
Spiral Dynamics - Nutrition

18 posts in this topic


We've eaten like this for centuries! It's tradition!

The cow is holy. Do not eat cow. 

Our lord said no xyz food. Therefore, there shall be no xyz food

We eat at this time of day, this certain food, in this manner. That's just how it's done. 



Mmm yummy! Idc what it is! Gimme! Taste good

Drugs give me mind gains 

I love to drink and eat pizza while drunk and also pizza the next morning for breakfast. Cuz fuck it, pizza is yummy

This study say milk good. Therefore, milk good. Period. 

Fuck my health long-term. I want to feel good now / I want results now. 

I want to look sexy as fuck



I would love to try your culture's food please

I eat for my well-being and to feel good on a day to day basis

Can I have the organic, gluten-free, animal product free, chemical free, processed free, natural one please? :) 

I love you, plant :). Plant: I love you too. I have my own garden. It's nice. I think it's extra nutritious this way because I make love to my plants so there's like more vitamins in it cuz of that I thinkk. 

Fuck you, you fucking asshole. You ate that fucking cow? FUCK YOU, YOU ANIMAL KILLER (hehe this is a sliver of green, not all greens lol)

I take care of my body, spirit, health and mind with nutritiously dense foods. I eat intuitively 

me: hi gut what do you want to eat today? Gut: I want carrot. me: okay, here's a carrot


Yellow: (plz correct me)

There is no one way of eating. There's a different style for everyone


Turq: (i have no idea how this manifests)

I am the cow

This cows death was essential for the goodness of reality 



plz add or correct! it's satire but also pretty accurate id say. idk much about yellow or turq tho


Edited by d0ornokey

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Hahaha much love this is admirable ❤️

Not sure if this is in the right section but thanks for the good laugh. 

IMO yellow and turq let go of moral beliefs and rely mostly on intuition and opportunity. Green still holds moral beliefs in regards to the perceived greater good therefore hold guilt in consuming immorally. 

Also below yellow sees certain food as being harmful for the body when in reality it is harmful only when consumed unconsciously 


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Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@d0ornokey  Yellow - vegan/vegetarian rate will be like green or above in my opinion.

Turquoise - even higher rate.

14 hours ago, d0ornokey said:


We've eaten like this for centuries! It's tradition!

The cow is holy. Do not eat cow. 

Our lord said no xyz food. Therefore, there shall be no xyz food

We eat at this time of day, this certain food, in this manner. That's just how it's done. 



Mmm yummy! Idc what it is! Gimme! Taste good

Drugs give me mind gains 

I love to drink and eat pizza while drunk and also pizza the next morning for breakfast. Cuz fuck it, pizza is yummy

This study say milk good. Therefore, milk good. Period. 

Fuck my health long-term. I want to feel good now / I want results now. 

I want to look sexy as fuck



I would love to try your culture's food please

I eat for my well-being and to feel good on a day to day basis

Can I have the organic, gluten-free, animal product free, chemical free, processed free, natural one please? :) 

I love you, plant :). Plant: I love you too. I have my own garden. It's nice. I think it's extra nutritious this way because I make love to my plants so there's like more vitamins in it cuz of that I thinkk. 

Fuck you, you fucking asshole. You ate that fucking cow? FUCK YOU, YOU ANIMAL KILLER (hehe this is a sliver of green, not all greens lol)

I take care of my body, spirit, health and mind with nutritiously dense foods. I eat intuitively 

me: hi gut what do you want to eat today? Gut: I want carrot. me: okay, here's a carrot


Yellow: (plz correct me)

There is no one way of eating. There's a different style for everyone


Turq: (i have no idea how this manifests)

I am the cow

This cows death was essential for the goodness of reality 



plz add or correct! it's satire but also pretty accurate id say. idk much about yellow or turq tho



🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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10 hours ago, Rilles said:


Red: I will eat YOU ?

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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@Rilles hahahahaha
@DrewNows thanks homie :)  glad you liked it and for the new perspective. would you say this is turq or yellow?:

13 hours ago, DrewNows said:

Also below yellow sees certain food as being harmful for the body when in reality it is harmful only when consumed unconsciously 


@Sahil Pandit


@Shiva yes very true. recently I learnt (from reading kieran's post) that top performing runners eat fast food before big races. sometimes organic food is not the way to go! 

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@d0ornokey Yellow: would be about only functionality of food, quality of food, calories, vitamins. Not in an orange perspective of oh it is useful, let's eat it! Yet, in terms of how does this affects my body, how does it affect my feelings, do I contribute to factory farming, global warmth etc? Is it useful to eat it then, potentially there are alternatives and options to choose which do not harm the spiral. Or maybe I just hide inside it and eat what I want, but go vegan/veg with the ideologue social justice warriors or explain it away! So, potentially tailoring a diet that fits one's unique situation from all the options and alternatives out there. Also, steadily adapting that. 

For e.g I want high performance, I want to eat ethically not ideological, I want to eat what I want and enjoy life, I want to eat healthy etc. Then seeing the systems in systems in it how functional is it to eat what I want, what does it contain, how does it affect me. How is it delivered? Who produced it in the first place. A person at yellow would never force ones nutritional dogma onto another person, he may try carnivore diet, goes vegan then, eats pescetarian, becomes a flexitarian, then a veggie and finally becomes food himself and is eaten!  Most likely yellow also wants high-quality food that is functional without all the "fluff", for instance, superfoods and smoothies that have high calories and are healthy, ideally tasty. 

Not sure if taste plays a role at yellow, yet I find other stages are quite obsessed with food. Saying food makes me happy ( it is one of the activities that makes humans the happiest IIRC) or people who can't hold themselves back, saying there is nothing better than eating! I love food etc. Yellow might still be really really into food but is a bit more detached from the food craziness. IMO

Turquoise would be more: Will I solve global issues with my food intake? Do I want to be part of the problem or the solution? Does the solution work if we work together holistically in communion? What food can I buy to contribute to help the world holistically, in my mind, body, external systems of food production, small farmers, shops and what not. What is spiritual food, will it make me feel more connected to the divine? How can food express spirituality? Do I just eat mindfully? Or is food something to be worshipped in a sense. + Yellow perspective of functionality and health.

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Orange use only researches and cold logical details to tell him what food is healthy ?‍♂️

Green knows that our intuition and senses are MUCH better indicators to know whats healthy because fruits and vegetables were adapted to us biologically during evolution of millions of years, and no scientist will EVER be smarter than this.

Yellow will use both the wisdom of nature and science to know more accurately how to manage his nutrition cleverly to not have defficiencies. for example science shows us that iodine is diluted from the ground becuase of the excessive industrial use, and therefore its important to take this mineral from organic seaweed or to buy the food from natural and very specific farms. 


Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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Don't forget the systemic, ecological, and societal aspects of food.

Stage Yellow and Turquoise will not just care about their personal nutrition but nutrition as a global system. Which types of food should we be growing? How do we grow it in a sustainable way? What is the impact on global warming, the economy, developing countries, the rain forests, the coral reefs, children, etc. Which foods are most conducive toward elevating the consciousness of mankind? How does food intersect with education, business, government, science, spirituality, etc.?

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Which foods are most conducive toward elevating the consciousness of mankind?

Does 5-meo count as “food”? ?

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@Serotoninluv Of course not.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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@Shiva I feel often that stage green just wants to have to moral upper hand, someone who comes more from a yellow perspective will for instance stick to their diet. Because they see it as "functional" and can take care of their environment including stage green personal and collective moral values, also will not try to force their viewpoint on to you or demonize you for eating meat. Ideally, a stage yellow vegan/vegi will explain the effects of eating meat, for the environment etc, stating statistics, news reports, documentaries etc. 

Stage green may take care of the animals and is aware of factory farming. But will crusade and convince and manipulate, since they view their moral viewpoint as superior. Ideally, they can rationally explain it, including systemic repercussion. Yet, many are just hippsters, they don't do that for years and stick for instance to a vegan diet. They just go with the hype and are relative about their food intake. You will most likely not get an answer like what vitamins does green salad have, carrots etc. The nutrition aspect is almost completely forgotten and mostly moral reasons. imo.

Stage turquoise is including the spiritual aspect not only the environmental. For e.g sadghuru eating vegetarian, not crusading explaining even the spiritual reasons behind it. You hear him talk about the body as a system, agriculture as a system etc. explaining it in somehow "yellow" terms depending on how "rational" yellow is. 

Not sure how far this goes but this is the best explanation I can come up with, after being vegan and veggi chatting also with people who switched diets and meeting non-dogmatic veggies and vegans. For instance my aunt is dogmatic, but as soon as it is somehow against her way of living it is explained away to keep up a moral façade/front/high ground. 

Read Susan cook greuters paper or skim it to understand the self line. I don't think many people have done it here...(She is from Switzerland )

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purple: The spirit of the Forest desires that tonight a virgin girl has to be sacrificed and eaten by the tribe to keep the evil spirits away. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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As a system,  we can easily grow veggies in western societies. I have this vision of cities coming together as communities and growing veggies in city parks. Having permaculture parks. I just get tired of seeing resources invested in lawns and pretty flowers. Does anybody else see that? Getting the close community and the society outcasts to take care of the veggie gardens of the cities...spreading the crops throughout the community. I feel that it would give a lot of homeless people purpose and bring people together at the same time

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18 hours ago, Shiva said:

Isn't that what green is doing?

For example, a lot of stage green people go vegan for environmental reasons.

Or is this a masquerade?

Yes, but Green is still not thinking about it systemically. Green is mostly doing it from her heart. That's all great, but it is not the kind of full-bore systemic thinking I described.

Green is still looking at the situation from a personal agenda level, it just so happens that saving the Earth is now part of her personal agenda.

Yellow and above is more impersonal. And yet still very personal! Tier 2 is more detached.

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