
The wheel of time - Book by Castaneda - life purpose?

1 post in this topic

I just have read it. ... I'm not even sure what was that ? :D
wondering if this guys is serious or not - he even mentioned that his "mentor" talked nonseses to the crowd - and had fun from it

but more important question is "how this is related to life purpose?"
should I become a shaman and start tommorow?
i'm as much clueless as I before I read it
I guess he had some insight about conciouness from psychedelics, but that really hard to grasp or understand whitout any self-reference point expierences
also at the end he seems to become a little bit "dark" like an infinity or psychedelics overwhleems him,

this fantasy world nevertheless is some how curious :D,
checking previous books will be helpful to find the meaning of his message or not nesserary? even more confusion?
cuz I assume they won't be practical, rather something good to read before sleeping

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