
Could anybody heal their trauma, mental illness with spiritual path?

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Give up trying to change.

You won't lose anything, in fact, you will find yourself.

I've had a strong OCD in the past, and I have overcome it.

The only thing that worked for me was to accept that I am destined to be stuck with OCD for the rest of my life. I said: "fuck it, there's no hope, I give up, I surrender. I don't want to change, I don't want to become anything, I just want peace".

In some sense, part of me died.

Interestingly enough, only after that, change started to happen and it was/is effortless.

I hope that gives you hope, I mean destroys all remaining hope for you ?


Edited by Truth Addict

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4 hours ago, Buba said:

Should I read afterwards what I wrote?

You’ll be seeing it as you write. 

I am blaming other people, myself, life, everything.

What do you want? (Not what do you want to be without - What Do You Want?

So am I inflicting pain on myself on purpose? Or did you mean the torture part of my story?

The negative thinking and self diminishment leave you feeling like you’re supposed to suffer. Rather than continuing to focus on what doesn’t feel good, telling that same story over & over - What Do You Want? 

Start meditating 30 minutes twice a day. Start utilizing every resource available to you. Choose to. 

Start writing about how you feel, express and understand your emotions. 

Stop repeating the same thought stories. 

Meditation will slow your thinking down, letting the emotions out will also. Listen to Abe Hicks like @isabel suggested. Overall, your psychology will change, and so will your life. 

Whatever you focus on, you get more of. 

What Do You Want?



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3 hours ago, Truth Addict said:

Give up trying to change.

You won't lose anything, in fact, you will find yourself.

I've had a strong OCD in the past, and I have overcome it.

The only thing that worked for me was to accept that I am destined to be stuck with OCD for the rest of my life. I said: "fuck it, there's no hope, I give up, I surrender. I don't want to change, I don't want to become anything, I just want peace".

In some sense, part of me died.

Interestingly enough, only after that, change started to happen and it was/is effortless.

I hope that gives you hope, I mean destroys all remaining hope for you ?


Did you read my story? Some doctors say I dont have OCD. Its theme is so weird and original. :) What was your OCD theme? I gave up trying to change and accepted OCD fully for some temporary time, but then I returned to trying. You are so right that when I give up and surrender OCD alleviates, but never ever disappears. May be I dont surrender completely and leave little hope in the deep. As if I am holding something and afraid to drop it and I just bring it closer to the floor and pretend that I dropped it.

Thank you.

1 hour ago, Nahm said:

Whatever you focus on, you get more of. 

What Do You Want?

I want success, to be liked, to be fit, self-confident and etc. Just the things many people want.

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25 minutes ago, Buba said:

I want success, to be liked, to be fit, self-confident and etc

What are you doing daily? What are your disciplines & practices?




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5 minutes ago, Nahm said:

What are you doing daily? What are your disciplines & practices?


I go to work. Come home.  Meditate for 20 minutes. Waste time with my friends.

I want for example to go to dancing course. My mind tells me "you are too old, it is too late, you are 32, you must have gone to dancing courses when you were very young. Now you will not be a good dancer. You will be average." It demotivates me. My mind tells me "you have wasted the best time of your life, now you are getting old, you are getting down, it is too late". I am like a man who did not have toys when he was a child and now although he is a grown up man, he feels incomplete and wants to play with toys, to compensate his incomplete childhood.

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5 hours ago, Truth Addict said:

Give up trying to change.

You won't lose anything, in fact, you will find yourself.

I've had a strong OCD in the past, and I have overcome it.

The only thing that worked for me was to accept that I am destined to be stuck with OCD for the rest of my life. I said: "fuck it, there's no hope, I give up, I surrender. I don't want to change, I don't want to become anything, I just want peace".

In some sense, part of me died.

Interestingly enough, only after that, change started to happen and it was/is effortless.

I hope that gives you hope, I mean destroys all remaining hope for you ?


Truth has spoken the truth! You get it my friend, you get it.

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@Buba It sounds like you’re spending your time complaining instead of on well being, and then wondering why you’re not feeling so good....?  Not really so complicated. 



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No, you have to stop wanting to change completely.

It does not matter what you call it, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, etc...

Fear is the root issue that you should work on, or rather not work on, but take immediate action and face your fears.

What's the worst thing that could happen? What are your worst fears? Acknowledge them, accept them, embrace them, and then face them, one at a time.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


@David Hammond

Yeah, like I needed your confirmation in the first place, Master ?



Edited by Truth Addict

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28 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:


No, you have to stop wanting to change completely.

It does not matter what you call it, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, etc...

Fear is the root issue that you should work on, or rather not work on, but take immediate action and face your fears.

What's the worst thing that could happen? What are your worst fears? Acknowledge them, accept them, embrace them, and then face them, one at a time.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


@David Hammond

Yeah, like I needed your confirmation in the first place, Master ?



I wasn't confirming you. Agreeing. Like a high five

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My OCD was just the voice calling me to go down the rabbit hole. I thought I had made such spiritual progress in getting it to shut up for years. xD

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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On 5/13/2019 at 0:04 PM, Truth Addict said:


20 hours ago, Toby said:

I would read that book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0393709787/

Thank you for the recommendation.

20 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Buba It sounds like you’re spending your time complaining instead of on well being, and then wondering why you’re not feeling so good....?  Not really so complicated. 

When I want to start to do something I sabotage myself mainly by saying "it is too late, the train has gone".

19 hours ago, Truth Addict said:


No, you have to stop wanting to change completely.

It does not matter what you call it, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, etc...

Fear is the root issue that you should work on, or rather not work on, but take immediate action and face your fears.

What's the worst thing that could happen? What are your worst fears? Acknowledge them, accept them, embrace them, and then face them, one at a time.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


My worst fears are: not live my life fully, not to use my full potential, to miss the life and etc.

Also I am scared of getting embarrassed, be seen as a weak person.

Also I am scared of my parents. I mean, I care them so much. I feel how it limits me.


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19 hours ago, mandyjw said:

My OCD was just the voice calling me to go down the rabbit hole. I thought I had made such spiritual progress in getting it to shut up for years. xD

Did it shut up finally? ))

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@Buba No, I never know when to shut up. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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51 minutes ago, Buba said:

When want to start to do something I sabotage myself mainly by saying "it is too late, the train has gone".

You talk as if there are two of you. Listen to some Spira, and youtube ‘fragmentation’. 

Surely your standards are not so high you can’t listen to videos....? 

Listen to Abraham Hicks already.



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Look up Dr. Nicole Lapera, her instagram is @the.holistic.psychologist she directly teaches people with these kinda stuff, exactly what youve described. Her youtube channel will help too. Spend an entire day reading all of her instagram posts and start reparenting yourself. Start now. Today. Start by getting up early in the morning for journaling. That takes up only 10 minutes, the same time people usually spend scrolling their phone. Continue with meditation, but id increase the time. When you are meditating, are you just meditating during those 20 mnutes or are you incorporating it outside? The whole point of meditation is to train your self to become aware of whats going on, your thought patterns. When you find yourself in a situation where you feel pissed and heated, started observing whats going on, start breathing deeply and just observe the present moment. Also pick up a habit of inner child healing. This is also quick and can take only 5-10 minutes a day. All in all, you should spend at east one hour of self work daily.

Make sure you are tracking your self with these methods. The difference between people who get amazing results and someone who feels something changing but nothing concrete is their attitude about it. Im getting a feeling that you are half-assing this work. Be strict about it. Get a journal, or better yet, tape a calender to your wall and check off each day when you did all the methods (meditation, healing inner child, etc) for the day. And if you a certain time threshold happens, dont use the excuse that youll do it the next day. Squeeze it between classes or whatever. 

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Thank you guys a lot. I know I have been fucking people's brain with endless questions here for more than one year. :) The only method I know for healing is meditation. And in daily life I try to be mindful, be in the now.  I have noticed change in my awareness, sometimes in mood as well, but that binary suffering, which was not there until April 2006, is always there. I dont know what is my diagnosis, to know what to do to heal.

I will watch the videos and read books recommended, I dont know how to heal inner child, any techniques are appreciated.


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