
I realized that even when I watching my thoughts

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And do 15-30 minutes of just whatching my thoughts/emotions, the mind is smarter than you and it will by-pass it, in a way that you THINK you are watching objectively, but in the sub consiouse level, the mind filters out all the uncomfortable watching and let me do the "watch" only on the things it allows me! that's what i think happen to me.

You think you do a "broadband" whatching but actually it is not the case, and during the months my mind get used to it (in similar way it respond less and less to antidepresants i think) and I feel i am actually keep doing the same neural rout in my brain all the time! It feels to me like it becomes the new default line for my brain and if feels much LESS effective over time.

Have you feel like that too? and what did you do to get out of this and restore the effectiveness like you had in the start?

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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You ask the mind for a self so the light of awareness can be equal to a minor self but that is all mind.


One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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@NivschWhy limit observation to a short time frame? Perhaps it is beneficial to simply be aware throughout the day, but be adamant in letting go, no control, of activities. Maybe start with fear and pleasure. Observe these emotions and see how they manipulate your activity.

If this is too tough do meditation focusing on the breath until you are ready for “do nothing” technique 

Edited by DrewNows

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So you've had a new insight which is: the mind is getting smarter, you see, you always learn new things about yourself.

Keep that insight in mind, and notice how your meditation will work after that.

Anyway, if you feel stuck and not getting enough results from meditation, then I think it's time to try other techniques, or to make longer sessions of meditation.

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Ya I know what you mean, your mind sort of tricks you like that.  You think you have found an effective practice, but the mind will try to gradually dull it.  If you do something for a very long time, the mind will try to turn it into something it can handle doing for a very long time, by making subtle changes to it that bring it in line with what it's used to.  It will try to offer you something you can believe is helping you, and also a way of thinking that supports it, but it will try to somehow neuter it and uphold the previous belief system in secrecy.  In short, the mind is annoying.

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You know it's true



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Light of God also stem from that toilet paper too. It would be fun if someone makes it. When I think about it better don't. Someone Will use it to make cult where people Will worship toilet pampers Muslims Will not like that and they Will start fake Jihad. All Good ?

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@Nivsch Your brain creates the borders between objects (object permanence). Your brain invented all of the color that exist. A brick wall is a make-up of sensations of hardness and roughness. Pain is an imaginary sensation created the brain in order to make you avoid stuff. When you get eaten by a lion, your whole brain is creating that situation. None of the sensations actually exist in the real world, they are a product of adaption. 

Adaption to what? To things that the brain has 100% control over? Why doesn't the brain just show a nice flowery consciousness all the time, when it is imagining the whole situation and has infinite power. 

Someone got fooled here

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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True. I think I am observing all the time but then there are lots of "wtf did I just get sucked into" moments

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Consider what this sentence implies "I'm watching my thoughts in my mind".
Could the I that is watching thoughts in the mind, also be a thought in the mind? 
Could this I be a phantom, an idea in the mind,acting as if it is real and playing the observer that is observing the mind/ thoughts?
If there is awareness or consciousness that "I " am watching "my"  thoughts in "my"  mind" ,could it be that this I (a thought appearing to be separate/external and watching "other thoughts"), is not you, and "you" are that consciousness in which, the I that is watching the thoughts, is also "seen" or "known?"

Simpler version: Imagine there is a bird on the ground,hopping around,chirping,eating bread crumbs and doing what birds do.
There is also a second bird,sitting still on a branch behind it, silently watching the other bird.
But,Both birds appear within, and are seen/ known by,, an all encompassing,infinite emptiness, that sees and is all. 
GodBird.... :D .

Edited by who chit

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@who chit Good stuff. That fickle ass  "I-thought/ego" is a slippery little bastard, lol.

Edited by Big Guru Balls

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