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Girlfriend Bans S.O From Watching GoT Because of Nudity

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Just seen this online, it actually reminds me of my previous relationship, super insecure, I wouldn't even be able to joke or even talk about other women being physically attractive. Do you think it's worth breaking up over? I couldn't see myself even going near a girl if I saw some things that showed a deep level of insecurity, it's just a no for me.

Do you think it's a good reason to break up?



Edited by kindayellow

Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.

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This topic already show your own self doubt about you not being sure to be good with this relationship

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How so? I'm just wondering how other people feel about dating people with insecurities like that, I've dated someone like that before, and it just makes everything so difficult. 

Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.

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@universe well if she's getting upset about the fact that men find naked women attractive other than her, shes either incredibly insecure or has no concept of how men or even other women like herself work lol

Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.

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That's the biggest sign that she's just using you and it's not a good relationship

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11 hours ago, kindayellow said:

I wouldn't even be able to joke or even talk about other women being physically attractive. Do you think it's worth breaking up over?


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You got to see the humor in it. Watch anyways and tease the hell out of her. 

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I would definitely end it with a partner that would stop me from watching a show because of nudity... or for anything really. You can imagine that, if they're banning you from watching a show, that that's just the beginning of their controlling behavior. 

So, for that person, I would definitely recommend breaking up.


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