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Image Matrixing

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How good are you at image matrixing? If you don't know, image matrixing is the ability to see pictures in randomized images or randomized patterns of color in nature. It's also believed to be a factor in how phosphenes with closed eyelids get translated as hypnogogic imagery. It also has to do with rorschach tests, and reading tea leaves by seeing pictures in the ramdomly places tea leaves after swirling around the cup. 

For example : seeing faces or images in the clouds... In wood grain, marble patterns, etc.... I suspect it also accounts for all the constellations... perhaps our ancestors really actually saw these animals and gods in the stars, through image matrixing.

In my shower, there are many faces and images in the marble wall. It's almost comical how obvious some of them are.  I've been thinking of drawing them, just so you can see what I'm seeing.... Like the angry Buddha scowling at me with raised arms, and long monk robes hanging from his arms. Or the predator head. There's a wookie head. A rabbit. A witch head. A smoking (cigarette) skeleton head..... Like it's crazy how these obvious-looking images are hidden within a complety natural canvas.

A couple years ago, a pipe leaked in the ceiling of the guest room. It made a water stain around the ceiling fan, with varying shades of brown. In it, I could see a landscape image which looked alot like the Legend of Zelda game. It was an open feild and a large Boulder, and a labyrinth type area beyond that. To the right of this, was a small thicket of trees, and beyond that, a road which winds away to the right. There was a car on the road, like a jalopy from old timey cartoons, and a cartoon bunny was driving the car. I really wish I had thought about drawing this before it was painted over, but I did get some pictures. 

I forgot about all of this for a while, but then Last night, I was playing star wars battlefront and on the loading screen was a planet. In the clouds around the planet I was seeing different faces, until finally I found a very detailed image of a cat's head.  You could see everything, the eyes, nose, triangle ears... A perfectly detailed portrait of a tabby-like cat. It was so detailed its hard to beleive that the clouds were painted on randomly when making the image. It's hard to believe the artist didn't intentionally sketch out the image of a cat's head when drawing the clouds.  I've been looking for this image online so I can draw exactly what I see. You wouldnt believe it....

Anyway so does anyone else see these images? What are your favorite examples?

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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