By iTommy
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Hello! I'd like to share something that occured to me a few weeks ago. It was another strange experience that happened to me during sleep, and maybe some here have experienced something similar in nature, that they would like to share.
I tend to pretty much always feel tired/sluggish, but on this day I felt a bit more tired than usual. After a sesson of meditation, I decided to lay down on the couch and try to get some sleep. I've tried sleeping mid-day multiple times, but I usually can't sleep even though I feel like it. I'm guessing 45 min or so had passed since I laid down on the couch, still no sleep and I wanted to get up but I kept still. Eventually, I fell asleep and one of the craziest sleep-experiences I had, occured. It was like a lucid dream, but more "real". My visual field was filled with geometrical patterns, abstractions, that I can't remember clearly. I felt an intense rush of energy, and my whole body began vibrating. This energy became stronger and stronger, the kundalini-flow that I had experienced in the waking state was just a breeze in comparison. This flow of energy,forcefully, started making its way up in three parts. The first wave of energy started at my lower spine and went up to the solar plexus (it felt as if the energy accumumlated at a certain point in the spine after each wave, just to "break" through what seemed like blockages and making its way upwards) , then from there another wave of energy forced its way to the heart-/close to the throat- chakra and the last wave went up to the head. It didn't go all the way through the head, yet it was close. This flow of energy went through the body for a while longer, before it settled down into a calmer state.
Shortly after it happened, I began to regain waking consciousness. I can't say that I felt full of kundalini energy when I arose from the couch, but a subtle flow of energy was still there to be felt (although I feel it most of the time, so I am not sure if it had much to do with that experience). I was quite surprised and in awe, this wasn't something I had read about online or in books.