
Acupuncture For Memory

5 posts in this topic

take a three fingers distance index,middle and ring at the end of your palm and press that point immediately after the distance 100 times on each hand for 3 months . 

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I have read about memory in articles of late, and (on the subject of food)  the good fats and oils are important as well as 'good healthy gut bacteria'.  Lots of new things being found out about the brain and our diets and what foods we put (or don't put) into our mouths.  I am re-educating myself as far as food goes, so much to re learn and change in this dept for me. :)  Acupuncture and acupressure are popular these days too. Thanks for the post :)

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You read new things and try to see if your memory has increased. I would do this every week when I was small I think my memory power has increased after that. 

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