
Nomad Capitalist Lifestyle Mobalizing Stage Orange?

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I've been following this guy on youtube for a while now and would peg this guy at being stage orange. He helps the elite business owner mostly in moving them and their assets over seas to pay less in taxes and have better travel options.

His moto "go where you are treated best" leaves me with mixed feelings.

The thing I'm not so sure about is if this guy is doing something for the greater good of the world? I know everything is done for the greater good but more practically each time he gets someone to leave the U.S. to avoid paying taxes, does that make america better?

Really these four principles are conflicting in my mind.

  • As Alan Watts explained: money has the same relationship to wealth that words have to meaning and as words are not the physical world money is not wealth. Also noted: therefor taxation is obsolete and it should go the other way due to the work done on our behalf by machinery and automation.
  • Taxation is the only tool used currently to maintain our robust system of first world establishments. But also is corrupted. Like a lot.
  • As Sadhguru explained: the one connecting force that can join the world is the field of business. He offers that as a solution to the border problem of India and Nepal. Obviously uniting the world even at a base level of financial gain on all sides would be nice.
  • Systems thinking leads you to see how the whole tax thing is just a game within the larger game of money. Seeing how everything is interconnected and making some changes could backfire hard because our psychological attitude to money being real leads us to such things like the great depression. As Alan Watts said: we were in a material sense a very rich country but because of a mysterious mumbojumbo called the economy we were all miserable and poor, starving in the midst of plenty.

What are you're thoughts on all this? 

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The reason given in 1984 was to maintain a power hierarchy. As plenty of goods can already be manufactured, to meet everyone's needs. If there's already enough stuff, what need is there of stage Orange, but a greatly reduced one. Besides with Financial planners, maybe it's more of a mix between Red and Orange, like many celebrities that have lost their wealth to them.

I thought the first guy was very condescending, I think I have watched a channel with virtually the same name, and services before, but it was a different guy that ran it. At one point he want's to make out his protestant work ethic, at another he's saying his grandparents(or some relative) were Jewish in Auschwitz, then emphasising paperwork. Looking on his website, he says he started the business. But basically copied it, from the last guy that died of cancer, and changed the layout. Using connections to skim off the top.

I used to follow anarcho-capitialists(libertarians) quite a bit. But they basically pervert the philosophy of Aristotle, in the case of Ayn Rand. Or pervert  Von Mises Praxeology to promote, Anarcho-capitalism. Or say stupid shit like," I want a Jetpack or a Mansion." Stefan Molyneux. "Human desires are infinite, And that's why we need the price system." I don't like socialism either, but it is a more coherent system than An-cap. In the final analysis it's either collectivism(Eusocial) or distributivism (Prosocial). That or be a Yogi.

Distribute the machinery, and have regulations locally favourable. Distributing the produce, is leading to disaster.

There's a Hadith and a prophecy to invade India, Ghazwa e hind. That guarantees entry into paradise. Strike the Prophets proclamation from the record, then I'm sure they can talk.

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hmmm good points. I know we have enough housing and food and so forth for everyone. It seems like what you suggest is empowering the people rather than distributing the goods. Makes sense. 

Why do you bring up the year 1984?

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@mattstivender The book 1984. I should have put it in quotes. The USA has enough food and housing, for now. The UK though is dependent on food imports and housing is very expensive.

Empowering people, removing regulations lower down. Look at food manufacturing for example, there are fewer companies now then there were several decades ago. Now all owned by mega corporations. I suppose empowering people, education is often very fragmented and without any foundation. Intentionally so.

The optimal stage Orange Materialistic/Atheistic mindset I think there is, is Voluntarism (Not to be mistaken with volunteering, as such). Where a person subordinates; their intellect, emotions and reason. To their will: general direction in life.( although perhaps there's a better definition).

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In the first 30 seconds we see his belief which stems from "under capitalism, the smart people get to the top".

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