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17 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

Sure, I would enjoy integration of astrology and science. Yet beware of spurious correlations. 

I hope @mandyjw and @jbram2002 don’t eat margarine!  ?



Thankfully, @mandyjw is obsessed with grass-fed butter. And I mean obsessed.

The first step on a spiritual journey is to realize that everything you know to be true could be false.
The final step is the same.


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8 hours ago, Mezanti said:


Explain exactly what patterns are being recognized.  answer this 

how could you advise me to investigate it more before giving it labels (which are not labels, they merely are ways in which astrology could be integrated) when you yourself are giving it labels without having a deep understanding of astrology.

astrology like religion, and like many other models, tries to synchronize reality, but its just fucking inaccurate


Maybe @Aquarius could provide deeper insight into the specifics. She seems like she has studied more on it.

Do you have a deep understanding of it that I do not? I'm just not a proponent of dismissing something from all usefulness until it is fully understood. And since your understanding and mine seem to be different I have a feeling there is an aspect that would need further looking into. 

You don't need religion to see synchronocities in your life. They happen all the time. And religion has a lot of truth in it. It just unfortunately ended up too dogmatic. Using black and white words like accurate vs inaccurate is misleading. It's likely somewhere in between which is why you cross reference and use every bit of truth you find rather than just believing all of the map as truth. 

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