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Focusing on the bodily sensations

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When I'm meditating, I like to just focus on my body. Not the image of my body or it's posture but just all the sensations happening. Like blood pumping, skin touching something and etc... After a few seconds of doing this, I start to have an experience as if my "head" is way above my body. Or it's like my body shrinks but my head is huge. It's also as if I'm looking down at my body. I start to think this might go somewhere but then it suddenly vanishes. I attempt to get the same experience but it's always as if I can't get back to it. Like something just doesn't want me to do it again.

Anyways. I'm wondering if this sensations means something, like maybe opening a new awareness. Or if I'm just over analyzing things.

Thank you, from the Monkey Mind.

I got nothing.

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@Swagala It is, so try to go with it without thought for as long as possible and try to be conscious without thought that you are awareness itself.

Sounds like you said it yourself, monkey mind is coming in there and messing you up.  It's quite a common trap.  Just have to keep meditating.

Lock on awareness and keep it there without thoughts for as long as you can.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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