If Everything is Perfect Why there are people bornt unfit to survive life?

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I can understand how death, torture, rape is part of existence and necessary for this game to exist. But it seems like God makes many "mistakes" (from my egoic very limited point of view) or at least there is an element of  utter randomness & chaos.

How do you explain things like Down Syndrome, Huntington's disease, All kinds of intellectual disabilities, birth defects & countless Anomalies?

There are even babies bornt with 3 legs, multiple faces etc that need surgeries therefore or twins that are  trapped in the same body.

How do you reconcile that? 

Edited by SQAAD

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Sqaad i can tell you are on the right path because this very question BROKE my entire mind for so long...

But let's look deeply.  The thought is why can't an autistic guy get enlightened? It's not fair and its not whole or perfect!

But now remember Oneness.  Non duality.

If everything is all one then we are all enlightened.

This is hard to see from the perspective of the ego.  But the autistic guy is a finite piece of infinity.  Its the same thing in the big picture.

Relative to the autistic guy yeah he isn't perfect but that he is a possibility in infinity which as a whole is perfectly infinite. He doesn't know that he is a God and he never will.

But neither will a rock and both are conscious because the universe is conscious..its one field of consciousness.

Its every possiblity remember?

I wish i was smarter and taller.

You wish whatever you wish.

So its imperfect and perfect at the same time depending on perspective...

It's ONE.


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@SQAAD You are conflating relative and absolute.

I grew up with a very loving golden retriever. She would love a child with Down Syndrome just the same as a child without Down Syndrome. She made no distinction that one child was “perfect ” and the other child was “imperfect”. She Accepts and Loves both children as Perfect.

How would it feel to tell a child with Down Syndrome they are “imperfect”? I couldn’t do it. It just doesn’t feel right to me. They are Perfectly what they are and I would love them however they are. 

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  On 5/3/2019 at 1:18 AM, Inliytened1 said:


Sqaad i can tell you are on the right path because this very question BROKE my entire mind for so long...

But let's look deeply.  The thought is why can't an autistic guy get enlightened? It's not fair and its not whole or perfect!

But now remember Oneness.  Non duality.

If everything is all one then we are all enlightened.

This is hard to see from the perspective of the ego.  But the autistic guy is a finite piece of infinity.  Its the same thing in the big picture.

Relative to the autistic guy yeah he isn't perfect but that he is a possibility in infinity which as a whole is perfectly infinite.

Its every possiblity remember?

I wish i was smarter and taller.

You wish whatever you wish.

So its imperfect and perfect at the same time depending on perspective...

It's ONE.


To be honest my concern is not than an intellectually disabled person won't get enlightned but i can't wrap my mind arounds so many anomalies & defects. It seems like a mistake or something generated from randomness. Maybe God does mistakes so he can learn from them.

Maybe it it Imperfect & Perfect at the same time like you said.


Edited by SQAAD

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  On 5/3/2019 at 1:19 AM, Serotoninluv said:

@SQAAD I grew up with a very loving golden retriever. She would love a child with Down Syndrome just the same as a child without Down Syndrome. She made no distinction that one child was “perfect ” and the other child was “imperfect”. She Accepts and Loves both children as Perfect.

@Serotoninluv I am up for all of that. Nor do i consider anyone inferior or superior to anybody else But still it makes me wonder why there are so many anomalies in this world. It's crazy. 

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  On 5/3/2019 at 1:34 AM, SQAAD said:


@Serotoninluv I am up for all of that. Nor do i consider anyone inferior or superior to anybody else But still it makes me wonder why there are so many anomalies in this world. It's crazy. 

What do you mean by “anomaly?”. You seem to be assigning value to it. Would you consider a child with Down Syndrome as an “anomaly”? Who gets to decide what is “normal” and what is an “anomaly”? 

Are children with autism, anxiety, chronic headaches, bipolar, adhd and asthma also “anomalies”? 

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This is an anomaly. God is not Perfect.

Everyone gets to decide & have their own (biased) opinions but in the end it's all relative.

Edited by SQAAD

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@SQAAD check my edited post too..imperfection is no different than a rock.


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@SQAAD This is what Leo gets at in the first duality video. You are setting up a duality of perfect and imperfect. Yet upon closer inspection one can observe many nuances and interconnections. It’s not a simple binary duality.

You are conflating the relative and absolute. You would need to let go of your attachment / identification to a relative binary model of perfect vs. imperfect to expand. 

I’m not saying you are “wrong”, I’m saying you are contracted and are within something larger.

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@Serotoninluv exactly.  But what about from the perspective of the dog? Does it know it's own imperfection? For that matter does a rock?


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  On 5/3/2019 at 1:48 AM, Inliytened1 said:

@Serotoninluv exactly.  But what about from the perspective of the dog? Does it know it's own imperfection? For that matter does a rock?

What is it’s own “imperfection”?

Imperfection is a relative concept imagined by humans minds.  

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  On 5/3/2019 at 1:46 AM, Serotoninluv said:

@SQAAD This is what Leo gets at in the first duality video. You are setting up a duality of perfect and imperfect. Yet upon closer inspection one can observe many nuances and interconnections. It’s not a simple binary duality.


Is it Perfect?

Is it Imperfect?

Or is it both?

Or maybe none of the above?


Edited by SQAAD

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  On 5/3/2019 at 1:51 AM, Serotoninluv said:

What is it’s own “imperfection”?

Imperfection is a relative concept imagined by humans minds.  

Maybe Perfect with the capital P is also relative & a concept imagined by human minds.

Maybe things just are & everything else we attach to reality is a projection of the human deluded mind.


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"You are free now" ?

Edited by SFRL

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@SQAAD if you study chaos theory you will realise that that is actually a feature of reality.  But yeah absolutely its just God living out every possibility.  Its the content within that learns from it.  It just goes on forever exploring itself.


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