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Tips for taking psilocybin?

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Hey guys!

I've bought psilocybin shrooms and I am going to take them next weekend (bought those [Source removed by moderator]

I've done a lot of consciousness work already but I haven't done shrooms yet. How would you go about taking it? 


  • What are usual dosages you can recommend? Or do you know where I can find dosages?
  • What would be your intention going into the trip? Just be open to everything that is going to come? Feel love, see the abundance of the universe? Ask a question?
  • How does integration look like with shrooms?



Any advice is appreciated! However, no superficial knowledge please. 


Thank you guys!



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Will this be your first psychedelic excursion?

  • First trip dose is typically around 2g, but 1.5g-3g is a decent range to consider. 
  • Intention is entirely up to you. Personally, I emphasize being open to everything. Sometimes I'll set an intention, but then also allow it to sit on the side, because I find the greatest insights, progress and experiences are ones that I couldn't possible have contrived at the outset of the trip. Often I'll meet the intention, and then also be surprised with something that ended up being even more important/juicy/fun/insightful.
  • Integration: Again it's really up to you, you're the pilot, and it's going to depend on the trip, where you're at, what you are integrating. It could look like this: as you are coming down you may reflect, talk with fellow trippers, take notes if solo. Next day, again reflecting and embracing the trip. Next week and so on: possibly implementing things you observed in the trip, or just allowing it to settle in.

Have a great trip @Yannik

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I would say the dose depends on experience, mindset and setting. If this is your first time, you are basically mentally stable and plan to trip in a relatively peaceful environment, then 2g would be standard. 1.5g would be a bit more cautious yet would likely be enough to get you into another "zone".

Intention varies on the person. I've had specific intentions like asking that deeper blocks be revealed or I've asked that more expansive states of awareness be revealed. I've also gone in open-minded to whatever lessons may arise. I would go into it humble and open. Going in with expectations / demands to get something specific out of the experience doesn't seem to work so well, at least for me anyway.

I would also contemplate your setting. What type of environment will you be tripping? This can have a big impact on the trip.

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Thank you guys!

@Serotoninluv I'll do it at home in my bed with some great heart opening music I really like.

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