
is reaching enlightenment through the way of the heart faster?

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I am currently visiting a meditation course by former students of Sri Chinmoy. Turns out he was a famous spiritual teacher, who accomplished a million things in his lifetime and has students all around the world, including my hometown. His way of reaching enlightenment is through the heart chakra. Im not very well read on spirituality so I asked for a practical explanation and the teachers told me it is basically the practice of concentrating on your chest area, whether that be by focusing on your lungs while breathing or visualising stuff like a candle burning in the chest. I asked them about the Neti neti method and explained Leo's self-enquiry and they told me that that is the way of the mind and according to Sri Chinmoy the fastest way to enlightenment is through the heart chakra and that it takes ages through the way of the mind. They also told me that I should pick one route, because doing different things will get me nowhere. I am confused. Does anyone have expirience with focusing on their chest as a practice? How do I know which practice will work fastest for me? The students of Sri Chinmoy who I have met are spiritual and happy, but they are not enlightened even tho they have been following Sri Chinmoy's teachings for about 20 years.

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The heart and mind are the same. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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They are the same. The content (words) are different, from different people’s perspectives. It is all the same. 

You can focus on the candle in the heart, you can focus on breathing from the stomach. In either case, this is letting thinking go, and learning presence. 

Letting thinking go calms the mind, the developed focus is then for used self inquiry. 

You can understand things like there is no past, future, here nor there, and the mind is more deeply at peace. 

You can let even that thinking go as well, and the mind is more deeply at peace.

You can self inquire, and the mind will be ultimately at peace. 

You can let thinking go completely, and the mind will be ultimately at peace.

In these ways you can discover who you are, and your essential nature.





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Impatience is the path to stupidity

Stupidity leads to attachment

Attachment leads to suffering

Suffering leads to zen devilry.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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3 minutes ago, Shin said:


Suffering leads to zen devilry.

Zen devilry leads to snoop doggs

Snoop doggs are responsible for procreating and spreading the hideous cancer called life on earth

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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1 minute ago, Preetom said:

Zen devilry leads to snoop doggs

Snoop doggs are responsible for procreating and spreading the hideous cancer called life on earth

That's a huge responsability ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@ginger28 Which one is faster I don't know. To me it was first awakening from mind then the heart. For a complete awakening to happen you need to awaken on all three levels so the realization will continue to deepen even after the initial awakening.


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Its love you want to focus on not specifically the heart ect.. Be as loving, kind and as compassionate as possible, practice giving love and being loving towards everything, everyone(especially yourself) and every situation in life no matter the circumstance and regardless of how others behave as if you continue to respond through a loving vibration you will transcend and evolve more efficiently than other forms of practice because ultimately this whole enlightenment thing, everything we do in life, everything we are living for and why we are hear is a result of unconditional love. It is the core frequency of existence itself.

The most unconditionally loving people are usually the highest and purest beings on this planet. In my personal experience, when i fell in love with life i grew the most, i woke up to my true nature, i expanded in ways i had never imagined before and i understood reality at a quantum level.

I was embodied in the essence of source energy and all i could experience was unconditional love as all i could see is oneness. No substance or other experiences has ever came close to replicating what a genuine and absolute surrender to the unconditional love of creation taught me.

So keep loving and the more you love, the more you, you become :)



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I recently read Jed mckenna's books and he seems to be completely against a heart centered approache. He would even recommend going in the opposite direction. He says if it feels good (it's ego or maya getting to you) you're not looking in the right direction. There are probably some nuances I didn't get, maybe someone else read his books and can give a better understanding of them relating to this heart centered approache? 

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