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Mm, I'm realizing something.

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As i was watching Leo's video"How Your Mind Distorts Reality," I'm slowly realizing that everything is thought. Everything that I've been experiencing my whole life, has been thoughts, labels, judgements, emotions that my mind has projected to what's real, which doesn't have any meanings, purpose, relationships and names. Weird and at the same time, liberating. When I was a kid, life was magical and mysterious. Why?  Because as kids, we perceived everything as they are which Maslow is referring to as B-cognition and which Eckart Tolle is referring to as presence, stillness, and pure consciousness. As we get older, the ego emerges out of thought, and we develop the ability to think, and eventually get addicted to it and lose ourselves in concepts, ideas and thoughts which have lesser reality. Now, as result, everything loses its aliveness and here we're, stuck with our minds that's totally lost in itself. 

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You are also a thought. Follow that one back to its source. 

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@FoxFoxFox Yea, I've realized that. So, which leaves me as nameless perception that's conscious. 

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@Gadasaa Nope. That's still a thought, you see. Be that. Don't talk about it. Ramana says: Silence is eternal speech.

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@FoxFoxFox lol, got that. By the way, what's your progress towards enlightenment? 

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