ButlerMr Gleeson

There's Nothing More (spiritual) Than Being Yourself Buddy's

10 posts in this topic


Y'know, there's something I came across lately really conflicted me with Actualized.org.

Now hey, I am not shunning this site, it's been very beneficial to my language skills or talking, made me understand awareness, consciousness, what it all is and all these useful and cool things. But I am posting this because I realized that I can implement stuff I learned on Actualized.org... sure!! great BUUUT...


...But I realized that...it started making me start to loose track of who I was deep down in my heart to be quite honest...glad I realized this now...like I say it's a good foundationals and learning of awareness but personally I no longer wish to carry on following as now I am aware of the say, (Matrix of society ect ect ect)it taught me on Actualized.org BUT I now stopped and realized can be whole without it, to just be myself because everything is all inter-connected, it's ALL made up of the same thing..this reality

if I meditate, I am still on planet earth, in reality,i'm just inside my mind more (so it's useful for understanding your thoughts and whats worthit in life and whats not ect ect)  

But if you love, prefer of despise parts of yourself over other parts. Like your animal self, lower self ect ect ect. you think like....

"Oh no! my lower self! I am bad I am broken!" D: ...

JUST NO ....it's all YOU, spiritual you, higher you, lower you, animal you, sinner you, mother Teresa you...it's all YOU. they're not separated. so when you see them as separate parts of YOU. This causes disharmony within you.

Trying to conform to something your not.." OOH Im bad, I need to be fixed, I gotta spiritualise this, enlighten that, meditate here, be here, affrimate this, go there, do that, feel this way!"..


Does this stress you guys? take you away from who you truly are? following content and feeling less than?...

because what I realized It made me loose track of my self, it's pretty much a dogma in itself if you think about it... all you gotta do really is work to rewire false past or present psychological belief systems from your mind, clear your life from toxic people and situations, be whole, experience emotions as they are, be yourself, eliminate distractions, be healthy, but dont loose site of yourself..your true self. I dont mean a (spiritual) identity though. 


Leo, if you see this I am not shunning your cool business...I just would like to say this to you fairly. and I am open to your feedback this....don't let others feel lower than or (broken) life has no need to be too complex or (worded) or overly understood, keep the message of being aware of what reality is brief and beautifully profound...hours and hours of content creates confusion and actually a lot of chaos and misery that we arent enough or need to be fixed thoughts occurring in many peoples lives..I can see it becoming worse...

so objectively and fairly what you do is cool, just dont over complicate life, us humans can only learn so much at once right? short and profound is much more insightful than LONG and complex video content.

Reality isnt complex right...it just IS is all you need people out there to know...getting those to realize what a beautiful, precious thing reality is (simply and profoundly) and we should clean out the crap and love it..please dont overly complicate the minds of planet earth...could all counter-act and end disastrous and leave people feeling inadiquit.




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You might enjoy Leo's video The Paradoxes of personal development if you haven't already watched it. I think it'd help clear some of this up for you. Although I admittedly catch myself beating up on my "lower self" for undesirable thoughts or actions even though I've seen it. I think that's OK though tbh. Too much self acceptance can lead to complacency. I'd rather err on the side of being overly self critical and driven to improve than I would complete self acceptance and content with a version of me that's less than what I know I'm capable of. Maybe I'm creating a false dichotomy here though. It's very possible. 

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4 hours ago, ButlerMr Gleeson said:


Y'know, there's something I came across lately really conflicted me with Actualized.org.

Now hey, I am not shunning this site, it's been very beneficial to my language skills or talking, made me understand awareness, consciousness, what it all is and all these useful and cool things. But I am posting this because I realized that I can implement stuff I learned on Actualized.org... sure!! great BUUUT...


...But I realized that...it started making me start to loose track of who I was deep down in my heart to be quite honest...glad I realized this now...like I say it's a good foundationals and learning of awareness but personally I no longer wish to carry on following as now I am aware of the say, (Matrix of society ect ect ect)it taught me on Actualized.org BUT I now stopped and realized can be whole without it, to just be myself because everything is all inter-connected, it's ALL made up of the same thing..this reality

if I meditate, I am still on planet earth, in reality,i'm just inside my mind more (so it's useful for understanding your thoughts and whats worthit in life and whats not ect ect)  

But if you love, prefer of despise parts of yourself over other parts. Like your animal self, lower self ect ect ect. you think like....

"Oh no! my lower self! I am bad I am broken!" D: ...

JUST NO ....it's all YOU, spiritual you, higher you, lower you, animal you, sinner you, mother Teresa you...it's all YOU. they're not separated. so when you see them as separate parts of YOU. This causes disharmony within you.

Trying to conform to something your not.." OOH Im bad, I need to be fixed, I gotta spiritualise this, enlighten that, meditate here, be here, affrimate this, go there, do that, feel this way!"..


Does this stress you guys? take you away from who you truly are? following content and feeling less than?...

because what I realized It made me loose track of my self, it's pretty much a dogma in itself if you think about it... all you gotta do really is work to rewire false past or present psychological belief systems from your mind, clear your life from toxic people and situations, be whole, experience emotions as they are, be yourself, eliminate distractions, be healthy, but dont loose site of yourself..your true self. I dont mean a (spiritual) identity though. 


Leo, if you see this I am not shunning your cool business...I just would like to say this to you fairly. and I am open to your feedback this....don't let others feel lower than or (broken) life has no need to be too complex or (worded) or overly understood, keep the message of being aware of what reality is brief and beautifully profound...hours and hours of content creates confusion and actually a lot of chaos and misery that we arent enough or need to be fixed thoughts occurring in many peoples lives..I can see it becoming worse...

so objectively and fairly what you do is cool, just dont over complicate life, us humans can only learn so much at once right? short and profound is much more insightful than LONG and complex video content.

Reality isnt complex right...it just IS is all you need people out there to know...getting those to realize what a beautiful, precious thing reality is (simply and profoundly) and we should clean out the crap and love it..please dont overly complicate the minds of planet earth...could all counter-act and end disastrous and leave people feeling inadiquit.




what does just being yourself mean to you?

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good questionarino! ;) 

being yourself personal definition:  Think back to when you were a child..how you're personality came out with your buddy's down at the park for an example when you were playing games, building dens or climbing tree's? do you remember those days? just pure who you were before societies social pressures came on board and hypnotized ya to feel that I need this, that, them and all these 'things' to be happy.

I feel there's nothing more beautiful than purifying you're life from all the fluff, distractions and toxicity and then building a beautiful by aligning it with all the things you love about it and getting inspiring, supportive others to go with you if they want (not forcing) and Leo's videos help, I just feel they can be too long and go into too much wordy complexity leading to confusion. I feel they could be better if had more 'ah ha!' realizations straight out.


Ultimately I just need to build myself up by developing some consciousness (in a simplistic way) cause it is simple if you explain it bluntly and profoundly I feel :L 

Enlightenment ect ect i think is like going towards this idealistic yogi type person is just like identifying yourself basically with a label ALL OVER AGAIN quite simply...design a life that is YOU, the things you love, experience a lot of the things you love more (cuddling with your friend on the couch, sex, deep conversation and connection, nice food, excersize with friends and good habits, a place you love to live and nothing in you're life you despise...and knowing that reality is what it is and we are not meant to be happy all the time, sometimes it's our body trying to tell us a message that something is wrong..you're harming yourself.


To be spending time doing this..it'll be fun transforming life to what you love,

Be kind to yourself, purify you're mind from crap and false beliefs and just setting it up in such a way where you can just...

...Be Yourself <3 (:


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4 minutes ago, ButlerMr Gleeson said:

good questionarino! ;) 

being yourself personal definition:  Think back to when you were a child..how you're personality came out with your buddy's down at the park for an example when you were playing games, building dens or climbing tree's? do you remember those days? just pure who you were before societies social pressures came on board and hypnotized ya to feel that I need this, that, them and all these 'things' to be happy.

I feel there's nothing more beautiful than purifying you're life from all the fluff, distractions and toxicity and then building a beautiful by aligning it with all the things you love about it and getting inspiring, supportive others to go with you if they want (not forcing) and Leo's videos help, I just feel they can be too long and go into too much wordy complexity leading to confusion. I feel they could be better if had more 'ah ha!' realizations straight out.


Ultimately I just need to build myself up by developing some consciousness (in a simplistic way) cause it is simple if you explain it bluntly and profoundly I feel :L 

Enlightenment ect ect i think is like going towards this idealistic yogi type person is just like identifying yourself basically with a label ALL OVER AGAIN quite simply...design a life that is YOU, the things you love, experience a lot of the things you love more (cuddling with your friend on the couch, sex, deep conversation and connection, nice food, excersize with friends and good habits, a place you love to live and nothing in you're life you despise...and knowing that reality is what it is and we are not meant to be happy all the time, sometimes it's our body trying to tell us a message that something is wrong..you're harming yourself.


To be spending time doing this..it'll be fun transforming life to what you love,

Be kind to yourself, purify you're mind from crap and false beliefs and just setting it up in such a way where you can just...

...Be Yourself <3 (:


i want to spend some time with your post, later today, but i want to give you something to contemplate for the time being.

Self realization, enlightenment,  isn't about performing acts like a circus animal, its about becoming a different kind of being, that experiences life in a completely different way than a human being functioning as the identity.  It is from this place that life is lived, without a rule book, philosophies, opinions, theories, methods, practices, and what you have learned from others.

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Then I ask myself this you see? "Damn hmmm, okay, if reality it's self is being the opposite of identifications (I personally do not really care about my 'identity')

....is there a point of it in it'self?, like, the universe and reality wont care if you had been noble and lives a higher consciousness life it'self...nor will it give two fucks if ya did not..

Is there any point in this debate? Who's determining who's right and who's wrong with us two right now? it's just perspectives in our minds...i'm not right, you're not right..i'm not wrong, you're not wrong either friend..

I dont want to fight and debate with you now..is life not so magical and beautiful though right? we could drive ourselves mad debating...

Not sure about you friend but I don't like the idea of debate or what could go down on my post, maybe people will hate this post, maybe I love it, does any matter? are any true? reality man! I close my eyes and breath in and out right now! it's awesome what we are here (no identity intended) 

'What' we are. not 'Who' we are.

These are all words, mean nothing, I am nor right or wrong..Love you fellow Human being <3 I am just feeling to be on my knees right now ^_^ I exist! oh man! DAMNNNN wow! I can experience all this stuff, dont know what it is or where im going! but cool!

Imagion us just at peace right now, attactchin not to whose right and who is possible wrong in this 'argument' :L but just accepting we are here...it's pretty sweeto! 

Love this thing is all I say!

one question "isnt dying being proud of you're life you lived just thoughts too? let's experience all we can NOW right! we are in life, dont need to change it! just make it beautiful! Be whole, clean"

Love ya buddy! :D

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2 minutes ago, ButlerMr Gleeson said:

Then I ask myself this you see? "Damn hmmm, okay, if reality it's self is being the opposite of identifications (I personally do not really care about my 'identity')

....is there a point of it in it'self?, like, the universe and reality wont care if you had been noble and lives a higher consciousness life it'self...nor will it give two fucks if ya did not..

Is there any point in this debate? Who's determining who's right and who's wrong with us two right now? it's just perspectives in our minds...i'm not right, you're not right..i'm not wrong, you're not wrong either friend..

I dont want to fight and debate with you now..is life not so magical and beautiful though right? we could drive ourselves mad debating...

Not sure about you friend but I don't like the idea of debate or what could go down on my post, maybe people will hate this post, maybe I love it, does any matter? are any true? reality man! I close my eyes and breath in and out right now! it's awesome what we are here (no identity intended) 

'What' we are. not 'Who' we are.

These are all words, mean nothing, I am nor right or wrong..Love you fellow Human being <3 I am just feeling to be on my knees right now ^_^ I exist! oh man! DAMNNNN wow! I can experience all this stuff, dont know what it is or where im going! but cool!

Imagion us just at peace right now, attactchin not to whose right and who is possible wrong in this 'argument' :L but just accepting we are here...it's pretty sweeto! 

Love this thing is all I say!

one question "isnt dying being proud of you're life you lived just thoughts too? let's experience all we can NOW right! we are in life, dont need to change it! just make it beautiful! Be whole, clean"

Love ya buddy! :D

i never debate, i have nothing to debate, i function as a self realized being, i only offer what i have learned to others who are seeking same.

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cool, that's cool, it's what 'is' right? Wishing you good times with all pal ^_^, fellow human being..i'm sure that you can help lots of beings out there in reality

Edited by ButlerMr Gleeson

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6 minutes ago, ButlerMr Gleeson said:

cool, that's cool, it's what 'is' right? Wishing you good times with all pal ^_^, fellow human being..i'm sure that you can help lots of beings out there in reality

thank you, the self will guide  you concerning dealing with others, it will guide you in a way that doesn't create consequences, and makes for a peaceful, happy, life leading to further liberation.  It is never about right or wrong, its about the self living and functioning as a liberated being of consciousness, life is easy that way, no rule, no practices, no methods, no theories, no journeys, no paths, no levels, no opinions, just living as a being of consciousness from a state of liberation, and good luck to you

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Awww....swell (: thank you Bro...connecting with others and not conflicting...it's so sweet of you to understand friend...you and me are the same thing, all reality huh? ( : ..

further liberation indeed pal, no right or wrong, you hit the nail in the head of my sayings ( : ..i'm so grateful you understand that this inst just 'my' point of view or opinion but how I wanna live with my beautiful & awesome, healthy, expressive and free experiential awareness...

..appears you are totally open mined.. that's beautiful I think ( :

and I hope that you can live you're life the way you want to, no strings or thoughts of things that people tell you about...only if you want..whatever you want! life is your's man! not the 'wordiness' that others can put upon you're unique perspective

peace brother, thank you & yourself on you're path of whatever you want it to be

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