just finished reciting the first 5 pages of the Quran. Both in Arabic & in my language.



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1 minute ago, Angelite said:

Hahaha #you'rerandom@Conrad

#nosuchthingasrandom ? 

This Surah is mostly about God's flawless design and creation.

Describing it and then asking "Which, then, of your Lord's blessings do you deny?" 

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1 minute ago, Conrad said:

#nosuchthingasrandom ? 

This Surah is mostly about God's flawless design and creation.

Describing it and then asking "Which, then, of your Lord's blessings do you deny?" 

Among other things ? 

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22 minutes ago, Conrad said:


@Angelite "There are good-natured, beautiful maidens. Dark-eyed sheltered in pavilions. Untouched beforehand by man or jinn."

Only for me ?

Now I know why my father prays 5 times a day ? 

Why I should too. I cannot deny that blessing from God. If only I could pray to something other than myself ??

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2 hours ago, Conrad said:

#nosuchthingasrandom ? 






O you who believe, if you obey the unbelievers, they will drive you back on your heels, and you will turn back(from faith) to your own loss.


Nay, Allah is your Protector, and He is the best of helpers.


Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be Fire: and evil is the home of wrong-doers. 




I don't worship myself. I worship the God of all creations. The God who created Everything. The God who created you and me, the creator of the Jinns and the Angels, and everything in between, inside my consciousness, and everything beyond. According to His Knowledge. Not mine. Cuz I still don't know many things.

When I pray, I pray to the God of all Creations. How would you know that your consciousness had really reached everything? Except that it was based on pure assumptions. 

But whatever.




You can't go wrong if you pray to the God of all creation. Ask for Guidance and you'll be rightly guided:)




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Thanks@Conrad. I like this Surah..

Have your consciousness expand as much as described in this Surah?


Ar-rahman (The Most Gracious)

55: 33

O you assembly of Jinns and men! If it be you can pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, do so. You won't be able to pass except with Authority(from Allah).

55: 34

Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?




I think you're blessed if God has allows His Authority for you to experience many things which others didn't know of. 

Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny? Are u going to deny God? 

Or is it because I am not enlightened?




Edited by Angelite

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4 hours ago, Angelite said:





O you who believe, if you obey the unbelievers, they will drive you back on your heels, and you will turn back(from faith) to your own loss.


Nay, Allah is your Protector, and He is the best of helpers.


Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be Fire: and evil is the home of wrong-doers. 




I don't worship myself. I worship the God of all creations. The God who created Everything. The God who created you and me, the creator of the Jinns and the Angels, and everything in between, inside my consciousness, and everything beyond. According to His Knowledge. Not mine. Cuz I still don't know many things.

When I pray, I pray to the God of all Creations. How would you know that your consciousness had really reached everything? Except that it was based on pure assumptions. 

But whatever.




You can't go wrong if you pray to the God of all creation. Ask for Guidance and you'll be rightly guided:)




There is no such thing as "my consciousness", there is One Consciousness. You are the God who created Everything and you are simultaneously all of your Creation. The angels, the jinns, shaitan. It is all You. You are everything, you are God. So who are you to pray to other than yourself? 

I'm conscious of God and that God is I. I can tell you that all scriptures are writen by man. Drop the false belief that you are separate from God. This requires that you go within. Consciousness must be raised. 

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@Conrad you can't separate me from God.

God of all creations..not me. 



Edited by Angelite

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35 minutes ago, Angelite said:

@Conrad you can't separate me from God.

God of all creations..not me. Haha

Nothing can seperate you from God because you are already God. God is Here and Now, literally. You are the Apsolute Creator of all creations, but you will not understand this before you become conscious of the God. 

Anyway, you must do the work yourself. All my words are dualistic in nature, they are only pointers to something that cannot be spoken or writen about, it can only be made aware and conscious of by yourself in your direct aware and conscious experience. ??

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Promoting nonduality for Muslims through the Quran. So sly.

Edited by Truth Addict

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@Conrad Actually I had found my clarity. 

The more you know, the greater is your responsibility to your self


There's honey, wine & milk.

Wisdom is understanding all three. And I happened to be in the middle path(milk metaphor).


I wonder if Moses choose honey...



Oh, am i speaking a foreign language? ?

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@Truth Addict it is not contradictory. There is truth in everything. If you have the right lens to see.

Your interpretation is what matters. 


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I don't know, in the Quran there is a clear duality between God (creator) and everything else (creation).

Islam in its purest from is not pantheistic. Ask all the scholars in Muslim history.

I don't know which one is correct, yet.

Edited by Truth Addict

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On 5/13/2019 at 0:44 PM, Angelite said:

@Truth Addict

It is not contradictory. There is truth in everything. If you have the right lens to see.

Your interpretation is what matters. 



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On 13/05/2019 at 6:50 AM, Truth Addict said:


I don't know, in the Quran there is a clear duality between God (creator) and everything else (creation).

Islam in its purest from is not pantheistic. Ask all the scholars in Muslim history.

I don't know which one is correct, yet.

Islam in it's purest form is Sufism. It's basically annihilation of the self (Fana) in order to become One with Allah (God).

Sufi mystics have been executed for discovering the Truth aka Baqaa which is basically the state of God-awareness. You exist only as God, through God, in God. 

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No, that's your and Leo's version of Islam (I wonder if you're related).

Mohammad's teachings were dualistic, that's evident. There's Allah (Creator), and there's everything else (Creation).

Adam was a clay that Allah created and breathed into him of His Spirit.

That is if we want to take his teachings literally.

Nonduality is your (and Leo's, and Sufi's) interpretation, not the original teachings.

Edited by Truth Addict

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Read Imam Al-Ghazali's works if you're  logical/mind driven.

Rumi's works if you're heart driven. 

Though I think Said Nursi is quite funny. Haha (The Words)< it's quite famous. 


Edited by Angelite

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