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Volunteering at Sadghurus ashram

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Has anyone here volunteered at Sadghuru's ashram? 

Would you care to share your experiences? 


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Yea I did. I even wanted to go there for sadhanapada program for 7months this summer. I even got permission and everything, only thing is Im not in a good physical condition right now so i've postponed it to next year. 

They really allow almost anybody to stay there. Free of cost, free food and everything, for whatever duration you want. Only price you have to pay is your life :D. You have to invest your time and energy into it otherwise nobody will let you stay there :D


My experience.. What can I say. You wake up 4:30am, you go to sleep 9.30pm. In between: sadhana, sadhana, sadhana, temples, grace, satsangs, festivals, amazing atmosphere and energy, very supportive place for spiritual growth, amazing people, amazing life event all in all. 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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@Salvijus How would I need to prepare myself for volunteering at the ashram, is there a standard of physical fitness? 

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1 hour ago, Mada_ said:

@Salvijus How would I need to prepare myself for volunteering at the ashram, is there a standard of physical fitness? 

If you want to stay there for 2-3weeks volunteer, do your sadhana and reside, then there are no requirements for it, but if you you want to stay there for a long period and be a fulltime volunteer then usually they ask you to get initiated into at least one of their programs like inner engineering or hatha yoga or smth.

Physical fitness requirement are just for those who want to do some other programs like sadhanapada (7month process for inner transformation) or smth. It's a different ball game a bit. 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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