
This forum seemed low in consciousness until I compared it with other forums.

73 posts in this topic

@Truth Addict I'm conscious of it 24/7 yes.   

That happens after enlightenment.  I think some people think enlightenment is BEING it 24/7.

If that was the case there wouldn't be a me anymore it would just be BEING.

But i dissolved into Being for about a 2 week period, after which followed i suffered Ego Backlash.

Now I am conscious of it all the time, viewing the world much different, and my mind has opened massively.

(it would because you tap into Infinite Intelligence)

So that is what I consider enlightenment.


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@7thLetter  I mean that some people tend to be more extroverted than others even if they are enlightened.

@Inliytened1 If you say so...

That's great to hear, you said that people get offended when someone tries to direct them towards Truth.

I'm here and fully surrendered, direct me please.

Hit me with a stick, slap me in the face, punch me in the balls, I don't care.

I want to be concious of Absolute Truth.

Edited by Truth Addict

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@Truth Addict :D Your name kinda tells me that :)

"Hit me with a stick, slap me in the face, punch me in the balls, whatever"

Well suffering is a way to accomplish it, so you're not far off with your suggestions.

But maybe we should just send Shin your way?

In all seriousness though that's awesome that you have an open mind - i can definitely message you about my path.

Everyone's path is probably going to be a little different of course.

Edited by Inliytened1


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10 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Truth Addict :D Your name kinda tells me that :)

"Hit me with a stick, slap me in the face, punch me in the balls, whatever"

Well suffering is a way to accomplish it, so you're not far off with your suggestions.

I have suffered a lot, to the point where I stopped suffering anymore, well, most of the time anyways.

There was that one time that I suffered too much and then got enough of suffering, so I surrendered, and after that life became much easier.

I don't suffer like the average joe, but I don't consider that enlightenment.

I can distinguish direct experience from illusion, but I don't consider that enlightenment.

I know that I don't have a free will, but I don't consider that enlightenment.

I know that the present moment is all there is, but I don't consider that enlightenment.

I have never been conscious of Absolute Infinity, or any other kind of absolutes.

I have never been blown away by an insight, although I am so grateful to be where I am today, but I am not enlightened.

I don't have the answers for all the questions I have, so I'm not enlightened.

Any guidance?

Edited by Truth Addict

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10 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Truth Addict But maybe we should just send Shin your way?

I love Shin, and I love bananas, but I don't think bananas are the secret to Absolute Truth.

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20 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

@7thLetter  I mean that some people tend to be more extroverted than others even if they are enlightened.

@Truth Addict That’s actually an interesting topic. Does being extroverted justify their distractions?

Does being extroverted also justify people’s social media addiction?

”Oh you’re extroverted, here’s a pass to justify why you’re addicted to social media.” “Introverts on social media? Nah you’re addicted.”

While introverts have all the best advantages to do personal development work and meditation, I still don’t think that means extroverts can’t do it well too. They’ll definitely be behind, but they still can get ahead.


"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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@Truth Addict Well here's some guidance:

"A mystical experience is nice, but it does not count as enlightenment, because it's a memory."

It's not just NICE - it IS enlightenment.  The memory of becoming the Absolute is not the same thing as Becoming the Absolute -  the memory is the map pointing to the territory.

That's a huge distinction.

Becoming the Absolute will make you directly conscious of the Absolute.  

That's what you need.

But the tricky thing is it happens when it wants to.

With me my ego was blindsided because when i started doing self inquiry and the Do Nothing/No Mind method - and doing this deeply it happened within a month of meditation - no joke - i was sobbing tears telling Leo about it.  He said it was a lifetime in the making, and not all people have to meditate for 20 years for it to happen.

But i think it was because my ego was completely blindsided, combined with the fact that the question of "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound, (or in other words, how can something actually exist without a perceiver?)  that always bothered me - it broke my mind because I was looking at it from the Materialist Paradigm, the culture in which we were raised.

So it can depend on how spiritually gifted a person is, radical open mindedness (which you have covered), but also the ability to jump between perspectives - loosen your own identity so to speak; don't be so stuck to any one particular idealogy about yourself or anything else.

...Again it happens when it happens....when the time is right in YOUR life.  But Self Inquiry was what really knocked it home for me.


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I only have one penis so chill down girls B|

And also, this penis is a little bitch, so don't ask advice because I will stay a devil and dodge enlightenment like a cry baby for a long while B|

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@7thLetter Good points, I see.

But you're assuming that extroverts must be wasting time on the internet. Well, that's not necessarily the case.

They might be helping people, giving guidance and advice, they might even have their life purpose built around helping people to wake up.

Still, you can easily post 30 posts in less than two hours, which means 900 posts per month if they were strict with the two hours limit. After all, aren't people allowed to waste their spare time here after doing the work?

@Shin Shut the cock up.

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@Truth Addict I still think that would be a distraction to their personal development because its taking time from focusing on themselves. That's why its called "personal development" not "help others' development."

I truly believe that the person who sits, does nothing, and contemplates for the rest of his life will be ahead  (in terms of personal development) of the person who sits a few times a day, works on his business, and has a social life.

Life purpose is more of an external focus, rather than focusing on yourself. Leo has definitely grown a lot over the years, but even he mentions that is holding him back from any significant growth. I think back in 2016 or 2017, he mentioned that he was about to stop to go meditate in a cave instead. But luckily we had him for another 2 years, and hopefully longer. But with his last video, he's bringing up that topic again and looking to move into another chapter into his life.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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A person who sits, does nothing, and contemplates, plus working on his business and socialising with others, is definitely way ahead of that lone wolf.

There's a plateau that you hit in every aspect of life, and past that point, results become harder to make.

So, if you hit 90% of enlightenment and 90% of social life, that's definitely higher than 99% or even 100% enlightenment alone or social life alone.

The more diverse you are in your approach to life, the higher your development gets.

Experience and diversity ?

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@Truth Addict Hmmm true.

ok you win this one :P

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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@7thLetter I truly believe that the person who sits, does nothing, and contemplates for the rest of his life will be ahead  (in terms of personal development) of the person who sits a few times a day, works on his business, and has a social life.

Yes in the big picture you are correct (once the basics are taken care of) because those other things will not give you true inner fulfillment.  

But of course it's a bit more nuanced than that.  For example If you have a Yellow or Turquoise business, for example, your business can be helping all of humanity to evolve, and I think that's what Leo is doing.  So I think we'll have him for a while.  



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1 hour ago, 7thLetter said:

@Truth Addict That’s actually an interesting topic. Does being extroverted justify their distractions?

Does being extroverted also justify people’s social media addiction?

”Oh you’re extroverted, here’s a pass to justify why you’re addicted to social media.” “Introverts on social media? Nah you’re addicted.”

While introverts have all the best advantages to do personal development work and meditation, I still don’t think that means extroverts can’t do it well too. They’ll definitely be behind, but they still can get ahead.


in my experience introverts and extroverts are often not what they seem to be - there are extroverts who are really deep and introverts who are more shallow than expected, judging people by how they interact with their surrounding on an everyday basis is very difficult, you would also have to consider age and other parameters. everyone is in different phases in their life, experiences different high and low phases that have influenced their approach towards the world. it’s simple to judge people over their first appearance, putting them into a drawer  - usually you realize the truth in people only after spending some time with them.

Edited by now is forever

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@Inliytened1 I think Leo has already met his basic needs. He has already helped a ton of people with his videos, and I'm sure he's set financially.

Based on his last video, he mentioned that continuing with is just milking millions of dollars "more". So from that I assume he's already made over a million in profit from his LP course. He has over 840K subs, and 40k+ views of people who regularly watch his content. If only 5000 of those people bought his course at $249, that's already $1.25M.

My prediction is that, has been around for 5-6 years now, we might only have him for less than 4 years assuming that he decides to end it around 10 years.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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@7thLetter well until then, there might be an actualized academy for x-men. xcited :ph34r:

someone has to drive him around to his instant brain to brain mind machine.

Edited by now is forever

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